Accerelated orthodontics (スピード矯正 )
Airway (気道)
Aligner (アライナー)
Alveolar bone (歯槽骨)
Ankylosis (アンキローシス)
Apical periodontitis (根尖病巣)
Archform (歯列弓の形態)
Asymmetry (非対称)
Autotransplantation (歯の自家移植)
Botox (ボトックス)
Bruxism (歯ぎしり)
Children, Orthodntics for children (小児矯正)
Deepbite (過蓋咬合)
Emergency (緊急事態)
Extraction (抜歯と非抜歯)
Genetics (遺伝)
Gingival recessions (歯肉退縮)
Gummy smile (ガミー・スマイル)
Herbst appliance (ハーブスト装置)
Impacted teeth (埋伏歯)
Management (マネージメント)
Medication (薬の影響)
Missing tooth (欠損歯)
Molar distalization (大臼歯の遠心移動)
Myofunctional therapy (MFT) (口腔筋機能療法)
Non-extraction treatment (非抜歯治療)
OSAS(obstructive sleep apnea syndrome) (睡眠時無呼吸症候群)
Occlusion (咬合)
Open bite (開咬)
Palatal expansion, MARPE (上顎側方拡大)
Periodontitis (歯周病)
Retention & Relapse (保定と再発)
Risk Management (リスク・マネジメント)
Root resorption (歯根吸収)
Smile (スマイル)
Surgery first (サージェリー・ファースト)
Surgical orthodontics (外科矯正)
TADs (TAD、スクリュー、矯正インプラント)
TMD (顎関節症)
Tooth movement (歯の移動)
Transverse discrepancy (側方の不調和)
Trauma (外傷)
Whitespot (ホワイトスポット)
Wisdom teeth (親知らず、第三大臼歯)
Miscellaneous (その他)
☆以下は イタリア国際矯正学会 (SIDO October 2024) のレクチャー
Vertical Delusions. Vertical control and excellence in facial esthetics (Adith Venugopal, SIDO Oct 2024)
Bishara SE et al.(AJODO 1994)
The soft tissue draping of the upper anterior face increases in length in both sexes, whereas in female subjects the lower anterior face height decreases but pogonion moves posteriorly. Lips become realtively more retrusive, while the nose prominence increases with the tip moving forward and downward.
Peter Milles,et al.
Type of TAD | Success Rate | Effectiveness | Cost & Benefit |
Interradicular MIs | - | - | ++ |
Infrazygomatic & buccal shelf | - | + | ++ |
Retromolar | - | + | - |
Palatal | ++ | ++ | + |
Mini-plates | ++ | ++ | - |
Rozzi M et al.(EJO 2019)
Leveling appeard to be primarily caused by the extrusion of the premolars (3-4 mm) and molar (2 mm) in the high angle group. However, levelling mostly occurrd by premolar extrusion (2.9 mm) in the normal angle gorup, and in low angle participants, buccal movement and intrusion of the mandibular incisors were responsible in levelling the COS.
Seok H et al. (2018)
・Botulinum toxin (BTX), a bacterial toxin, can decrease the strength of specific muscles.
・If the orthodontic appliance therapy rationlale followd, BTX can be a highly effctive treatment choice folowing correction of maloccclusion related disorders.
・Masticatory (masseter) hypofuncction caused by BTX injection is associated with a decrease in muscle volume and weight, as well as a decrease in maximum bite force.
"gummy"? ( 1999)
"a smile is considered unesthetic by both clincians and laypeople when gingival exposure reaches 4 mm"
Age Related?
- The amount of maxillary incisal exposure gradually decreased with age, accompnied by gradual increase in mandibular incisal exposure
☆以下は ヨーロッパ矯正学会 (EOS June 2024) のレクチャー
Do we need to sandblast or just pumice the enamel surface before our lower retainers? A single-operator 2-arm 18-month 88-patient randomized controlled trial. (Estelle Phonchareun. EOS 2024)
- conclusion
・Sandblasting prior to acid etching resulted in a statistically and clinically significant reduction in bonding failure rate of mandibular fixed retainers after 18 months of follow-up.
・3-fold reduction in bonding failure rate of mandibular retainers with prior enamel sandblasting.
(Dr.井上の意見:sandblastingは何秒? etchingは何秒? それを知りたい。私は、bonded lingual retainerを接着するときのetching時間を、braketのbondingのときのetching時間より長くしています)
Orthodontics and periodontrogy: two disciplines, one goal. James Deschner. EOS 2024
・Very good oral hygiene is essential
・move slowly (allow for a longer period of time)
・use light forces to move the teeth
・appliances with segments, individual bends, maximization of anchorage and intramaxillary force vectors are advantageous
・avoid the use of bands
・intermaxillary elastics and intermaxillary appliances are risky
・removable appliances are critical due to tipping tooth movements
・use appliances that allow adequate oral hygiene
・mini screws are advantageous for anchoring
・orthodontic therapy after periodontal therapy and re-evaluation (no periodontal inflammarion, good oral hygiene)
・orthodontic therapy after 4 weeks to 6 months after regenerative therapy
・interruption or discontinuation of orthodontic therapy in the event of poor oral hygiene or periodontal relapse
・if periodontal therapy is required, interrupt active therapy and insert passive arch
・in the case of orthodontically indicated tooth extractions, take into account the periodontal value of the teeth (consider atypical extractions)
・informing patients about the risk of recession and treatment options
・monitoring of the mucogingival situation before, during and after orthodontic therapy
・patient instruction for oral hygiene
・co-treatment of orthodontic patients by the family dentist/periodontist
・do not move teeth out of the bone buccally/labially (consider extractions, interproximal enamel reduction to avoid recession)
・regenerative therapy後の4週から6か月後に矯正治療
・歯周病治療が必要なら、動的治療は中止しpassive archを入れておく
Long-term impact of orthodontic treatment on gingival recession in adults with compromized anterior teeth: a retropspective study. Ghazal Hasanzadah. EOS 2024
・Orthodontic treatment after periodontal treatment affected the occurrence and size of gingival recession in periodontally compromised adult patients.
・However, differences in the recession size between the ortho and non-ortho group were clinically negligible (6%: 0.3-0.6 mm)
・The long term functional and esthetic improvement by orthodontic treatment in periodontal patients outweights the minimal recession increase.
Study on the impact of maxillary and mandibular anterior crowding on periodontal health in middle-aged and older adults. (Junichi Watahiki, EOS 2024)
1. In Adult patients, anterior crowding in the Lower, specifically crowding of over 4mm, may pose a risk for gingival recession.
2. In the maxilla, anterior crowding wasn't a high risk of gingival recession.
3. PD, CAL, and BOP have no significant correlation with crowding. However further research is necessaryu due the small sample size.
Probably Due to Anatomical Difference Maxillary Anterior Phenotype is Signigicantly Thicker than Mandible. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop.2018 Sep;154(3):356-364)
Recently, the risk of adult orthodontic gingival recession has been known. Especially the lower anterior is high risk for gingival recession. This study suggests that over 4mm lower anterior crowding may strongly significantly induce a risk for gingival recession.
Take-Home Message
Orthodontic treatment at a young age may contribute to preventing gingival recession. The 4mm Lower anterior Crowding May Be threshod for orthodontic extraction.
Timing of soft tissue augmentation in orthodontic patients, Before or after treatment? (Dimitris Kloukos, EOS 2024)
・Soft tissue augmentation is a safe procedure with minimal pain and discomfort
・It assisted in considerable reduction of the incidence of recession in the anterior lower teeth in the long-term
・However, as 83% of the patients in the non-thickening group did not develop recesson, a general use of pre-treatment soft tissue augmentation in thin phenotype patients would be over-treatment (?)
Second molar eruption disturbances in borderline-extraction orthodontic cases, comparing extraction vs. non-extraction treatment outcomes. Kelly Mitchell, EOS 2024
・Frequency of 2nd molar eruption issues in non-extraction treatment of borderline crowding: 20% of maxillary arches. 28% of mandibular arches
・Extraction in borderline crowded cases reduces 2nd molar eruption issues 4x to: 5% of maxillary arches. 7% of mandibular arches
・At "finish," most maxillary 2nd molar eruption issues are full impaction. (75%)
・At "finish," most mandibular 2nd molar eruption issues are partial impactions. (80%)
Orthodontics, upper airways and sleep apnea: Linking anatomy, diagnosis and management with 3D technology. (Alexandra Papadopoulou, EOS 2024)
Male: 49%, Female: 30% in 40-65 years old (Arnardottlr 2016, Iceland)
Male: 24%, Female: 9% in 30-60 years old (Young 1993, USA)
Male: 26%, Female 28% in 30-70 years old (Duran 2001, Spain)
Male: 19,7%, Female 7.4% in 30-60 years old (sharma 2006, India)
Risk Management in Orthodontics (Dr,Athanastios E.Athanasiou, EOS 2024)
1. ROOT RESORPTION, Exteral Apical Root Resorption (EARR)
・it is probably an inevitable consequence of tx
・Typically amounts to 1-2mm during tx
・Affects almost all teeth
・Has no cliicalconsequences
Severe Generalized Resorption
・We do not know why it occures, but it is rare
・It happens in the absence of orthodontic tx but also in treated patients
・Perhaps it is related to some type of auto-immune respose
・If it happens to our patients, almot surely it is not the fault of the orthodontist
Severe Localized Resorption
・Loss of more than 1/4 of the root length of some teeth, usually maxillary incisors
・Is observed in 2-3% of orthodotnic patients
・It is related to orthodontic tx
・One identifiable cause is movement of the root apices against the lingual cortical plate
・Hereditary factors (outcome of any orthodontic tx received by parents, siblings, other relatives)
・Systemic factors (diabetes, allergic reactions, other systemic diseases)
・Local factores (nail biting, other oral habits)
・Trauma (earlier trauma, type and follow-up)
*Tooth agenesis is a feature of many genetic syndromes. There is a high risk of EARR during othodontic tx in patients with multiple aplasia (4 or more teeth), in particular in teeth with an abnormal root form and lengthy tx.
During Treatment
・It has been suggested that once tx with fixed appliance has begun, an initial follow-up is recommended at 6-9 months and should include periapical radiographs of all maxillary teeth and mandibular incisors, since these are the teeth most susceptible to root resorption.
However, the amount and directoiin of tooth movement or presence of excessive tooth movility should be considered before requesting a new radograph.
A radiograph examination is mandatory, and the patient and referring dentist should be informed if EARR has occurred.
If it is mild or moderate, no further action is indicated.
If it is severe, there is risk of tooth mobility. In such a case,farther follow-up and instructions to the patient are necessary.
Studies on humans are inconclusive regarding EARR and medication administration.
Increase EARR was noted in patients with allergies. Good practice would suggest that it is important to identify patients with allergy and consider the possible implications.
Clinical and experimental studies have demonstrated that in the absence of plaque,orthodontic forces and tooth movements fail to induce gingivitis. In the presence of plaque, however, similar forces may cause marginal bone loss.
Tipping and intruding movements are capable of shifting a supragingival plaque into a subgingival position, consequetly, a gingival inflammation is converted into a lesion associatd with attachment loss and infrabony pockets.
Tooth Color Changes
The average tooth color becomes darker and shifts into more red and especially yellow color range after orthodontic tx.
Orthodontic debonding and cleaning procedures were found to have statistically significant effects on the CIE color prameters of treated teeth, during the first retention year.
The tooth color changes may be caused by
・Enamel structure alterations resulted from the irreversible penetration of resin tags
・Enamel surface modifications associated with bonding, debonding and cleaning procedures
・Extrinsic and intrinsic discoloration of the remaining adhesive material
Bleaching was associated with an increase of the L value (lightness) and decrease of b and a values (red/green & yellow/blue axes) in both treated and untreated teeth.
Parameters ΔE,L, and b exhibited statistically significant differences between the Bleaching-Untreated and Bleaching Retention subgroups.
Previous exposure to fixed orthodontic appliance infuluenced the efficacy of external tooth bleaching.
The effect of bleaching was higher after orthodontic treatment and with longr period in retention.
- Tooth Wear
After orthodontic tx, almost all examined teeth had decreased in volume. The mean decrease was 1.03 mm cubic per tooth (p<0.001). Tx duration over 30 months was an important factor in the development of occlusal eat (p<0.001). Further studies are needed.
- Debonding Damages
The bracket removing plier produces the most consistent separation at the bracket-adhesive interface.
The force applied must not exceed 13MPa to prevent enamelcracks.
Care must be exercised when debonding attachments from compromised teeth.
Relapse is defined as the return of features of the original malocclusion following orthodontic correction and its extend is highly variable and difficult to predict.
Retention is a method to retain the teeth in their correceted position. It is now accepted that without retention there is a significant risk the teeth will move.
Continuous changes of the dental arches occur until the adult period, with individual variations. This change is a biological migration of the dentition, resulting in anterior crowding especially in the mandible, even in subjects with congenitally missing 3rd molars.
This natural development has to be considered in orthodontic tx planning as well as in assessing post-tx stability.
The FSW canine-to-canine lingual retainer is very effctive in maintaining the alignment of the mandibular anterior region. However, regular checkups are necessary to determine bonding failures, post-treatment changes, and complications as early as possible.
In 3% of the patients, unexpected post-treatment complications (torque differences of the incisors, increased buccal canine inclination) were observed.
Although fixed orthodotnic retainers have been used for yaers in clinical practice, the selection of the best retention still remains a subjective issue.
The efficacy of maxillary protraction using skeletal anchorage - a systematic review and meta-analysisi Dr.Sarah Joda Kathem (EOS 2024)
・The majority of the included articles had moderate level of evidence
・HH-BAMP yielded the greatest increase in SNA angle and Wits
・HH-BAMP and BAMP resulted in proclination of lower incisors compared to BAFM → natural decompensation of lower incisors
・Age, treatment duration, duration of daily protraction and amount of applied force of intermaxillary elastics played a role in the amount of maxillary advancement
・Anterior displacement <1.0mm
・All 5 regions except for philtrum p<0.05
・Alar width +1.59mm p>0.05
・Relapse, p>0.05
・Effects are stable
・Effects 0.3-0.71mm
・Alar width +1.51mm p>0.05
・Inter-premolar width
・Immediate effect: +4.58mm, p<0.01
・Overall effect: +4.64mm, P<0.01
・Hard 6 soft tissue
・Midfacial soft tissue effects of MARPE are minimal
・Patient perception may vary depending on initial shape of nose
・Wide nose: negative perception
・Narrow nose: positive perception
→ Overall, MARPE is safe for the soft tissues
→ Mindful patient selection
→ Adequate patient information
☆以下は 世界矯正インプラント学会 (WIOC October 2023) のレクチャー
Exploring Bone Screw Placement in the Digital Era : Lessons from the past and embracing innovation (Sunanda Roychoudhury, WIOC 2023)150810744
Classification of TADs in Orthodontics
・Interradicular Basal Bone
・Extra-radicular Basal Bone
・Infrazygomatic Crest
・Crestal Buccal
・Midcrest Lingual
・Palatal inter radicular
・Palatal extra radicular
- Gill G et al. J Oral Bil Oranilfoc Res 2023
・Falilure rate 28.1 to 6.3% for IZC placed in the infrazygomatic crest region
・Attributable reasons
・ high mandibular plane angle,
・ poor oral hygiene,
・ immediatley loaded implant,
・ peri-implantitis
Take Home Message
・ The integration of CAD/CAM surgical guides into the digital workflow has emerged as a valuable tool
・ It achieves skeletal anchorage device placement
・ Enhanced primary stability, increased treatment succes rates, and protection of adjacent anatomical structures
・ Digital workflow is imperative for successful outcomes.
Accerelated orthodontics (スピード矯正 )
Should We Use External Aids to Accelerate Orthodontic Tooth Movement? (M.Ali Darendeliter,AAO 2022)
vibration, soft laser, photobiomodulation, piezocision, micro-osteoperforations は、臨床的に役に立たない。micro-osteoperforationsでは、12週間で16%速く犬歯が動いた(統計学的に有為の差)(Alikhani et al.AJODO 2013) - すなわち、一か月に0.15ミリ速く犬歯が動いた。こんなに僅かな歯の移動のスピードアップでは、臨床的に役に立たない。
Why does the Treatment take longer?
・Wrong Diagnosis
・Wrong Mechanics
・Wrong Bracket Placement
・Long Intervals betwee Adjustment apointment
・Patient Cooperation
More is Better: A Revisonist Story of Accelerated Tooth Movemewt(Peter Buchang, AAO,2022)
systematic review (Dimitrios Mavreas et al.European J Orthodontis,2008)によれば、Class I症例よりもlass II症例、可撤式装置よりも固定式装置、子供よりも大人、非抜歯症例よりも抜歯症例のほうが治療期間が長い。
コルティコトミーをすると2.1倍、ピエゾシジョンをすると1.6倍の速度で歯が移動した。(Abbas et al 2016)
micro-osteoperforationでは、歯の移動速度は変化しなかった。(Amal Alkebai et al AJODO 2018)
骨修復の3段階:@inflammatory phaseは1-2週間、reparative phaseは1-4か月、remodeling phaseは数か月から数年。
歯の移動速度に影響する因子 (Sarandeep Huja. IOC,2020)
・corticotomy群では1.89mm/month、control群では.075mm/monthであった。(Aboul.Ela SM et al.)
・micro-perforation群では1.1mm/month、control群では0.5mm/monthであった。(Alikhani M et al.)
・By the third and fourth months experimental and control speeds were similar; i.e. 0.89 and 0.85 mm/month, respectively.
スピード矯正のbiomechanics (Carialberta Verna. IOC,2020)
- Regional acceleratory phenomena (RAP) and associated tissues remodeling
- Demineralization/remineralization process
- Decrease in tissue resistance (bone and soft tissue)
振動や光や外科処置(Corticotomyを除く)は、歯の移動速度に影響するか? (All Darendellfer. IOC,2020)
歯根周囲の骨吸収の最大スピードは 3mm/month (Eugene Roberts et al.,1981)
歯根吸収 micro-CT | 歯の移動速度 | 歯根損傷 | その他 | |
Acceledent-30Hz | 有意差なし | 有意差なし | ||
Hummingbird-50Hz | 1/3の減少 | 15%速かった | 15%は臨床的に意味がある? | |
Soft Laser | 24%の減少 | 有意差なし | ||
Photobiomodulation | 有意差なし | 有意差なし | ||
Micro-OsteoPerforation | 42%多い | 16%速かった | 16%は臨床的に意味がある? | |
Pezocision | 44%多い | 有意差なし | 14症例中5症例に歯根損傷 | |
Corticotomy | 外科的侵襲が大きすぎる? |
- Wrong Diagnosis
- Wrong Mechanics
- Wrong Bracket Placement
- Long Intervals between Adjustment apointment
- Patient Cooperation
- breakages
スピード矯正 (P.H.Busschang, AAO, 2019)
- スピード矯正 (P.H.Busschang, AAO, 2019
corticotomy: 動物実験では、コルチコトミー側の歯の移動速度はコントロール側の約2倍で、歯の移動速度のピークは、コルチコトミー側では21日目、コントロール側では27日目であった。42日後にはコルチコトミー側とコントロール側で歯の移動速度に差はなかった。(Payam et al., EJO, 2010)
a full-thickness mucoperiosteal flap: 動物実験で、center of resistanceの移動を計測すると歯の移動速度は31%速かった。 (Kelly M. et al., AJODO, 2017)
RAP: 動物実験では、抜歯側では1.7mm移動し、抜歯+フラップ側では2.9mm移動した。つまり、損傷の量が多いほど歯の移動速度は速い。 (Cohen et al.,2010) (Dr.井上の意見:意訳しすぎ?)
MOP: 動物実験では、歯の移動速度に差はなかった。組織学的に、皮質骨には変化はあったが、歯根の周りにはあまり変化はなかった。(Swapp et al.,AJODO,2015)(Dr.井上の意見:組織学的に皮質骨に変化があったということは、狭窄している歯槽骨のある症例では歯の移動が容易になる可能性があるのだろうか?)
MOP: 動物実験で、最初の3週間において歯の移動速度は速くなったが有意差はなかった。 (Cramer et al.,AJODO, in press)
MOP: 動物実験で、MOPからat least 4mmの範囲でdemineralizationがおこるが、その効果は短期間であった。(Gemert et al.., AJODO, in press)(出典が違う?)
バイブレーションの効果 (Dunil Wadhwa, AAO, 2019)
- ・今までの研究結果からバイブレーションは、骨密度、歯の移動速度、治療期間、来院回数、治療後の咬合、疼痛、口腔内の健康、アライナーの装着期間、歯根吸収、アラインメントにおいて、ヒトに影響しない。
- 骨損傷の効果 (Dunil Wadhwa, AAO, 2019)
- ・コルチコトミーは、たぶんearly OTM (orthdontic tooth movement)のスピードを増
・Non-invasive bone procedures も歯の移動速度を増加させるだろう。
バイブレーションの効果 (Flavio Uribe, AAO, 2019)
- ・バイブレーションは骨においてcatabolicというよりanabolicだ。
- 違いを生む臨床的偏見(peter Buschang, AAO 2017)(Dr.井上の意見:いろいろな論文を引用して結論を導き出している)
- 結論として、MOPは臨床的に効果があるが、限られた期間において小さな効果がある。
- Aevo System (Eiji Tanaka, AAO 2017)
- 予備研究(preliminary study)
- −Aveo Systemは統計学的な有意差(p=0.016)をもって歯の移動速度を増加させ、コントロール群と比較して歯の移動速度が平均29.0%速くなった。
−コントロール群と比較してAevo Systemによって有害事象や痛みは増加しなかった(p<0.001)。
- スピード矯正のまとめ (Dawell Liu, AAO 2017)
- 1. 機械的な矯正力が歯を移動させる。その他のファクターは塩や胡椒にすぎない。
2. 外科的な方法は大なり小なり効果はあるが、侵襲性のある手術が必要なので日常の臨床の中に取り入れるのは困難だ。
3. 侵襲性のない方法は受け入れやすいが、確固たる科学的なエビデンスがない。
4. 生物学的な個人差が大きいので、真実がわかりにくい。
- アクセエルデント使用によって患者の治療期間が短縮したかどうかの文献
効果ありの文献: Kau et al. Ortho Prac US 2010. Bowman, JCO, 2014. Pavlin et al. Seminars in Orthod 2015
効果なしの文献: Woodhouse et al. JDR 2015. Miles et al. AJODO 2016.
- 振動が歯の移動速度を速くするかどうかの動物実験の文献
- 効果ありの文献: Derendelilar et al. Austrialn J. Orthod 2007. Nishimura et al. AJODO 2008.
効果なしの文献: Kalajzic et al. Angle Orthodo 2014. Yadv et al. AJODO 2015
- スピード矯正 (Dawei Liu, AAO 2017)
手術 | 薬物注入 | レーザー | PEMF(パルス電磁場) | 振動 | |
ヒトに対する効果 | 治療期間33%-50%短縮 | 動物実験では歯の移動速度は42%-73%増加 | 治療期間は50%-67%減少 | 歯の移動速度は42%増加 | 治療期間は約38%-50%減少 |
生物学的メカニズム | 炎症メディエイターと治癒反応により骨代謝が活性化される | 骨吸収ファクターの注入で骨代謝が活性化される | 不明。仮説としては、フリー電子が活性化される | 不明。PEMF刺激が破骨細胞を増殖し分化させる | RANKLEを活性化させ破骨細胞を増殖させる |
利点 | ・治療期間の大きな減少 ・外科矯正が必要な患者に有益 | None | ・非侵襲性 ・歯の移動速度の増加が証明されている | 効果的 | 非侵襲性 |
欠点 | ・侵襲性 ・術中と術後の不快感 | ・エビデンスがない ・ヒトで研究できない | 副作用が不明 | ・バイオ・セイフティの心配 ・副作用が不明 | 患者の協力が必要 |
(Dr井上の意見: 僭越ながら、この表の根拠となるエビデンスが少ないような気がします。“仮説として”の言葉を理解する必要があるような...)
歯の移動速度(Sarandeep S, AAO 2017)
- ・成長期の患者の歯の移動速度は、成人の患者比べ1.5倍のスピードだった。
・コルチコトミーをすると歯は月に1.8mm移動し、コントロール群では月に0.75mm移動した。(Aboul-Ela SM et al.)
・micro-perforationをすると歯は月に1.1mm移動し、コントロール群は0.5mm移動した。(Alikhani M et al.)
・26-52 kPaの矯正力を3ヶ月間加えると、成長期の患者では歯は月に2.13mmぐらい移動し、成人の患者では月に1.20mmぐらい移動した。
・最適な矯正力は26-52 kPaであった。
- alveolar corticotomy は、治療期間の短縮のためにおこなうのではなく、アンカレッジを最小にするためにおこなうのである。alveolar corticonomyは治療期間短縮の予測ができない。alveolar corticotomy で治療期間が短縮されれば、それはボーナスである。一方、TAD は、アンカレッジを最大にするためにおこなうのである。
alveolar corticotomy の適応症はimpacted teeth,
transpositions, molar distalization, molar mesialization molar intrusion, complex spce closures,
labial expansion, (Raffaele Spena, MOIP2016>)
東京医科歯科大学の小野卓史教授は、こんな話をしてくれた。最近、「スピード矯正」を謳い短期間で治療できると広告を出す歯科医もいるが、これには明確な根拠がないと小野教授は指摘する。(元記事に外部リンク 2017)
(Dr.井上の意見: Wilcodonticsのような外科的な方法によって歯の移動が速くなることは確からしい。しかし、“歯の移動が速くなる”ことと“治療期間が短くなる”ことは別でしょう。cookbook orthodontics ではなく、スピード矯正用のプロトコールがあるのだろう。そして、スピード矯正として発表された症例の中にはundertreatedな症例が多いとの意見もありますが、どんな治療の発表症例でも幾つかはundertreatedであるような気もする。
Airway (気道)
Maxillary Palatal Expansion for Airway: Myth vs Fact (Dr.Audrey Yoon AAO 2023)
Does Head and Neck Posture Affect Cone-Beam Computed Tomography Assessment of the Upper Airway (Coppelson et al.J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2023)
- (Dr.井上の解説:CBCT撮影時のヘッドポジション)
Protocol for CBCT scans
・Natural head position
・Horizontal visual axis
・Close mouth, breathe through nose, place teeth together
・Swallow once, the rest your tongue where it naturally goes
・Avoid bite-registration and avoid reaching for chin rest
1.Slow to Semi-Rapid Maxillary Expansion in preschool children can be safe and effective
2.RME may improve Eustachian tube function in recurrent otitis with effusion
3.RME improves AHI and oxygen sturation
4.More clinical trials are necessary for accuracy of phenotyping, targeted treatment
5.More research of growth modification on airway would promote orthodontic profession
6.It is important to work with providers for mutidisciplinary collaborative care
Aligner (アライナー)
- EJO Open Session: The EJO aligner battle - evidene, clinical considerations and individual perspectives EOS 2023 20230614_074903450
- What is most predictably treated with aligners
↑ easier cases
1. Cl.I with minimal vertical- and horizontal overjet, minor crowding in the lower front, mild/moderate crowding or spacing with small rotations
2. Pseudo cl.III with minor to moderate crowding
3. Mild to moderate anterior open bite (with correct mechanics!) with mild to moderate crowding and overjet
4. End-on cl.II/III with mild/moderate crowding
5. Lower incisor extraction with mild/moderate crowding
6. Orthognatic cases (simple with no maxillary splits)
7. Full cl.II/III with minor/moderate horizontal/vertical deviation and minor crowding
8. Premolar extraction cases due to protrusion
9. Cl.I or cl.II div.2 deep bite with minimal crowding or spacing
↓ more difficult cases
Keeping Things Straight - How Alignrs have changed our Practice of Orthodontics (Dr Kau Chung How, AOSC Feb.2023) (Dr井上の意見:"アライナー矯正は劣っている"ではなく、適用症例の選択が大切なのでしょう)
治療の有効性 evaluation of ABO-OGS score (Djeu G et al.AJODO 2005, Papageorgiou SN et al.EJO 2020)
60% アライナー矯正
85% 表側ワイヤー矯正
90% 裏側ワイヤー矯正
アライナー矯正の現実 (Nuel D et al.AJODO 2022)
・アライナー矯正の途中で、1:6 の割合でアライナー矯正をワイヤー矯正に変更
・アライナー矯正の平均的な治療期間は22か月 - 最初の説明よりも5か月長い
Predictability of orthodontic tooth movement with aligners: effect of treatment design (Castroflorio et al. Progress in Orthodontics 2022)
・The lack of correction was significant for all movements and in all group of teeth except for the rotation of U6.
・Optimized attachment for maxillary canine and lower premolar rotation do not work properly.
・Second molar movements are mostly unexpressed.
・Changing the aligner every 14 days reduces the lack of correction with respect to 7 or 10 days aligner change.
- 1.歯の位置 ー かみ合わせを良くする
- 2.顔面の形態 − 顔面骨格のバランス
- 3.軟組織 ー 審美的な調和
- 4.機能的なマトリックスの標準化(Neutralize functional matrix: @Posture, ABreathing, BSwallowing, CMuscle Balance, DHabits)
- 5.予後の安定
Seccess and pitfalls in clear aligner therapy, using the clear correct system (Dr.Hironobu Fumino,AOSC 2023)
- いつも次のようなことをしている。肘をついて顎を支えている、睡眠中の姿勢、指しゃぶり、低位舌、良くない嚥下動作、食いしばり、上下の歯がいつも接触している、唇をしゃぶる、右側or左側の歯だけで食べている。
マウスピース矯正では、計画した歯の移動量の約60%ぐらいが実際の治療で移動する (Justin R,Chisari JODO 2014)
Clear Aligners for Phase I: A Treatment Choice for Your Practice (Dr. Adriana Da Silveira, AAO 2022)
Objectives of phase 1 with clear aligners
・ Correction of mild to moderate crossbites and narrow arches
・ Open space for erupting permanent teeth
・ Laying the foundation for a final and stable occlusion with a wide smile
・ Correction of mild skeletal tendencies (Cl II and III) with elastics or MA
When should you use clear aligners for phase 1?
・ When do I not offer it as an option?
・ Patient dependent - kids that lose glasses, phones and are not rule followers are not good candidates
・ Kids with sensory issues and are in the spectrum are great candidates as an alternative to fixed appliances
・ Kids with missing many teeth are usually not good candidates
・ Kids in late mixed dentition when many primary teeth get loose all at the same time are not good candidates
・ Best ages: 8 to 10 years old
A comparison of treatment effectiveness between clear aligner and fixed appliance therapies (Ke Y et al. BMC Oral Health 2019)
- "Fixed appliances"
- ・Able to make precise wire adjustments within 0.5mm to intrude or extrude teeth, as necessary.
- ・Placed a force coronal and buccal to the center of resistance of teeth, resulting in tipping and proclination during alignment.
- ・Treatment time for the braces group is significantly longer than that for the nvisalign group.
- ・More effective in creating adequate occlusal contacts and controlling posterior buccolingual inclination.
- "Clear aligners"
- ・Effective in controlling anterior intrusion.
- ・Preferable alternative to fixed appliances for the treatment of anterior open bites because the double thickness of the aligners, in combination with the patient's biting force, intrudes the posterior teeth and thus aids in bite closure.
- ・Extrusion and rotation are the most difficult movements.
- ・Highest predictability movement: upper molar distalization.
- ・Good control of keeping teeth inclination during alignment in nonextraction cases.
- ・Align teeth individually with one aligner moving one to several teeth, minimizing tooth proinclination (ideal for patients with thin gingival biotype).
- ・High cost.
- ・Less root resorption
- ・Treatment time was shorter in mild-to-moderate case.
- ・More relapse than fixed appliances.
Trim height of the aligner (Brent Bankhead,AOSC 2021)
Extended 2mm trim height
・Expansion, leveling and torque control
・Reduce # of attachment
0mm trim height
・Balance of flexibility and stiffness
・My personal default setting
・Allows for similar experience to Invisalign
・Isolated extrusion and severe rotation
・Requires more attachments to increase stiffness
- インビザラインの問題解決。Sandra Tai, APOC 2018
- 1.アライナーが歯に適合しない。
- ・歯の挺出がクリンチェックに組み込まれている場合には、初期には歯とアライナーの間にスペースができるかもしれない。チューイを使用してアライナーがアタッチメントに適合するようにする。歯の捻転がうまく改善されていない場合には、アライナーとアッタッチメントが適合しなくなっているので、好ましくない歯の動きを避けるためにアッタチメントを除去すべきだ。
・歯の移動とアライナーにタイムラグがあるためにアライナーが適合しないのであれば、以前に使用していたアライナーに戻す("dropping back")。最も適合するアライナーに戻してから、そのアライナーから再び順番にアライナーを使用する。歯の移動とアライナーのタイムラグがなくなるまでしっかりチェックする。
- 2.上顎側切歯の好ましくない圧下
- ・圧下の原因はスペース不足であり、中切歯と犬歯の間に十分なスペースがあれば圧下しないだろう。
・Software design: ソフトウェア・デザインの段階であれば、上顎側切歯を動かす前に、捻転した又は舌側転位した上顎側切歯の近心と遠心に隣接歯と密な接触がないようするように技工士に指示せよ。
・Clinical Execution: 上顎側切歯の移動スペースを確保するために上顎側切歯の近心と遠心の隣接歯と接する部分を軽くサンドペーパーする。たとえ、IPRがクリンチェックになくても。
・Troubleshooting: 圧下してしまった上顎側切歯を挺出させるために、上顎側切歯の頬側と舌側にクリアボタンを接着しエラスティックスを使用する。
- 3.重度の捻転歯の解決
- ・30°以上の捻転歯は、アライナーの使用前に捻転を修正しておく。たとえば、クリアボタンとパワーチェインを使用して捻転を除去しておく。歯の2点にクリアボタンを接着すれば、回転の中心が歯の中心と一致する。
- 4.歯根の傾斜の解決
- ・6.0mm以上の歯根の移動はクリアアライナーにとって高度な歯の移動だ。
- 5.頬側転位した犬歯の解決
・右側はClass IIの大臼歯関係にし、左側はClass Iの大臼歯関係にする。
- 6.後方歯群のオープンバイトの解決
- 後方歯群のオープンバイトの原因:
- @アライナーの厚み
- ・咬合面のアライナーの材料の厚みによる後方歯の一時的な圧下(オープンバイト症例を除く)
- 原因
・interincisal angleが小さい:クリンチェックのセットアップにおいて十分な切歯トルクをいれる、特に抜歯症例では。必要ならpower ridgesを組み込む
・切歯の圧下が十分ではない:歯の圧下にG5 featuresを使用する。ディープバイト症例でのオーバーコレクトの圧下は0mmのオーバーバイト。第一小臼歯のoptimized deep bite attachment やhorizontal rectangular attachmentによって、圧下のアンカレッジを確実にする。
- インビサラインの説明事項(Vicki Vlaskalic, ASLO 2017)
・新しいアライナーを装着した後、Chewie (squeese)を5-10分間使用
- 治療後期の臼歯部オープンバイトの対処法。Mazyar Moshiri, AAO2017.
- 1. Is the mandible in a more distal condyle/fossa relationship?
a. Class III elastics
b. Selective anterior occlusal adjustment
c, Refinement if torque/intrusion issue
2. Is the bite open due to overexpansion (intrusion of buccal cusps) or lack of predicted posterior movements?
a. Finishing aligners
b. Posterior occlusal adjustment
c. Sectional braces
- クリアバイト・アライナー(商品名)の適応症 (Clearbite alignersに外部リンク, WIOC2016)
- イージー・ケース
- 中等度の難易度のケース
- 少し難しいケース
- かなり難しいケース
- アソアライナー(商品名)の適応症(Asoalignerに外部リンク, JAO2016)
- 適応症
- 非適応症
・骨格性のOpen Biteの改善
- systemic review (G. Rossini et al., Angle Ortrhod. 2015;85:881-889.):
- ・Most of the studies presented with methodological problems: small sample size, bias and confounding variables, lack of method error analysis, blinding in measurements, and deficient or missing statistical methods. The quality level of the studies was not sufficient to draw any evidence-based conclusions.
- ・CAT is an effective procedure that is able to align and level the arches in non-growing subjects.
- ・The anterior intrusion movement achievable with CAT is comparable to that reported for the straight wire technique.
- ・CAT is not effective in controlling anterior extrusion movement. Contrasting results have been reported in relation to the posterior vertical control, and definite conclusion cannot be drawn.
- ・CAT is not effective in controlling rotaions, especially of rounded teeth.
- ・CAT is effective in controlling upper molar bodiily movement when a destalization of 1.5 mm has been prescribed.
- ・CAT is not based on aligners alone. It requires the use of auxiliaries (attachments, intorarch elastics, IPR, altered alaigner geomotties) to improve the predictability of orthodontc movement.“アライナー矯正は、アライナーだけではうまくいかない。歯の移動の予知性を高めるために、アタッチメント、顎間ゴム、IPR、altered aligner geometrics などの使用が必須である。”
- Jump ー クリンチェックの最後のステージで大きく歯列が“ジャンプ”する現象 (Yau Yi Kwong, JAO2016)
- @surgical jump Avertical jump Bfunctional shift jump Celastic jump がある。
- The mysterious "jump" in Aligner orthodontics.(Yau Yi Kwong, JAO2016)
- 1. Never accept a ClinCheck with a jump for no reason.
2. A jump can be related to surgery, growth, correction of functinal shift, elimination of interference, etc..(br />3. Lower molar distalisation is a conservative way to gain space in adolescent patient.
4. Lower third molar should be removed to ensure effective destalisation, But limited amount of distalisation can still be achieved if the third molar cannot be removed.
5. Early use of elastic jump on Class III patient may help them to improve their quality of life.
6. As the amount of the jump cannot be prediccted precisely, a back up plan should be prepared and consented to patient.
- アライナー矯正のサポート・サービス (オルソ・コムに外部リンク) (JAO2016)
- ・アライナー交換日には自動で交換をお知らせするメールが届きます。
- インビザラインの問題解決。Sandra Tai, APOC 2018
- 1.アライナーが歯に適合しない。
- ・歯の挺出がクリンチェックに組み込まれている場合には、初期には歯とアライナーの間にスペースができるかもしれない。チューイを使用してアライナーがアタッチメントに適合するようにする。歯の捻転がうまく改善されていない場合には、アライナーとアッタッチメントが適合しなくなっているので、好ましくない歯の動きを避けるためにアッタチメントを除去すべきだ。
・歯の移動とアライナーにタイムラグがあるためにアライナーが適合しないのであれば、以前に使用していたアライナーに戻す("dropping back")。最も適合するアライナーに戻してから、そのアライナーから再び順番にアライナーを使用する。歯の移動とアライナーのタイムラグがなくなるまでしっかりチェックする。
- 2.上顎側切歯の好ましくない圧下
- ・圧下の原因はスペース不足であり、中切歯と犬歯の間に十分なスペースがあれば圧下しないだろう。
・Software design: ソフトウェア・デザインの段階であれば、上顎側切歯を動かす前に、捻転した又は舌側転位した上顎側切歯の近心と遠心に隣接歯と密な接触がないようするように技工士に指示せよ。
・Clinical Execution: 上顎側切歯の移動スペースを確保するために上顎側切歯の近心と遠心の隣接歯と接する部分を軽くサンドペーパーする。たとえ、IPRがクリンチェックになくても。
・Troubleshooting: 圧下してしまった上顎側切歯を挺出させるために、上顎側切歯の頬側と舌側にクリアボタンを接着しエラスティックスを使用する。
- 3.重度の捻転歯の解決
- ・30°以上の捻転歯は、アライナーの使用前に捻転を修正しておく。たとえば、クリアボタンとパワーチェインを使用して捻転を除去しておく。歯の2点にクリアボタンを接着すれば、回転の中心が歯の中心と一致する。
- 4.歯根の傾斜の解決
- ・6.0mm以上の歯根の移動はクリアアライナーにとって高度な歯の移動だ。
- 5.頬側転位した犬歯の解決
・右側はClass IIの大臼歯関係にし、左側はClass Iの大臼歯関係にする。
- 6.後方歯群のオープンバイトの解決
- 後方歯群のオープンバイトの原因:
- @アライナーの厚み
- ・咬合面のアライナーの材料の厚みによる後方歯の一時的な圧下(オープンバイト症例を除く)
・interincisal angleが小さい:クリンチェックのセットアップにおいて十分な切歯トルクをいれる、特に抜歯症例では。必要ならpower ridgesを組み込む
・切歯の圧下が十分ではない:歯の圧下にG5 featuresを使用する。ディープバイト症例でのオーバーコレクトの圧下は0mmのオーバーバイト。第一小臼歯のoptimized deep bite attachment やhorizontal rectangular attachmentによって、圧下のアンカレッジを確実にする。
Alveolar bone(歯槽骨)
Incidence rate and clinical risk factors related to differential alveolar bone modeling following orthodontic treatment (Won Lee et al. AAO 2021) (Dr井上の意見:矯正治療によって生じる歯槽骨の骨隆起の発表です)
- Determination of labial protuberance (LP)
- ・LP (diameter > 1mm)
- ・Present at intraoral photograph and dental cast
- ・Agreement of two examiner
- Results: Incidence
- ・Male 5.0% vs Female 2.4%, p=0.039
10-19: 2/434 patients
20-29: 19/292 patients
30-39: 5/79 patients
40-49: 2/27 patients
>50s: 0/12 patients - ・Non-extraction 0.6% vs Extraction 6.6%, p <0.0001
- Conclusion
- ・The overall incidence rate of differential alveolar bone modeling following orthodontic treatment is 3.21%.
- ・Differential alveolar bone modeling is noted especially at lateral incisal area.
- ・Differential alveolar bone modeling occures more frequently in male adults as age increases, and treaed with extraction.
- bone borne expander のほうが tooth borne expander よりもbone lossが少なかった。(? 2015)
- High angle cases have a risk of violating the alveolar borders (Hoang et al. Prog Orthod. July 2016; 17: 22)
- dehiscence (裂開)と fenestration (開窓)の発現率。
17-87歳の146人のアメリカ人のskullを調べた。(Rupprecht et al. J. Periodontology, 2001)(Dr.井上の意見:たぶん untreated people)
・skull の40.4%に裂開があった。
・skull の61.6%に開窓があった。
- 上顎前歯の抜歯後におこる歯槽骨稜幅の減少: 最初の6ヵ月で23%減少、次の5年間で11%減少。(Carlson G. Acta Odont Scand 1967;16:84-95)
萎縮性歯槽骨における歯の移動(Adilson Luiz Ramos,IOC,2020)
- How much bone can we expect to be formed in such movement? → vertically=about 3mm, transversely=about 3.5mm
- How much root resorption (apical and lateral) can we expect? → lateral (1 to 2mm)=in about 50% of the teeth, apically=traditional Tx (0.5 to 1mm)
- How much bone loss ( and dehiscences) may occur during such movement? → around 0.5 to 1 mm (mesial, distal, lingual), attention to the buccal plates (median 2.2mm)
- Is ther a correlation between root resorption to the bone atrophy level? → Moderate correlation between transverse atrophy to the lateral root resorption
- How stable is this new bone with time? → Up to 5 years with reasonable stability
Ankylosis (アンキローシス)
Navigating into the Dental Ankylosis World (Jose A.Bosio,AAO 2022) 骨性癒着歯の治療方法
Decoronation / Coronectomy
1. Maintain the bone volume in the region, both vertically and horizontally.
2. Preserve the vuccal part of the root, if possible, even if thin; this leaves gingival tissue looking quite normal for long term.
3. Contraindications when microbial contamination: a) chronic periapical lesions; b) fistulas; c) old unconsolidated root fractures; and d) active advanced preiodontal disease.
・Kokich Je. et al.,Sem Orthod 2005 - primary molar ankylosis is a relatively uncommon, and often diagnosed during the mixed dentition.
・Tieu et al.,JADA 2013 - It is relatively common (8-14% - age 6-11yrs) to find an infraerupted primary molar that has stopped erupting vertically, resulting in marginal ridge discrepancies.
・Kennedy DB Eur Arch Paediat Dent 2009 - reported on frequency being between 1.3% to 38.5% varying with age.
・Kurol J,Epidemiol 1981 - Primary mandibular molars are affected 10 times more than maxullary ones.
・The best method of detecting ankyosis is evaluation on interproxi・mal bone levels on a bitewing radiograph. (DR.井上の意見:たぶん、乳臼歯の話でしょう)
・As the face grows and the mandibular ramus lengthens, teeth must erupt to remain in occlusion. And ankylosis tooth cannnot erupt and continue to submerge farther below the level of the occlusal plane. (Kokich,Sem.Orthod 2005)
1) delayed exfoliation (if ever)
2) impaction or delyed eruption of the permanent successor:
3) tipping of adjacent teeth;
4) or localized or generalized loss of arch length
Most ankyosed teeth , if not remved, will promote impaction and/or displacemet of permanent teeth,(DR.井上の意見:たぶん、乳臼歯の話でしょう)
Kennedy DB,Eur Arch Paediat Dent 2009 - Suggested to "building up the primary tooth with composite or place a metal crown to prevent tipping of adjacent teeth and to prevent opposing arch supra-eruption." He does contra-indecate when growth remains. Bpsop,AAO 2022 - propose not to teach this method anymore, since alveolar growth contoinues throughout life, and eventually it will compromise the occlusion.(DR.井上の意見:たぶん、乳臼歯の話でしょう)
Conclusion for 95%+ of dental ankylosis cases? Extraction for ankyosed teeth is, almost every thime, the best option.
Central Incisor Ankylosis in Children & Adolescents: Extraction, Distraction or Autotransplantation? (Ivo Marek, AAO 2022) 小児のの上顎中切歯の骨性癒着:抜歯、distraction、歯の移植?
- 治療方法 (Dr.井上の意見:患者さまにわかりやすいように意訳してます)
・save tooth 何もしないで癒着歯を保存
・save tooth after reposition 癒着歯を脱臼させて歯を矯正治療で移動
・decoronation 癒着歯の歯根は残して歯冠だけを切除
・space closure 癒着歯を抜歯して抜歯スペースを矯正治療で閉鎖
・autotransplantation 癒着歯を抜歯して、抜歯した部位に小臼歯を移植
・distraction osteogenesis (distractor: 0.5-1.0 mm/day/8 - 12 days) 骨に切り目を入れて骨と歯を10日ぐらいかけて少しづつ移動
- アンキローシスの埋伏歯の処置 (Steven D. Harrison AAO 2017)
- ・アンキローシスの埋伏歯を抜歯して補綴処置をする。
・Partial avulsion: 埋伏歯をソケットから外に出さないようにしながら、埋伏歯を最終的な位置に外科的に移動させ、その位置で歯を固定する。
・Apicotomy: 上顎埋伏犬歯の根尖を3-5mmのところで切断する(sever)が、除去しない。手術後に矯正力で牽引する。
- Apicotomy: Surgical managema
ent of maxillary dolacerate or ankylosed canines. Eustaquino A. Araujo et al. AJODO
- Apicotomy: a root apical fracture for surgical treatment of impacted upper canines. Puricelli E. Head Face Med. 2007;3:33
Apical periodontisitis (根尖病巣)
- 根尖病巣(Apical periodontitis)
- general population の30-50%に根尖病巣があった。(Kirkevang LL et al. 2004)
サウジアラビアでは、根管治療された歯の64%に根尖病巣があった。(Al-Nazhan et al. 2017)
- 1.矯正治療によって根尖病巣の大きさに変化はなかった(Mah et al.(1996)
2.矯正治療によって根尖病巣の治癒が遅れる可能性がある。(De souza et al.(2006)
- 矯正治療の前後で根尖病巣を比較した。72名の患者(男性23名、女性49名)の128個の根尖病巣について調べた。Periapival index (PAI, Orstavic et al. 1986)を使用。(Alqerban A et al. EOS, 2018)
- 結論1.矯正治療は根尖病巣に影響を与えなかった。
Archform (歯列弓の形態)
- Reviw: 下顎歯列弓の形態 David S. Briss, AAO, 2017
- 1.Arch Shape:
@There are several different arch shapes, depending on where you look:
AAll of which are close to a 4th order polynomial curve
2.The Coronal / CEJ and Apical / Sub-Apical arch shapes are poorly correlated with each other
3.From a planning perspective:
@Knowing the starting arch shape at various levels:
i. Should allow more accurate a@@liance design which will move the teeth but keep the roots within the alveolar and basal bone
ii. May require rethinking leveling varioous naturally occurring curvatures in the dentition
Asymmetry (非対称)
- 矯正患者における非対称の発現率Rose D. et al Seminars in Orthodontics, Vol 4, No3, 1998: pp 138-145.
- 1. Mandibular midline deviation from the facial midline (62%)
2. Lack of midline coincidence (46%)
3. Maxillary midline deviation from the facial midline (47% of mixed dentition cases, 33% of permanent dentition cases)
4. Asymmetric molars in the AP plane (22%)
5. Maxillary and mandibular occlusal asymmetry (20% and 18% of cases,respectively)
6. Facial asymmetry (6%), chin deviation (4%), and nose deviation (3%)
Autotransplantation (歯の自家移植)
Dental Autotransplantation: A changing Perspective on Treatment of Children with Missing Teeth (Dr.J.R.Christensen,AAO 2023)
Current options for replacing a missing tooth
2.Non-implant prosthesis
3.Orthodontic space closure
Endodontic treatment of the donor tooth is suggested beyond stage 6 development.
Complication such as inflammatory root resorption, ankylosis, pulp necrosis, and compromised periodonal healing can occur.
・Dental Trauma
・Congenitally missing teeth
・Unusual tooth development or ectopic eruption
Treatment of impacted teeth with autotransplantation 埋伏歯の自家移植 (Seung-Cheol Song, Sun-Hyung Park, APOC 2022)
1.Open Apex? Closed Apex? → Not big difference
・Survival and success: open apex > closed apex (Almpani et al. 2015)
・Open apex: 98.2% success rate (Atala-Acevedo et al. 2017)
・Closed apex: 90.5% survival rate (Chung et al. 2014)
2.Is endodontic Tx mandatory? → Not likely
3.Timing of endodontic Tx → Within 14 days
・Open apex: 96% no need of endodontic Tx.(Armstrong etr al.2020)
・Closed apex: 85% need of endodntic Tx.(Armstrong etr al.2020)
・The root resorption was 2 times higher in studies initiating endodontic treatment > 14 days than < 14 days post-operatively.(Chung et al.2014)
4.Type of splint? → After 1 month
5.When can we apply orthodontic force? → After 1 month
・Anreasen et al.1990: 3 to 6 months after transplantation.
・Tsukiboshi 2014: 1 month after transplantation
歯の自家移植が歯科インプラントよりも優れている点 (Simon Littlewood, AOSC2017):
・歯根の周囲の正常なosseous countour。
考慮すべき点(小臼歯を前歯部に移植する場合?)(Simon Littlewood, AOSC2017):
・小臼歯の歯根の形成が2/3から3/4ぐらいの時の移植が最も成功率が高い(Zachrisson et al. 2004)。
・移植後に: @歯根が成長する A歯髄が生きている(根管治療の必要はない) BPulp obliterates
・歯根の形成が少ない時に移植すると: @歯根が成長しないこともある(65% partial growth, 14% total arrest) A根管治療が必要になった時に根管治療がしにくい。 BCrown-root ratioがアンバランスになる。 C歯根吸収が起こりやすい。 D歯がもろくなり、破折しやすい。
No. of teeth | Success rate | Survival rate | Follow up ( years) | |
Andrease n et al. 1990 | 33 | 88% | 98% | 1-13 |
Kristerson & Langerstrom 1991 | 23 | 87% | 96% | 4-17 |
KKugelburg et al. 1994 | 31 | 87% | 90% | 1-4 |
Plakwicz et al. 2013 | 23 | 100% | 100% | 9-17 |
Leeds 2010 | 90 | 87.5% | 94% | 0.5-9 |
・歯根が完成していると: @成功率が下がる。 A血管の再結合がおこらず、壊死が起こる前に歯髄除去が必要となる。 B歯髄の壊死は歯周組織の治癒を妨げる。
・将来は、stem cellsから歯を作れる時代が来るかもしれない。W.Sonoyama et al. PLos ONE. 2006; 1(1): e79.
Botox (ボトックス)
Interdisciplinary Treatment for Deep Bite and Bruxism - is Botox the Answer? (Sr.Nan E.Hatch,AAO 2023) (Dr.井上の解説:噛む力が強すぎる人にはボトックスを注入)
chemical Denervation of the Masseter:
・Products: Botox (Botulinum toxin), Xeomin, Dosport, Myoblock
・Mechanisms of action
1.Block neuromuscular transmission via inhibition of acethlcholine
2.Inhitits release of sensoryu neurotransmitters important for pain
・Need to first rule out: anatomical mandibular bony protuberance, masseteric tumors, salivary/parotid gland disease
・Facial landmarkds, plus EMG and MRI to guide injections
Potential Adverse Effects:
・Chewing weakness, increased chewing time
・Sunken cheeks (more evident in patients with prominent zygomas)
・Sagging skin
・Post-treatment masseter asymmetry
・"Paradoxical bulging" - inappropriate injection into facial muscles
・Distant spread of toxin - inappropriate injection site
・Speech disturbance - inappropriate injection site
・Muscle fiber atrophy for 4-6 weeks, recovery with 4-6 months
Minimizing Adverse Effects:
・Adverse effects are increased when chemical neurotoxins are given at high doses and/or in individuals without masseter hypertrophy.
・Adverse effects are mitigated by lower doses, longer intervals between doses and proper injection technique / location
・Avoid high doses
・Ensure accourate technique
・Increase injection interval span
Chemical Denervation (botox) for myofacial pain and migranes (Dr.sharon Ron Aronovich)
・25 units per muscle, bilateral masseter and temporlais injections
・2nd injection timing dependent upon paient response
・interval typically every 4-5 months
・3-5 serial injections is typical
・can get misuse atrophy that is permanent
・can ger chewing wekness if done for headaches w/out MH
・can get expensive (100 units of botox $800)
・100 units can cover 1 treatment of masseters and temporalis
・Reduces intensity and frequency of headaches
Bruxism (歯ぎしり)
Interdisciplinary Treatment for Deep bite and Bruxism - is Botox the Answer? (Dr Nan E. Hatch, AAO 2023)
・Tooth movility and pain
・Severe clencher
・Upper anterior restoration breakage
・Alveolar bone loss
Recommend Botox injection in masseters
Masseter Muscle Hypertrophy:
Masseter - a primary muscle of mastication
・Works in conjunction with temporalis, medial and lateral pterygoids
・All muscles of mastication work through the TMJ
・Brachycephaly with prominent lower jaw line
・Can be considered less esthetic
・Long term changes in function
・Orthognathic sx issues: fixation breakage
・Orofacial pain, TMJ pain, headaches
・Dental issues: tooth wear, pain mobility
・Injection of neurotoxins into muscle
Chemical Denervation of the Masseter:
・Products: Botox (Botulinum toxin), Xeomin, Disport, Myoblock
・Mechanisms of action
1.Blocks neuromuscular transmission via inhibition of acetylcholine release into synapse junction (muscle paralysis, atrophy)
2.Inhibits release of sensory neurotransmitters important for pain
・Need to first rule out: anatomical mandibular bony protuberance, masseteric tumors, salivary/parotid gland disease
・Facial landmarks, plus EMG and MRI to guide injections
Wu Y et al.Aesthet Surg J Open Forum 2023
・Higher dose levels can achieve significant facial recontouring up to 180 days
・Effect is lost over time
・Repeated injection are needed
・Shorter intervals with higher doses for significant facial recontouring
Potential Adverse effects (Dr井上の解説;botoxの副作用)
・Chewing weakness, increased chewing time
・Sunken cheeks (more evident in patients with prominent zygomas)
・Sagging skin
・Post-treatment masseter asymmetry
・"Paradoxical bulging" - inappropriate injection into facial muscles
・Distant spread of toxin - inappropriate injection site
・Speech disturbance - inappropriate injection site
・Muscle fiber atrophy for 4-6 weeks, recovery with 4-6 months
MInimizing Adverse Effects:
・Adverse effects are increased when chemical neurotoxins are given at high doses and/or in individuals without masseter hypertrophy
・Adverse effects are mitigated by lower doses, longer intervals between doses and proper injection technique / location
Chemical Denervation (botox) for myofacial pain and migraines (Dr.sharon (Ron) Aronovich)
・25 units per muscle, bilateral masseter and temporalis injections
・2nd injection timing dependent upon patient response
・interval typically every 4-5 months
・3-5 serial injections is typical
・can get misuse atrophy that is permanent
・can get chewing weakness if done for headaches w/out MH
・can get expensive (100 units of botox $800)
・100 units can cover 1 treatment of massseters and temporalis
・Recuces intensity and frequency of headaches
Children, Orthodontics for children (小児矯正)
Evidence-Based Orthodontics: Same old questions - are there new answers? Dr Martyn Coboume (EOS 2023) (Dr.井上の意見:Class IIの小児患者において、1期治療と2期治療をした患者と1期治療をしないで2期治療だけした患者を比較して、1期治療をすべきかどうかを論じている)
・Early class II treatment will take longer overall
Early treatment: overall treatment time was longer (32 versus 25 months) with more overall attendance (22 versus 18)
But adolescent treatment time wa less (by 10 months)
・Early class II treatment may be associated with some burnout
治療前後のoverjetの変化:early class II treatment group では、10.77 → 4.33mm。late groupでは、10.30 → 3.37mm。
・Early class II treatment: Functional,HG
If you provide a functional appliance to a child with an overjet at age 9: Early or late treatment produces essentially the same outcome
・Early treatment: Longer treatment. (Slightly) worse outcome. No difference in growth. But the overjet is reduced early. And less treatment required as an adolescent.
・Late treatment: Slightly better outcome. Less treatmet time oveall. More cost effective?
dental trauma:
- ・Prevalence: 18% at age 12 (Global). 12% at age 12 (UK)
・Risk factors: risk-takers, social deprivation, obesity, cerebral palsy.
・Early overjet reduction → 42% reduction of the trauma risk seen in the untreated group.
All class II children do not benefit from routine early treatment.But some may benefit from a reduced trauma risk. And there is data to support this.
2021 Jacob A. Salzmann Award Lecture; Effecient and Effective Growth Modification: A 30-year Perspective (Dr. Lorenzo Franchi, AAO 2021)
Class II
・Functional appliances are effective in altering short- and long-term mandibular growth and mandibular sagittal position if active treatment is performed AT PUBURTY
・Mandibular morphology should be evaluated AT PUBERTY to assess patient responsiveness: good responders have a small mandibular angle
Class III
・RME/FN is effective if performed BEFORE PUBERTY
・The long-term unsuccess rate for RME/FM is 30%. Unsuccessful cases are chracterized by a large CondAx-Mand.Pl.angle.
東京医科歯科大学の小野卓史教授は、こんな話をしてくれた。「子供の頃から矯正治療が必要かどうかの議論には、まだ決着がついていません。ただ、鼻で呼吸できず噛み合わせが悪いなどの機能的に問題がある場合には矯正治療が必要です。また、前歯の上の歯肉に犬歯が埋まっているような場合、そのままだと前歯の歯根が吸収されてしまう(歯根がなくなる、または細ってしまう)おそれがあり、早めに矯正治療をしないと取り返しがつきません」(元記事に外部リンク 2017)
Deebite (過蓋咬合)
Interdisciplinary Treatment for Deep bite and Bruxism - is Botox the Answer? (Dr Nan E. Hatch, AAO 2023)
・Tooth movility and pain
・Severe clencher
・Upper anterior restoration breakage
・Alveolar bone loss
Recommend Botox injection in masseters
Masseter Muscle Hypertrophy:
Masseter - a primary muscle of mastication
・Works in conjunction with temporalis, medial and lateral pterygoids
・All muscles of mastication work through the TMJ
・Brachycephaly with prominent lower jaw line
・Can be considered less esthetic
・Long term changes in function
・Orthognathic sx issues: fixation breakage
・Orofacial pain, TMJ pain, headaches
・Dental issues: tooth wear, pain mobility
・Injection of neurotoxins into muscle
Chemical Denervation of the Masseter:
・Products: Botox (Botulinum toxin), Xeomin, Disport, Myoblock
・Mechanisms of action
1.Blocks neuromuscular transmission via inhibition of acetylcholine release into synapse junction (muscle paralysis, atrophy)
2.Inhibits release of sensory neurotransmitters important for pain
・Need to first rule out: anatomical mandibular bony protuberance, masseteric tumors, salivary/parotid gland disease
・Facial landmarks, plus EMG and MRI to guide injections
Wu Y et al.Aesthet Surg J Open Forum 2023
・Higher dose levels can achieve significant facial recontouring up to 180 days
・Effect is lost over time
・Repeated injection are needed
・Shorter intervals with higher doses for significant facial recontouring
Potential Adverse effects (Dr井上の解説;botoxの副作用)
・Chewing weakness, increased chewing time
・Sunken cheeks (more evident in patients with prominent zygomas)
・Sagging skin
・Post-treatment masseter asymmetry
・"Paradoxical bulging" - inappropriate injection into facial muscles
・Distant spread of toxin - inappropriate injection site
・Speech disturbance - inappropriate injection site
・Muscle fiber atrophy for 4-6 weeks, recovery with 4-6 months
MInimizing Adverse Effects:
・Adverse effects are increased when chemical neurotoxins are given at high doses and/or in individuals without masseter hypertrophy
・Adverse effects are mitigated by lower doses, longer intervals between doses and proper injection technique / location
Chemical Denervation (botox) for myofacial pain and migraines (Dr.sharon (Ron) Aronovich)
・25 units per muscle, bilateral masseter and temporalis injections
・2nd injection timing dependent upon patient response
・interval typically every 4-5 months
・3-5 serial injections is typical
・can get misuse atrophy that is permanent
・can get chewing weakness if done for headaches w/out MH
・can get expensive (100 units of botox $800)
・100 units can cover 1 treatment of massseters and temporalis
・Recuces intensity and frequency of headaches
Clinical Applications of TADs in Challenging Deep Overbite Cases (Dr.Jae Hyun Park,AAO 2023)
スマイル時に見える歯茎の適切な量は 2.5 (1.5-4) mm (Simone Parrini et al.AJODO 2016)
Force Vectors for the Intrusion of Six Segments:
- Upper: TADs between U3 and U4, and
hooks on the archwire between U2 and U3 (Choe et al.Korean J Orthod,2016)
Lower: TADs between L3 and L4, and hooks on the archwire between L1 and L2 (Park et al.Korean J Orthod,2011)
Midline Bony Cleft (Huang WJ et al.Pediatr Dent 1995)
・The central incisors erupt with a diastema
・The rim bone surrounding CIs may not extend to the median suture and no bone deposited inferior to the frenum
・A V-shaped bony cleft between two central incisors → abnormal frenum attchment
・Transseptal fibers fail to proliferate across the midline cleft → space may never close
・Bray found a high correlation between the pretreatment existence of "notching" and the relapse of orthodontically treated maxillary diastemas
・Clefts associated with diastemas are not a primary etiology due to their infrequency
Mandibular symphaseal distraction osteogenesis → None of our patients experienced TMJ dysfunction symptoms during the entire follow-up period.(Alkan et al.IJPMS 2007)
Mandibular distraction osteogeneis: a systematic review of stability and the effects on hard and soft tissues (Rossini et al. IJOMS 2016)
・Vertical and sagittal skeletal dimensions increased significantly, by a mean of 5-10 mm (P<0.05) and 5-8 mm (10% mandible length) (P<0.05), respectively.
・Regarding the sagittal positioning of the lips and surrounding structures, a 90% correspondence between skeletal and soft tissue cephalometric points was observed.
・Skeletal relapse was reported with high gonial angle and high mandibular plane angle, however it did not worsen the results of treatment significantly.
Three-dimensional evaluation of mandibular midline distraction: A systematic review (Arilla et al, J Craniomaxillofac Surg 2018)
・When evaluating the soft tissue edffects for MMD, Bianchi et al. observed major postoperative changes in the lower lip and chin. MMD did not cause any vertical or horisontal asymmetry
・The axial sections through the pogonion showed a forward displacement of the chin, with enlarement after MMD>
・Traditional continuous archwire therapy and clear aligner treatment can be used to effectively level the Curve of Spee.
・According to the systematic review, the ideal gingival display during posed smile is 2.5 mm.
・The optimal intrusion force for maxillary incisors with TADs is about 80g per side.
・For those patients with more than 5 mm of gingival desplay, Botox can reduce the gingival display.
・The combined use of TADs and continuous archwires with accentuated and reverse curve could be relaible and effective treatment modality for torque control and intrusion of retroclined incisors and leveling of the curve of Spee.
・In the treatment of adult Class II Division 2 patients, absolute intrusion of the maxillary inciors and maintaining the original mandibular plane angle acen be beneficcial for long-term stability.
・MSDO presents a useful treatment option for mandibular widening, one which should be considered for patients who have a narorw mancibular arch.
Deep Bite Treatment: Looking Beneath the Surface (Dr.Flavia Arthese,AAO 2023)
DEEP BITE: Overbite>5mm, Overlap>1/3 on the crown,
Handbook of Orthdontics (Robert E. Moyers,1973)
- Wide variations in depth of the bite may be seen, however, with no danger to the occlusion or health of the supporting structures.
Occlusal Vertical Dimension: Best Evidence Consensus Paper (Goldstein G. et al. J of Prosthod 2021)
・What is the range for IOD (interocclusal distance)?: Mean IOD = 3mm. Reported range from 1 to 9.5mm
・Does the RVD (rest vertical dimension) change during life? : Very little evidence. Aging causes a decrease in muscle tone that might affect RVD
・Will restorative alteration in OVD (occlusal vertical dimension) cause harm? : Clinical evidence that restoring OVD is successful. Depends on muscular adaptation
deepbiteの学生さんのほうがopen biteの学生さんよりも噛む力が大きかった(Abu Alhalja ES et al., Eur J Orthod.2010)
Mx/Md | bite force (N) | |
deep bite | ≦22 | 679.60±117.46 |
normal | <27±5 | 593.08±99.69 |
open bite | ≧32 | 453.57±98.30 |
Emergency (緊急事態)
Survivng Medical Emergenccies in the Orthodontic Office by Being Prepared (Rovert D.Elliott,AAO 2022)
2021 Medical Emergencies Reported By Dentists (Source: Malamed)
@Fainting (syncopy)* 30.1%
AMild Allergic Reactions* 18.7%
BStands up too fast (postural hypotension)* 17.9%
CHyperventillation 9.6%
DLow Blood Sugar (Hypoglycemia or insulin shock)* 5.1%
EChest Pain (angina pectoris) 4.5%
FSeizures* 4.6%
GAsthma Attack (bronchospasm)* 2.8%
HLocal anesthetic overdose 1.5%
IHeart Attack (myocardial infarction) 1.4%
JSevere allergic reaction (anaphylactic reaction9 1.2%
KHeart Stops (cardiac arrest) 1.1%
Fainting (syncopy)* 30.1%
・TYPICAL SCENARIOS: FEAR of procedure. Patient stands up too quickly(from a reclined position)
・SYMTOMS: Skin is pale and moist. Pulse is rapid initially, then gerts slow and weak.
・TREATMENT: Lay flat and ressure. Elevate feet slightly. Ammonia inhalant. Administer oxygen.
Mild Allergic Reactions* 18.7%
・CONTACT DERMATITIS (rash, itching): Lates allergy (gloves), TAC 20 to@ical (diode laser treatment, extraction of loose primary teeth, etc). Rubber bands and elastics.
・ALERT NOTIFICATION (computer pop up note): Review at morning meeting.
・TREATMENT: Benadryl (1mg/kg, Child:25mg, Adult:50mg). Pre-measured ("Perfect Measure" 12.5mg/each)
Seizures* 4.6%
・Convulsions and/or unconsciousness (tonic/clonic)
・Catatonic stare (absant)
・Recline and maintain a cleaar airway
・Confirm there is nothing in the mouth
・Positon patient to best prevent aspiration (head to the side)
・Move everything out of the way - flailing
・Do NOT restrain the person - fractured and broken bones have been reported.
Asthma Attack (bronchospasm)* 2.8%
Teenager patient scheduled for an afternoon orthodontic appointment and is coming from practice or athletic event
・Shortness of breath
・Tightness in chest
・May present as an anxiety attack
・uanosis (lip and mucosa)
・Immediately sit patient up and reassure
・1-2 metered doses of Albuterol
・If severe, administe IM Epinephrine 1:1000 (Child: 0.2-0.5cc, Adult: 0.5-1.0cc)
・Administer oxygen
・Albuterol MDI (metered dose inhaler)
・PACER is recommended (primarily in children)
・Call 911
・Administer OXYGEN: Nasal cannula (4-6 LPM flow rate). NRB face mask (12-15 LPM flow rate)
・Position patient upright and lean forward
4つの "HYPOS"
・HYPO-glycemia (low blood sugar): Give glucose gel (glutose) or high sugar drink (OJ)
・GI illness in patients (vomiting/diarrhae)
・Diabetic patient (Pediatric patient coming from school for ortho appointment and skipped lunch. recently injected or ingested medication (insulin))
・Eating disorder bulomia/anorexia. Overly thin teenage patient. check the lingual surfaces of maxillary incisors. @erimyloysis - Loss of enamel from the lingual surface or the anterior teeth from repeated bouts of regurgitation (e.g.,ad in bulimia nervosa)
・Shakiness,anxious, nervous
・Fast heartbeat, cold and clammy to touch
・Dilated pupils
・Feeling numbness ("pins and needles")
・Alterd mental status, confused
・Slurred or incoherent seech
Conscious Patients (be aware of aspiration). Ornage juice, candy. Glutose gel under tongue (15mg/tube)
nconscious Patient: Glucagon IM (1mg). 50% dextrose IV (by EMS)
・HYPO-xemia (low oxygen supply to the brain: Increase oxygen supply (get oxygen tank and mask)
・HYPO-volemic (low blood volume/dehydration): Consider patient with "stomach bug" who has been vomiting constantly. consider internal bleeding (unlikely in our setting)
Definition: Objects dropped into the back of the throat (pharynx).
In the orthodontic office, this includes: molar bands, brackets, elastics and loose primary teeth.
・Throat drape with cotton 2X2
・Ligate bands
・Have patient chair at 30 degrees
・Properly sized gloves - no loose gloved fingertips
・Suction or finger sweep
・Position - turn head to the side
・Ingested objects have two paths... Lungs-chest film at ER. Stomach-confirm it passed
・hoking (could lead to asphyxia)Infection
・Lung abscess
患者の意識がなくなったら、4つの"HYPO" を考える
・HYPO-glycemic - low blood sugar 低血糖
・HYPO-tension - low blodd pressure 低血圧
・HYPO-xemia - low oxygen in blood 低酸素血症
・HYPO-volemic - low blood volume/dehydration 血液量減少
・AED in every office or at minimum on each jfloor
・Respiratory Emergencies: equipment
・Ammonia Inhalant (fainting or syncope)
・CRP Pocket Mask (rescue breathing/one way valve)
・Glucose gel (hupoglycemia)
・Nitro-lingula Spray (angina pectoris)
・Albuterol Inhaler (asthma attck/bronchospasm)
・Epinephhrine Injection auto injector (1:1000) Allergic reaction (severe)
・Epinephrine IM/IV (1:1000) Allergic reaction (severe)
・Diphenhydramine IM/IV (50mg/ml) Allergic reaction (mild)
・Aspirin 325mg tabs (angina)
・Various syringes and airways
Rovert D. Elliott, AAO 2022 の翻訳。2022年のアメリカ矯正学会での口演ですから、歯科矯正クリニックに特化した話でしょう。ですから、麻酔注射の話が出てきません。訳者の勘違いがあるかもしれませんから、原著で確認してください。
Rovert D. Elliott, AAO 2022
意識消失 → 低血糖症、低血圧症、低酸素血症、血液量減少症を疑う
・低血糖症: グルコースジェル(グルトースヤ高糖質ドリンクを与える)(OJ)
・グライセミック・インデックス(Glycemic Index)の低い患者 - 嘔吐/下痢(特にロタウイルス胃腸炎)
・意識のある患者(be aware of aspiration)
・デキストロース静脈注射(by EMS)
・低酸素血症: 酸素供給(酸素タンクと酸素マスク)
・血液量減少症: 食あたりで嘔吐が日常化していることを疑う(内出血を疑う)
接触性皮膚炎 (発疹、かゆみ)
・ベナドリル(かゆみ止めクリーム): 体重1sにつき1r。子供は25r、大人は50r。
・Pre-measured ("Perfect Measure" 12.5mg/each)
・ひきつけ and/or 意識不明(強直性/間代性)
・邪魔になるものはどける - 手足をバタバタさせる場合
・患者を拘束してはいけない - 拘束による骨折が報告されている
・1-2 アルブトレール定量噴霧器
・重症なら、エピネフリン筋肉注射 1:1000 子供0.2-0.5cc、成人0.5-1.0cc
・酸素吸入: 鼻カニューレでは12-15の心拍出量。非呼吸式マスクでは12-15の心拍出量
・適切な大きさの術者用グローブ - 指先がフィットしているグローブ
・AED in every office or at minimum on each jfloor
・Respiratory Emergencies: equipment
・Ammonia Inhalant (fainting or syncope)
・CRP Pocket Mask (rescue breathing/one way valve)
・Glucose gel (hupoglycemia)
・Nitro-lingula Spray (angina pectoris)
・Albuterol Inhaler (asthma attck/bronchospasm)
・Epinephhrine Injection auto injector (1:1000) Allergic reaction (severe)
・Epinephrine IM/IV (1:1000) Allergic reaction (severe)
・Diphenhydramine IM/IV (50mg/ml) Allergic reaction (mild)
・Aspirin 325mg tabs (angina)
・Various syringes and airways
- 歯科クリニックでの医療事故 (Robert D. Elliott, AAO, 2019)
- 失神(30.1)
起立性定血圧(17.9% )
Extraction (抜歯と非抜歯)
Neither 4 PM-extraction nor nonextraction treatment has a predictable effect on smile aesthetics (Moser L et al. South Eur J Orthod dentofac Res 2020, Akyalcin S.et al.Korean J.Orthod 2017, Meyer AH. et al.AJODO 2014, Burrow SJ.Semin Orthod 2012, Ioi H.et al.AJODO 2012, Janson G.et al.Angle Orthod 2011, これら以外にも、2007, 2007, 2006, 2006, 2005, 2003 に論文あり)
In a well-managed orthodontic case, with or without extractins, the soft-tissue and facial aesthetic changes are generally favourable or clinically insignificant (Hodgkinson D et al.J Orthod 2019)
Cl II long-term profiles more esthetic in patients with 2 max extractions (Mendes LM et al.AJODO 2019)
SAP (Smile Arc Protection) bracket placement gingival to facial axis point (Pitts TR. JCO 2017)
Extraction of maxillary canines (Badri et al.AJODO 2017)
1. No statistically significant difference was found in the smile attractiveness between canine extraction and premolar extraction patients as assessed by general dentists, laypersons, and orthodontists.
2. The orthodontists were marginally more critical in their evaluations, but their results were not statistically different from those of laypersons and general dentists.
3. Canine extraction should be discussed as 1 possible treatment option where this approach has distinct advantages.
小臼歯抜歯抜歯症例の歯列弓幅径 (Akyalcin S.et al. Korean J Orthod 2017)
1. Premolar extractions do not reduce the transverse dimension of the maxillary arch.
2. Maxillary arch width measurements were stable in the long term.
3. Buccal corridor ratios were not negatively affected by extraction treatment
4. Long-term changes in buccal corridor ratios were comparable.
- 抜歯症例を少なくするテクニック Camille Guez et al. EOS, 2017)
- 小臼歯4本抜歯症例数の変化 Proffit 1994
年 | % |
1953 | 10.0% |
1958 | 15.0% |
1963 | 52.0% |
1968 | 46.0% |
1973 | 42.0% |
1978 | 33.0% |
1988 | 17.0% |
1993 | 10.0% |
- Self-ligation (Odds Ratio = 0.96)
Rapid Maxillary Expansion (Odds Ratio = 0.47)
Phase I (Odds Ratio = 1.35)
Orthognathic surgery (Oddds Ratio = 0.78)
Functional Appliances (Odds Ratio = 0.11)
Headgear (Odds Ratio = 0.71)
- Temporary Anchorage (TADs) (Odds Ratio = 2.45)
Genetics (遺伝)
Exploring Genetic Factors in Class II div 2 (Malocclusion James Hartsfield, AAO 2022)
Class II div 2の特徴:
・Class IIの大臼歯関係
・Class I症例と比較して、collum angleが4.7°(3.1-6.4)大きい(Murugaiyan et al 2022)
・Class II div 1 やClass I 症例と比較して、microdontia, peg-laterals, dental agenesis (21.4%), canine impaction, transposition が多い
・hyperdivergent frowth pattfern
一卵性双生児の両方がCIID2になる確率は100%、二卵性双生児の両方がCIID2になる確率は10.7% (Markovic, Eur J Orthod 1992)。一卵性双生児がCllD2 & CllD1になる確率は0% (Ruf, Pancherz, Angle Orthod 1999)
Gingival recessions (歯肉退縮)
Comparing Changes in Plaque, Gingival Inflamation, and the Oral Microbiome in Orthodontic Patients Treated with Fixed Appliances vs. Clear Aligners (Guiselle Murilio et al. AAO 2021)
- Patients are better able to maintain periodontal health with CAs than FAs
- ・Greater plaque accumulation and gingival inflammtion in the FA group
- ・Absence of bands, brackets, and wires facilitate better oral hygiene
- The bacterial communities in anterior and posterior teeth were very similar
- ・Indicates that the microbial population is very stable in plaque
- ・There was only a significant increase in the potentially pathogenic genus, Leptotrichia in the FA group
- The plaque in the CA tray harbored a unique and less diverse community than tooth associated communities
- ・The tray can act as a reservoir and retentive site for pathogenic bacteria
- The study revealed that CAs have a better clinical outcome than FAs
Conclusion/Clinical Application
- Pre-Orthodontic Periodontal Augmentation (POPA) によって矯正治療後の審美的機能的リスクを最小にする(Colin Richman, AAO2017)
- 矯正治療における長期の5つの問題
- 1.歯肉退縮
4.Rejection of treatment
- POPAの手順
- 1. Full thckness flaps
2. Selective decortication
3. Place resorbable bone augmentation
4. Closure of surgical site
5. Orhtodontics initiated day of surgery
- 患者の選択
- Requires periodontal surgery
Reduction in treatment time
Aboid (marginal) bicuspid extractions
Wider arch form - smile dynamics
Mento-labial fullness
Differential anchorage
Retreatment - root resorption
In ankylosis is suspected
- POPAの利点
- 1.歯肉退縮のリスクが少なくなる(Ahn et al.)
2.歯根吸収が少なくなる(Ren et al.)
3.長期の安定性が得られる(Sebasoun et al.)
- 歯肉退縮と顔面長 (?, 2017 EOS)
- ・ 矯正治療をしていない人では、facial index が大きい人はfacial index が小さい人よりも歯肉退縮(mm)が大きい。すなわち、long face の人は歯肉退縮しやすい。
・ symphysis の厚さと、頬側と舌側の歯肉退縮の量の間には相関はなかった。Pemet, Pandis, Kiliaridis (submitted)
・ 17% of the pateints had 1 or more recessions. Pemet, Pandis, Kiliaridis (submitted)
・skeletal Class III 症例で下顎切歯をdecompensationして唇側傾斜させた外科症例において、唇側傾斜(の量?)と歯肉退縮(の量?)の間に有為の相関はなかった。Chot et al., 2015.
・下顎前歯の叢生症例において、distraction osteogenesis群と非抜歯群は抜歯群と比較して有為の差で下顎切歯が唇側傾斜した。しかし、唇側傾斜と歯肉退縮の間に有為の差はなかった。Dr M Antonini
- 歯肉の厚さ(Dimitrios Kloukos, 2017 EOS)
ColorVue predicted Biotype | Frequencies | Predicted periodontal probe measurement |
thin type | 18% | 0.40 - 0.52 mm |
medium type | 67% | 0.53 - 0.59 mm |
thick type | 10.5% | 0.77 - 0.89 mm |
very thick type | 4.5% | 0.80 - 1.01 mm |
1. Ultrasound Device (Excellent repeatability)
2. ColorVue Probe (Good, but not excellent repeatability)
3. acupuncture Needle (Low repeatbility, Overestimates the true value)
4. Periodontal Probe (Low repeatability, Underestimates the true value)
Gummy smile (ガミー・スマイル)
A stepwise approach to the correction of excessive gingival display ガミースマイル (Eddie Hsiang-Hua Lai,APOC 2022)
LIPG checklist
・ L: Lip length measurement
・ I: Incisal line determinatin
・ P: Proportions of teeth establishment
・ G: Gingival level confirmation
Lip length measurement
・ subnasale to most inferior border of upper lip
・ 20-22mm for young adult females at rest
・ 22-24mm for young adult maels at rest
・ Short upper lip: < 15mm
・ Mobility from rest to full smile ranges from 6 to 8mm
Incisal line determination
・ Optimal incisal plane parallel to curvature of lower lip
・ Average 2-3mm tooth displayed at rest
・ May decrease with age
Proportion of teeth
・ Short-looking clinical crown may coused by either altered passive eruption or incisal wear
・ Proportions of anterior teeth range from 72 to 80%
・ Average length is 10.5mm, 9.0mm, and 10.0mm
・ Average width is 8.5mm, 4.5mm and 7.5mm
・ Gender difference especially in canines, 0.5mm
Gummy smile
・ Definition: Excessive display gingival tissue
・ Classification: Hard tissue problem - skeletal, dental & Soft tissue problem - lip, perodontal tissue
・ Prevalence: 14% of female, 7% of male
・ Subjective: Greater tan 2 mm, unattractive for orthodontist, Greater than 4 mm, unpleasant to lay people
Treatment considerations (Rule of CPR)
C: Curve of occlusal plane
P: Propertion of tooth
R: Rest position
Treat Your Patients as You Would Your Own Family (David M. Sarver, AAO 2022)
- ガミースマイル (Chris Chang,AAO,2019) ドクター向けYouTube
- ◇ガミースマイルの原因と対処方法
- ・上唇が短い → 上唇の手術??? 歯列矯正治療による上の前歯の上方への移動+筋のトレーニング
・上唇が著しく収縮する → lip adhesion(口唇癒着手術)。ボトックス。スマイルトレーニング。
- ・歯肉が長い → 歯肉切除
・Altered passive eruption(受動的萌出不全) → 歯肉切除/CLP(歯冠長延長手手術 )/APF(歯肉弁根尖側移動手術)
・歯の摩耗/歯が萌出しすぎ → 歯列矯正治療による上の前歯の上方への移動+歯周組織の手術+補綴(差し歯など)
- 上顎骨が上下的に過成長 → 歯列矯正治療(スクリュー使用)による上の前歯の上方への移動+CLP(歯冠長延長手術)+スマイルトレーニング。上顎骨の手術
Herbst appliance (ハーブスト装置)
Class II Back or forth? (Dr.Mauro Cozzani,AAO 2023)(Dr.井上の解説:ハーブスト装置とアンカースクリューを同時に使用)
Herbst appliance anchored to miniscrews in the upper and lower arches vs standard Herbst: A pilot study (Antonio Manni et al.AJODO 2019)
- Conclusions
1.A dento-skeletal correction of the malocclusion was achieved.
2.A pogonion advancement of 5.7 mm was observed.
3.Anchorage reinforcement using iminiscrews reduced flarig of the mandibular incisor.
4.The upper molars showed a slightly forward movement in HA with miniscrew anchorage.
Impacted teeth (埋伏歯)
Study on the impact of maxillary and mandibular anterior crowding on periodontal health in middle-aged and older adults. (Junichi Watahiki, EOS 2024)
1. In Adult patients, anterior crowding in the Lower, specifically crowding of over 4mm, may pose a risk for gingival recession.
2. In the maxilla, anterior crowding wasn't a high risk of gingival recession.
3. PD, CAL, and BOP have no significant correlation with crowding. However further research is necessaryu due the small sample size.
Probably Due to Anatomical Difference Maxillary Anterior Phenotype is Signigicantly Thicker than Mandible. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop.2018 Sep;154(3):356-364)
Recently, the risk of adult orthodontic gingival recession has been known. Especially the lower anterior is high risk for gingival recession. This study suggests that over 4mm lower anterior crowding may strongly significantly induce a risk for gingival recession.
Take-Home Message
Orthodontic treatment at a young age may contribute to preventing gingival recession. The 4mm Lower anterior Crowding May Be threshod for orthodontic extraction.
Second molar eruption disturbances in borderline-extraction orthodontic cases, comparing extraction vs. non-extraction treatment outcomes. Kelly Mitchell, EOS 2024
・Frequency of 2nd molar eruption issues in non-extraction treatment of borderline crowding: 20% of maxillary arches. 28% of mandibular arches
・Extraction in borderline crowded cases reduces 2nd molar eruption issues 4x to: 5% of maxillary arches. 7% of mandibular arches
・At "finish," most maxillary 2nd molar eruption issues are full impaction. (75%)
・At "finish," most mandibular 2nd molar eruption issues are partial impactions. (80%)
Tips, Tricks, Decisions and troubles when Treating Impacted Maxillary Central Incisors (Dr.Miguel Hirschhaut; Dr.Carol Weinstein AAO 2023)
Impacted maxillary incisors occurs in 0.2-1% of the population (Chiara P. et nnali di Stomatologia 2012)
Forty-one patients with unerupted incisors: 30 males and 11 females (Bartolo et al.Euro J Orthod 2009)
The causes of the impacted maxillary incisors: Trauma, Supernumeraries, Odontoma, crowding/Narrow Premaxilla,Syndromic Cases
Space opening and elimination of the cause
Spontaneous resolution in 54% to 78% of patients
Delay treatment up to 3 years
(Shaushu et al AJODO 2015)
Closed Eruption
- Open flap, Bond attachment, Cover
In fabour of...
Resemble natural eruption path
Slower movement
Higher risk of ankylosis
Might require 2nd surgery
-Technical difficultes
-Hidden crown during movement
-No guarantee of attached gingiva
Open Exposure
Apically positiond flap, Partial thickness, Uncover tooth
In favour of...
-Assure keratinized gingiva
-Visualize crown during movement
-Less chances of ankylosis
Chances of reintrusion
Technical difficulties
In high teeth
Partial thickness flap
Poor esthetics
Scar tissue
Irregular coutour
Closed-eruption technique for impacted maxillary incisors: A postorthodonic periodontal evaluation (Becker A.et al.AJODO 2002)
5 to 6% less bone in impacted incisor. 1/3 of the cases abnormal gingival contour. Statisticallu significant but not clinically significant.
Root Development of Imapcted Incisors
・Short roots
・Root dilaceration
・Internal root resorption
Contact with cortical bone can stop root development generation a shorter root (Aburto et al.)
Impacted incisors present a reduction of 25% their root length (Mattiello et al.AJODO )
・Tooth loss (implant)
When it comes to Severe Impactions, Timing is Everything (Dr.Stella Chushu,AAO 2023)
Impacted canines' root length was shorter by -1,2mm, but volume was unaffected ... this means a change in the root shpe
Chushu s.et al.Sem Orthod 2023
・Impacted incisor root length shorter by -3.1mm (p<0.01)
・Impacted incisor root volume smaller by -43o3 (p<0.05)
・Hooked roots found only in the impacted incisors (40%)
Prognosis of tx of impacted canines in the adult is uncertain and reduces with age (41% success rate in adults over 30) (Becker and Chaushu,2003)
Third Molars in Orthodontics: To retain, or not retain, that is the question. 矯正治療において第三大臼歯はどうする(Kyung-Ho Kim,APOC 2022)
(Engstrom et al. Angle Orthod 1983)
(Sisman et al Angle Orthod 2007)
(Jung and Cho, Imaging Sci Dent. 2014)
Meta-analysis of 49 studies (Carter et al.J Dent Res 2016)
1. 親知らず埋伏の発現率:24.40% (19-31%)
2. 上顎より下顎の親知らずが埋伏しやすい
3. 男女差はなかった
4. Medioangular > vertical > distoangular > horizontal
1. Lack of space in the third molar region
2. Third molar angulation
3. Ectopic position
4. Obstruction of the eruption pathway
5. Late third molar mineralization/early physical maturity
6. Other factors (racial and socioeconomic differences, and genetic factors)
1. Caries/Resorption on the distal surface of the second molar
2. Marginal bone loss at the distal surface of the second molar
3. Increased width of the follicular space around the crown
4. Perforation of the lingual cortex adjacent to the third molar
410 impacted mandibular third molars (Matzen et al.2017)
1. Resorption on the distal surface of the second molar (41%, severe 14%)
2. Marginal bone loss at the distal surface of the second molar (49%, severe 19%)
3. Increased width of the follicuar space around the crown of the fhirs molar (25%)
親知らず埋伏による障害 Review of 1001 cases (Van der Linden et al.1995)
1. Significant more impactions in the mandible than in the maxilla
2. In the maxilla: vertical > mesio-angular > disto-angular impaction
In the mandible: mesio-angular > vertical > disto-angular, horisontal impaction
3. Dental caries was most frequently seen condition: in only 7.1% of impacted third molars but in 42.7% of adjacent teeth
1. Unrestorable caries
2. Non-treatable pulpal and/or periapical pathology
3. Cellulitis, abscess and osteomyelitis
4. Internal/external resorption of the tooth or adjacent teeth
5. Fracture of tooth
6. Disease of follicle cyst/tumor
7. Tooth/teeth impeding surgery or reconstructive jaw surgery, and when a tooth is involved in or within the field of tumor resection treatment
4本の小臼歯抜歯して矯正治療すると親知らず埋伏の発生率が低くなる (Kim et al. AJODO 2003)
・Premolar extraction therapy reduces the frequency of third molar impaction because of increased eruptin space concomitant with mesial movement of the molars during space closure.
・Impaction: 45% in the nonextraction group, 19% in the extraction group
young adults の抜歯矯正治療によって親知らず埋の発生率が低くなる (Turkoz et al.Angle Orthod.2013)
・ Impaction: 81.8% in the nonextraction group, 63.3% in the extraction group
・ Increased retromolar space in the extraction group: 1.3 ± 1.25 mm
・ Inclination of the third molar (L8): Less than 60°between the third molar and lower madibular border the tooth
1. Prevention of excessive flattening of the profile
2. Disimpaction of third molars, thus avoiding their surgical removal
3. Effecient reduction of deep overbite
4. Faster and less problematic distalization of first molars
5. Reduction in the amount and the duration of appliance therapy
6. Use of only as much space as needed to relieve crowding
7. Increased stability
8. Less mandibular incisor crowding after treatment
9. Less reopening of extraction sites
1. A postentially unacceptable position of the third molars, thus requring a second phase of treatment
2. Increased distance of extracted teeth from location of crowding
3. Insufficient number, size, and form of third molars
4. More loss of tooth sustance
5. Potential overeruption of unopposed molars while waiting for the third molars to emerge
・ No impaction of third molars (Cavanaugh,1985 Angle Orthod)
・ 100% of the third molars erupted and 96% had mesial contact points and acceptable axial inclinations in 94 second molar exrraction cases (Staggers, 1990 AJODO)
・ 99% of maxillary third molars erupted into a good or acceptable position (Orton-Gibbs et al.2001 AJODO)
・96.2% of the maxillary third molars erupted in good position (De-la-Rosa-Gay et al.2006 AJODO)
・ 59% erupted into a good position without any orthodontic treatment (Asai et al.2007 Orthod.Waves)
下顎第二大臼歯を抜歯すると下顎第三大臼歯は自然萌出するか? (Yoonjeong Noh, Master's thesis,2017)
・ Age at the time of extraction of mandibular second molars: 13.7±1.62 years, at the time of full eruption: 18.3±1.87 years
・ The success rate of third molar eruption after extraction of mandibular second molars was 100%, and 58.7% showed favorable occlusion
・ The intial angle, vertical and horizontal position of the mandibular third molar had no significant effects on the final occlusion
・ Age and enough space for the mandibular third molars were tuberosity space were factors that affected final occlusion of the third molars
The Management of Impacted Mandibular Second Molars 埋伏下顎第二大臼歯の対処法 (Patrick Turley, 2019)
1.Severly impacted second molars are rare and hence most orthodontists have limited experience in managing this type of case.
2.Even among experienced and talented practioners, there is little consensus regarding the need for orthodontic uprighting, surgical exposure, or the extraction of second molars.
3.Even the most severely impacted mandibular second molars can be successfully uprighting using the proper orthodontic Uprighting techniques.
4.In younger patients, second molar uprighting is usually not hindered by the presence of third molars. Extraction of eight teeth is usuallyu not necessary.
5.Surgical exposure of impacted second molars may not be necessary if there is sufficient crown exposed on which to bond (minimum 4X4 mm).
6.With minimal crown exposure, bonding to the exposed or occludsl surface is easier than bonding to the buccal surface.
7.Because of the high success of uprighting the impacted mandibular second molars, extraction of these teeth should be avoided as the first treatment optoion.
Main causes of MM2 impaction
・Ectopic eruption
・Failure of the eruption mechanism: ankylosis, dilacerations
・Genetic variations: taurodontism
・Morphological tooth anomalies; root deflections, invaginations
Climbing the Mountain of Severe Impaction (Stella chaushu, AAO 2022) 重度の埋伏歯の解決方法
Dekal, et al.AJODO 2021)
・埋伏犬歯の歯根長は1-2 mm短かったが、ボリュームは変化がなかった。
Stewart et al.,2001, Becker et al.,2003, Amuk et al.,2021
Becker et al.,2005
・Early treatment of impacted incisors while the root was still developing generated similar root length to the adjacent normally erupted incisors (Shi et al.,AJODO 2015)
・Impacted incisors treated early, i.e., pre-apexification, developed longer roots than those treated late (Sun et al.AJODO 2016)
切歯が埋伏していると、同側の犬歯の41.3%が位置異常(頬側30.2%、口蓋側9.5%、transposed 1.6%)。(Becker et al.,AJODO 2003)
埋伏切歯の治療 (Chaushu et al.,2015)(Sun et al.,2016)
- 埋伏上顎犬歯(Bhavna Shroff, AAO, 2019)
- ◇埋伏埋伏犬歯
- ・埋伏上顎犬歯の発生率は2%、一方、埋伏下顎犬歯の発生率は0.35%
- οPalatal or Buccal canins?
- ・Different procedures-different periodontal concerns
- ・On the buccal: 2-3mm of keratinized tissue or apically repositioned flap
・On the palatal side: Seems to lengthen the treatment time (Pearson et al., 1996: Ferguson and Parvizi, 1997)
- ・On the palatal side: Better hygiene, shorter treatment time.
- ο犬歯が口腔前庭の上方にありapicall repositoned flapができない時には2段階に分ける必要がある。
- ・Move the canine distal and
・Apically Repositioned Flap
- 埋伏歯 (Harrison, AAO, 2019)
- ◇骨性癒着
- ο 状態
- ・A complication that can potentially eliminate the orthodontists ability to bring a tooth into the arch.
・Commonly we think that the ankylosis is the loss of completed integrity of the periodontal ligament.
・This is common when dealing with a deciduous tooth but not the case with an adult tooth.
・In adult tooth the ankylosis typically is a spot of integrity of the PDL most commonly at CEJ or apex of the tooth./ul> ο closed eruption techniqueにおいて、手術中にアッタチメント接着のためのエッチング剤がCEJ付近のPDLを非可逆的に損傷する恐れがある。これが骨性癒着の原因になりうる。
- ・骨性癒着歯を抜歯して補綴
・subluxation 脱臼 − 私は何度も脱臼を行ってきた。癒着歯を2-3mm動かす。私は2度と脱臼しない。
・Partial Avulsion
- ・歯の歯根尖を3-5mm切断するが、除去しない。
- ・この方法は、根尖1/3のところに骨性癒着があると確認された場合に行う。
・It would seem prudent to remove the root tip at the time of the initial procedure.
- オープン・サージェリーとクローズド・サージェリー(Steven D. Harrison, AAO 2017)
- オープン・エラプション・テクニック Open eruption technique
- ・passsive open eruption と Active open eruption がある。
・私は、radiosurgery (or electrosurgery) unitをしており、それは手術時間が短く、diode laserよりも利点がある。
- クローズド・エラプション・テックニック Closed eruption technique
- ・手術が複雑
- 下顎犬歯の埋伏(Steven D. Harrison, AAO 2017)
- ・私の見解では、最も難治である。
埋伏犬歯 (Bhavna Shoroff, AAO 2017)
- 犬歯の開窓
- ・口蓋側にある犬歯と唇側にある犬歯では歯周組織の状態が異なるので、異なる処置が必要だ。
・開窓後に歯肉で閉鎖?Closed exposure?
- ・唇側にある犬歯:2-3mmのケラチン組織、または根尖側に位置づけたフラップ(apically repositioned fllap)
・口蓋側の犬歯:開窓後に歯肉で閉鎖すると治療期間が長くなるようだ(Pearson et al. 1996, Ferguson and Parvizi, 1997)
- ・口蓋側の犬歯:口腔衛生状態が良好で、治療期間が短い。
- 唇側にある埋伏犬歯が高位にある場合には、apically repositioned flap は可能ではないので、ツー・ステージにわける必要がある。犬歯を遠心側方向と咬合側方向に移動させ、そして、apically repositioned flap
Management (マネージメント)
Orthodontic Referral Marketing Success: Powerful Stragegies to Increase Referrals & Referral Sources (Dr. Roger P. Levin, AAO 2022)
The Data
・50% of GP's treat less than 10 ortho cases per year
・35% do not treat any ortho cases per year
・Over 40% of ortho offices have over 40% of their referrals from GP offices
・Case conversions of GP referred cases is 60% higher than other sources of referrals
Why I Partnered with a DSO at the Age of 36 (Dr. Ben Fishbein, AAO 2022)
We're not always perfect... Message:
・Music too loud
・Too crowded
・People too close together
・No privacy
・Too much money
・Didn't even get to speak to the DDS, just the assistant
Leading the Life You Wnat (Dr.Anil J.Idiculia,AAO 2022)
First Follower: Leadership Lessons from Dancing Guy (Dr.井上の意見:"リーダーとは" の話になると、よく紹介されるユーチューブ動画です)
Discover the Custom Digital Solution for All Your Metal And Clear Fixed Appliance Patients (Dr.Brandon Owen,AAO 2022)
Dr.Jpseph ConiglioのクリニックでのBraces/Aligners(%) の割合は
・2017: 92/8
・2018: 72/28
・2019: 55/45
・2020: 62/38
・2021: 90/10
Now is the tTime for Lower Overhead & Higher Production (Ms.Edwina Wood,AAO 2022)
Overhead Key Indicators
・Staff Expenses: 19-24%
・Facility Expenses: 5-10%
・Orthodontic Supplies: 8-11% (Lab 2-3%)
・Indirect Overhead: 8-10%
・Marketing: 2-3%
New Patient Referral Sources for Orthodontic Practices
・Referrals from dentists in your erea: 37%
・Referrals from parents of existing patients: 29%
・Referrals from existing adult patients: 13%
・Referrals from social media activity: 12%
・Referrals from community activities: 5%
・Referrals from other sources: 4%
Orthodontic Industry Trends; Sponsored in part by AAOF (Chris Bentson, AAO 2022)
アメリカにおけるアライナ矯正の割合は、1996年には1%、2020年には25%であった。2030年には50%になるだろう。Digital Bracesの割合は、1996年には0%、2020年には1%であった。2030年には25%になるだろう。
Team Up! The Doctor's & Team's Role in Practice Success (Ms.Nancy Hyman,AAO 2022)
Identify Your Targets
・Geographic reach
・Phase I-intro to practice
・Sibling/family members
・Young professionals
Treatment Options
・Traditional/Clear/Lingual Appliances
・Invisalign/Other aligners
・Brand names
How to Convert Leads into New Patients BEFORE the Consultation (Dr.Leon klmpner & Ms.Amy Epstein,AAO 2202)
・世界の市場では、2021年には$5.38bで、2028年には$16.36bになるだろうと予想されている (Fortune Business Insights)
・市場の拡大は、主に成人矯正の拡大によるものである (developed by D2C)
アライナ矯正は少ない来院回数で高VPV $450 per visit → その理由は:
・Aligners over brackets
・Treating easier cases
・Finishing in aligners
・Remote monitoring
Interpersonal Communication & Neuroergonomics to Increase Happiness & Performance (Ms Nathalie Rumiz,AAO 2022)< /p>
Why do we need to motivate patients?
・To keep their appointments
・To be on time
・To bursh their teeth properly
・To wear their removable appliances
・To talk positively about the parctice to their friends
・To manage their stress better, etc...
It's All About Timing: How to Keep Your Clinic on Time (Ms.Andrea Cook,AAO 2022)
・フル治療(239症例):予想23か月 → 実際28か月
・第一期治療(67症例):予想14か月 → 実際17か月
・第二期治療(49症例):予想21か月 → 実際26か月
・アライナ矯正(95症例):予想17か月 → 実際21か月
・フル治療(239症例):18回来院、$296 per visit
AAOIC Risk Mangement for the Orthodotnic Team (Ms.Elizabeth Franklin,AAO 2022)
Screen Potential Patients for Problems. Easier to decline to treat than handle a claim!
Look for:
・Unrealistic expectations
・Prior problems with local dentists
・Serious health conditions
・Habits that impact treatment (i.e.smoking)
・Unusual/rude behavior
・Money issues
・Dictating teatment/demanding
Pay attention to your instinct!
Validity of Medical Insurance Guidlines for Orthognathic Surgery (Bailey Z. et al.AAO 2021)
- Approval rates
- Provider: 100%
- BCBS: 94%
- AETNA: 90%
- HUMANA: 88%
- CIGNA: 88%
- UHC: 14%
- Reason for denial
- No significant deformity: 8%
- No health impairment: 29%
- Etiology of deformity not covered: 63%
- Conclusions
- ・This study shows that the orthognathic surgery guidlines used by the major American medical insurance plans need revision.
- ・The most consequential flaw was considering etiology in judging medical necessity.
- ・Fortunately, only one company (UHC) made this grave mistake.
- ・Moreover, all guidlines have omissions and erros in the way jaw deformity is determined and how health impairment is determined.
- 最新テクノロジー (Aaron D. Molen, AAO 2017)
- 3Dプリンティング
- 利点:
・creation of digital file
・院内ラボにおいてはslow downするかもしれない
- インダイレクト・ボンディング
- 利点:
- コンピュータ矯正
- 利点:
・increase case overhead
Medication (薬の影響)
- 投薬は矯正治療による歯の移動に影響するか? A systemic review (Makrygiannakis MA et al. EOS, 2017)
- 歯の移動速度を増加する薬物
Category | Substance |
Vitamines | 1,25(OH)3D3 |
Thyroid hormones | L-thyroxine Thyroxine |
- 歯の移動速度を減少させる薬物
Category | Substance |
ACE inhibitors | Losartan |
Antihistamines | Ceririzine |
Antihyperlipidemics | Simvastatin |
Minerals | Strontim Ranelate Lithomamnlu,/CaCO3 Calcium Gluconate |
Proton pump inhibitors | Famotidine |
- 歯の移動速度と関係ない薬物
Category | Substance |
Anticonvulsants | Phenytoin |
- Inconsistent effects
Category | Substance |
Antidepressants | Diazepam Fluoxetine |
Adrenal cortical steroids | Hydrocortizone Prednisolone Methylprednisolone Triamcinolone acetonide |
Beta-blockers | Propanolol |
Vitamine C |
- 副作用
- Phenytoin → Gingival hyperplasia
Hydrocortisone → decrease in total wight and adrenal glands weight
Storontium ranelate → Slight increase in diarrhea
Missing tooth (欠損歯)
Jose Nelson Mucha Memorial Lecture; Agenesis and Ankylosis, Practice and Evidence (Dr.Roberto B.Brandao,AAO 2023)
C.L.Hvaring et al.Eur.J.Orthd.2019 (Dr.井上の意見:後継永久歯がない乳歯は何年ぐらい維持されるのかを論じています)
・77% deciduous survival rate after 12 years
・58% could have been kept over time
Clinical success indictors - deciduous teeth characteristics:
- In normal occlusion (no infraocclusin)
Short roots proved to be more stable
Prosthetic replacement vs space closure for maxillary lateral incisor agenesis: A systematic review (G.S.Silveira et al.AJODO 2016)
1.Orthodontic space closure treatment has the best score in the periodontal index
2.The esthetic of space closure was evaluated more favorably by laypersons, patients, and dentists than prothetic replacement
3.The presence or absence of a canine rise showed no relationship to occlusal function or to the signs and symptoms of TMDs
Tooth Agenesis Conclusions
1.Keeping the deciduous tooth may be an option;
2.Seeking the best results involves a synergic approach for simplicity and quality;
3.Share the non-synergic options with parents, especially the ones related to biological financial costs.
Dentoalveolar Ankylosis Conclusions
1.Do not postpone the treatment;
2.The differential diagnosis should include the attempt of orthodontic movement;
3.Either tooth luxation and traction or DO are recommended to alveolar vertical gains;
4.Ankylosed tooth should be extracted in severe cases;
To Open or To Close Spaces in the interdiciplinary Patient? (Dr.Ute Schneider-Moser,AAO 2023)
Pasukdee P et al.AJODO 2021
・25% lower incisors exposure is most attractive
・100% maxillary teeth exposure and a slightly flatter smile arc is prefered
There is little scientific evidence regarding long-term survival of deciduous teeth into adulthood, but the lower second primary molar, followed by the upper primary canine, seems to have the best prognosis. (Nordquist I et al.Swed Dent J 2005)
IPR treatment and attachments design in clear aligner therapy and risk of open gingival embrasures in adults (Zhang et al.Progress Orthodontics 2023)
- Maxilla 26%, Mandible 40%
IPR did not prevent the occurrence of OGE
The more attachment in the anterior area the more OGE
上唇の長さは、19歳から60歳になると男性は2.25mm、女性は0.49mm長くなる。(Drummond S.et al.Angle Orthod 2013)
Constant compensatory torque due to lingual tilting of the mandibular canine crowns and unwanted narrowing of the intercanine width. (Faerovig E.et al.AJODO 1999)
RBFDP (Resin Bonded Fixed Dental Prostheses); 15-year survival rate > 95% (Kern M et al.Eur J Dent 2021)
The Aesthitic Problem of Multiagenesis of the Teeth in adolescents and Possible Solutions (Dr.Ivo Marek,AAO 2023)
Deciduous teeth, when no root resorption is present at age 14 resp. 16 and above, are only subject to minimal resorption (Bjerklin et al.Eur.J.Orthod 2000, Kurol et al.Angle Orthod 1984)
Deciduous teeth and ectodermal dysplasia (Mehmet-Sinan et al.Med Oral Patol Oral Cir Bucal 2015)
・no tendency to ankylosis
・no tendency to root resorption
・allow orthodontic movement of the teeth
・provide suitable prosthodontic pillar
年数 | 1-3年 | 5年 | 10-15年 | 20年 |
文献 | Ioannidis et al.2015 Bechera et al.2016 Joda et al.2016 | Galluci et al.2016 Pappaspyridakos et al.2012 Pjetursson et al.2014 | Wittneben et al.2014 De Angelis et al.2017 | Chappuis et al.2013 |
成功率 | 96% - 100% | 93% - 97% | 71% - 86% | 76% - 86% |
Management of complex situations due to missing teeth in the smile area 前歯欠損症例の矯正治療 (Dr.Ute Schneider-Moser AOSC 2023)
前歯の欠損部位の隣の歯に1つの人工歯を接着剤で付けた場合、15年後にも維持できていた症例は95%で、2つの人工歯では85%の成功率だった。(Mendez JM et al.Eur J Dent 2021)
5 requisites for a predictable esthetic result
- 1.Implant insertion close to the palatal cortical bone
2a.2 mm of vestibular bone width for tissue stability
2b.3 mm transmucosal height for physiological biologic width
3.Sufficient mesio-distal space betweeen CPs and U1-U3 toots
4.Presence of correct osseous peaks
5.Tissue molding with adequate provisional crown
It is of interest to note that no or only a minor degree of infraocclusion was observed in patients with good inter-incisor stability, while missing anterior tooth contacts were associated with a more obvious degree of infraocclusion, (Thiander B.Eur J Orthod 31,2009)
Developmental tooth malformation
a. Dens invaginatus / evaginatus
b. Taurodontism
c. Amelogenesis / Dentinogenesis imperfecta
d. Regional odontodysplasia
e. Dilaceration
f. Fusion
Solitary Median Maxillary Central Incisor (SMMCI)(Dr井上の意見:左右の上顎中切歯が癒合することもあるらしい。私は見たことないです。このレクチャーでは、癒合歯を抜歯して左右の上顎側切歯を上顎中切歯の位置に移動させていた)
1:50,000 live births
Fusion of two central incisor germs
Perfect symmetrical crown form
Absence of labial frenum
* Mutaion in the SHH gene and partial deletions of chromosome 18p or 7q
Avulsion 歯の脱落
・ 歯の外傷の8%で起こる
・ ほとんどが、7−14歳ぐらい
・ 45%が家で、45%が学校で、10%が運動中
・ 男児と女児の比率は、3:1
・ オーバージェットが6o以上
・ 64%が上顎中切歯
・ 歯の欠損部位の隣の歯を移動させてスキマをなくす
Tx finished after orthodontics
Only natural teeth
More longterm predictability
欠点は More enameloplasty or 4-6 resin/ceramic veneers
Orthodontics less difficult?
Better lip support?
Single tooth prosthodontics
欠点は Cantilever bonded bridge or Implant borne crown
Common & Uncommon Solusions for Missing Teeth in the Anterior & Posterior Zone (Ute Schnelder-Moser,AAO 2022) 前歯部と臼歯部に欠損歯ある症例の治療方法
25% exposure of lower teeth is most attractive, and a sightly flatter smile arc is preferred (Pasukdee et al.,AJODO 2021) スマイル時に下の前歯が25%ぐらい見えているのが最も魅力的だと思われている
下顎切歯1本欠損症例でスペースを閉鎖すると、52%の症例でブラックトライアングルが生じる。(Uribe et al.,AJODO 2011)
ブラックトライアングルのリスクファクター (Taemow et al.,J Periodonto; 1992), (Burke,AJODO 1994), Foerovig et al.,AJODO 1999), Kokich,AJODO 2000), Kurth et al.,AJODO 2001), Ikeda et al.,Aust Orthod J.2004), Chow et al.,J Clin Periodontol 2010), An et al.,Angle Orthod 2018)
・root divergence
下顎4切歯がある症例で下顎切歯1本抜歯する場合には、抜歯する予定の切歯が舌側に45 degrees 傾斜し抜歯予定歯の2本の隣接歯がコンタクトしてから抜歯すると、ブラックトライアングルはできにくい。20歳以下では0%、20-40歳では11%。40歳以上では100%の確率でブラックトライアングルが生じた。 (Vilhjalmsson G.et al.,AJODO 2019)
イタリアでの欠損歯がある割合は9%。(Gracco et al.,Prog Orthod 2017)
イタリアの12歳の子供の40%に虫歯があった。(Campus G et al.,Caries Res 2007)(Napoli C et al.,J Dent Sci 2012)
イタリア人の18%にMIH (Molar-Incisor-Hypomineralization) があった
Esthetic Guide for Canine-lateral Substitutions (Neal D.Kravitz,AAO 2022) 上顎側切歯の位置に上顎犬歯をもってきた場合の審美的なガイド
上顎側切歯が欠如している症例では、上顎側切歯の位置に上顎犬歯をもってくることもある: @下顎は2本の小臼歯抜歯 A下顎は非抜歯 B下顎は非抜歯で上顎4と上顎5の間にスペースをつくりインプラントにする
上顎犬歯に接着するブラケットは、@UR1のブラケット(+17torque,+4angulation) AUR2のブラケット(+10torque, +8angulation) @Aではブラケットの接着面をenameloplastyする。BLL5のブラケット(+17torque, +2angulation)を上下逆に接着する。UR3のブラケット(+7torque, +8angulation)は使わない。
1.L7 on U67s for camouflage cases 2.Switch sides (LR7 to UL67)
REASON: A)Lower tubes have 0 degree offset B)L7 has -10 degree torque
- 歯数不足 (hypodontia) (Jose A. Bosio, AAO 2017)
- 歯数不足 (hypodontia)の発現率 (Fekonja A. Eur J Orthod, 2005)
- 212人の小児矯正治療患者のうち11.3%であった。1歯不足が29%、2歯不足が58.5%、3歯不足はほとんどなかった。
- 上顎側切歯の欠如の治療方法
- 1.デンタル・インプラント:
- 利点は、隣在歯を削らなくてもいい。
- 2.犬歯で代用:
- 欠点は、
- 3.ブリッジ・ワーク:
- 1.接着性ブリッジ(Maryland bridge)
2.キャンティレバー・ブリッジ(cantilevered fixed partial denture)
- 4.乳歯を維持
- ・ Canines may remain until older age without resorbing.
・ Space canine from canine guidance.
- Wright J. et al., J Prosthet Dent 2016
- ・片側または両側の上顎側切歯欠如の症例では、コントロール群と比較して小さな歯をもっていた。
- 結論:
- 1.上顎側切歯欠如の発現率は、hypodontia症例の約1/3である。
Molar distalization (大臼歯の遠心移動)
Molar Distalization using TADs: Postential, Limitation, and Precautions (Dr. Sung-Hoon Lim, AAO 2023)
Take home message 1
Evaluate the third molar
・Fully-erupted third molar to be extracted is a good condition for distalization.
- Erupting third molar root brings the bone.
・Impacted third molar may not provide sufficient bone.
・No third molar → Atrophied ridge in many cases.
Take home message 2
Observe the distal tipping and gingival recession of second molars
・Preexisting distal tipping requires more root distal movement than the crown. ・Extraction treatment can be better.
Take home message 3
Intrusive and lingual distalizaiton can reduce the collisio with anatomic obstacle. → Applicable to open bite cases and Class III surgery cases.
・Distalization is unpredictable and risky when the alveolar ridge lacks sufficient width and height. ・Prepare an alternative plan from the start and monitor the second molar respose.
Myofunctional therapy (MFT)(口腔筋機能療法)
Continuous positive airway pressure, mandibular advancement splint or both: a randomized controlled trial (Mona Hamoda,AAO 2022) OSA患者のCPAPとスプリントの使用:ランダマイズにコントロールされた研究
・約50%のOSA患者が6か月後も1日4時間以上CPAPを使用し、5年後に1日4時間以上CPAPを使用したOSA患者は17%であった。(Bartlett et al.,Sleep 2013)(Weaver et al.,Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am 2009)
・20年以上の臨床結果から、6か月間以下の期間に1日4.5時間CPAPを使用したOSA患者のCPAP使用中止率は35.5%で、6ヶ月以上の期間に1日4.6時間CPAPを使用したSA患者のCPAP使用中止率は34.2%であった。CPAP使用中止率の高さは、CPAPをOSA患者の主たる治療方法であるとの考えを再考する必要があるかもしれない。(Rotenberg et al.,J Otolaryngology 2016)
・It si not sufficient simply to prescribe a PAP machine and consider the patient to be treated (Cistulli et al.,Sleep Medicine 2019)
(Hilbert et al.,Sleep Medicine 2018)
・The overall effectiveness of MAS is comparable to that of CPAP
・Adherence is important for long term effectiveness and high adherence leads to improvement in health outcomes
・Adherence is higher when both treatments are available relative to having CPAP only. The majority of patients alternated between the two therapies when they had the choice
- ・American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) と協力
- ・会員は歯科医、歯科衛生士、Speech and Language Patholgists に限る
- ・4日間コース
- ・筆記試験:Certified Orofacial Myologist
- ・Mandatory CE hours to maintain certification
- ・IOAMの認定医として名簿にのる
前歯部開咬と口腔筋機能療法 (David Covell, 2020 Winter AAO)
- IAOM (International Association of Orofacial Myology)
- Homem MA et al. Dental Press J Orthod 2014
- dyskinesiaのある患者群では、矯正治療とOMT (Oral Myofunctional therapy)の併用治療のほうがOMTだけの治療よりも効果的だった。
- Koletis D. et al. Orthod Craniofac Res 2018
- ・muscle training programsによって、60%の子供でより正常な舌位置になった。
・Tongue thrust swallowingにおいて、Appliance-based orofacial muscle training therapy のほうがconventional myofunctional protocolsよりも効果があった。
・OMT (Oral Myofunctional Therapy) は、矯正治療前に行うよりも矯正治療と同時に行ったほうがbetterである。
・If speech problem, do not wait until orthodontics is completed
・If airway obstructedなら、矯正治療もOMTもすすめられない。
・If tonsil and adenoidsが除去されたのであれば、正常な嚥下に適応するまで待つ
- 結論
- OMTは前歯部開咬の矯正治療の助け”になる。
- ・Synergistic approach: Orthodontist - structure; OMT - function
・Potentially increased efficacy of treatment if OMT provided during orthodontics
・Improved retension
- OMTが適している患者とは:
- ・Thorough diagnosis: airway, soft tissue posture and function
・Patient's motivation, cooperation
・Interest of orthodontist in providing coach and reinforcement
・OMT more strongly indicated: speech abnormalities in combination with anterior open bite
Non-extraction treatment) (非抜歯治療)
New Strategies to Break the Limitations of Non-extraction Treatment Dr.Yoon-Ah Kook (AAO,2023)
1. Is 1st molar distalization feasible for patients with unerupted 2nd or 3rd molars?
- The findings suggest that clinicians do not need to extract developing third molars before first molar distalization in adolescents.
2. How much first molar distlization is possible?
- U6: 5.4mm (Orthod Cranilfac Res. 2022)
L6: 1.8-3.8mm (Korean J Orthod 2021)
3. Is it possible to distalize 1st molar in the case of sinus pneumatization?
There was no significant difference in the amount of distal movement and intrusion of the maxillary first molars between groups 1 and 2. (Kim S.et al. AJODO 2021)
4. Dose molar distalization cause airway problems?
- The airway space in the MCPP group had no significant changes after distalization and the postretention period. In addition, there was no difference between the MCPP and contol groups. (Chou AHK et al. AJODO 2021, Park JH et al. Angle Orthod 2018)
Our approach for crowding casses
・Conventioal Approach: <4mm → Non-extraction, 5-6mm → Borderline case, >10mm → Extraction
・New guidline: <12mm → Non-extraction, >12mm → Extraction
New Strategies to Break the Limitations of Non-extraction Treatment Dr.Yoon-Ah Kook,AAO 2023)
Non-extraction orthodontics for clinicians FAQ
1.Is 1st molar distalization feasible for patients with unerupted 2nd or 3rd molars? → After distlaization the second molars is fully erupted and the third molars were in favorable positions(Park et al.AJODO 2021)
2.How much first molar distalization is possible? → 5.4mm/U6 distalization and 6.1mm/U1 distalization in the non-extraction cases, 1.2mm/U6 mesialization and 7.8mm/U1 distalization in the extraction cases (Orthod Craniofac Res 2022). 10mm/L6 space (AJODO 2023,in press)
3.Is it possible to distalize 1st molar in the case of sinus pneumatization? → There was no significant difference in the amount of distal movement and intrusion of the maxillary first molars between group 1 and 2.(Kim et al.AJODO 2021)
4.Does molar distalization cause airway problems? → The airway space in the MCPP group had no significant changes after distalization and the postretention period. In Addition, there was no difference between the MCPP and control groups. (Chou AHK et al.AJODO 2021, Park JH et al. Angle Orthod 2018)
OSAS(obstructive sleep apnea syndrome) (睡眠時無呼吸症候群)
Orthodontics, upper airways and sleep apnea: Linking anatomy, diagnosis and management with 3D technology. (Alexandra Papadopoulou, EOS 2024)
Male: 49%, Female: 30% in 40-65 years old (Arnardottlr 2016, Iceland)
Male: 24%, Female: 9% in 30-60 years old (Young 1993, USA)
Male: 26%, Female 28% in 30-70 years old (Duran 2001, Spain)
Male: 19,7%, Female 7.4% in 30-60 years old (sharma 2006, India)
Multidisciplinary treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea: Keys to Precision Therapy (Dr.Shaun Loh,AOSC 2023) (Dr井上の意見:ほんの一部だけをピックアップしています)
Mandibular advancement device 下顎を前方に位置付けるマウスピース (Hui Chen et al.Sleep Medicine Review, www.elsevier.com/locate/smrv)
Paediatric OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnea) - The ENT (Ear Nose Throat) Perspective (Dr.Dawn Teo,AOSC 2023) (Dr井上の意見:ほんの一部だけをピックアップしています)
Paediatric sleep disordered breathing (SDB)
SDB describes a range of sleep disorders: Snoring, Upper airway resistance syndrome, Obstructive sleep apnea
OSA describes recurrent episodes of upper airway obstruction with desaturations and associated disturbance of sleep patterns.
・小児の睡眠呼吸障害(SDB)の発生率は 0.9 - 13% (Sgut A et al.2005, Castronovo V et al.2003, Bixler EO et al.2009)
・小児の習慣的ないびきの発生率は 10 - 12% (Ali NJ et al.1993)
・小児の睡眠時無呼吸症候群の発生率は 1 - 3% (Tarasiuk A et al.2007, Schwngel DA et al.2009)
Sites of obstruction
・Nose and Nasopharynx
- Allergic Rhinitis
- Turbinate hypertrophy
- Deviated nasal septum
- Adenoid enlargement
- Poluypoidal lesions
・Base of tongue
・Larynx / supraglottis
- Laryngomalacia
- Laryngeal webs/cysts
- Laryngeal papillomas
- Subglottic stenosis
- Tracheomalacis
Using Technology for Risk Assesment, Imaging & Management of OSA J.Martin Palomo,AAO 2022) 睡眠時無呼吸症候群 (Dr.井上の意見:治療方法ではなくリスクアセスメントを述べている)
発生率 (Young 1993, Young 2004, Marshall 2008, CDC 2008, Young 2008)
・アメリカ人の成人の42 millionに睡眠障害がある。
*アメリカでは、20 millionが喘息持ち、23.6 millionが糖尿病である。
矯正治療を希望している303人の思春期の患者のうち、7.3%にOSAのハイリスクがあった。(Ashok et al.,AJODO 2018)
オーボエやバスーンを演奏するとOSAのリスクが減る(Ward CP,JCSM 2012)。ディジェリドゥを演奏すると、眠気とAHIが減った (Puhan MA,BMJ 2006)
Continuous positive airway pressure, mandibular advancement splint or both: a randomized controlled trial (Mona Hamoda,AAO 2022) OSA患者のCPAPとスプリントの使用:ランダマイズにコントロールされた研究
・約50%のOSA患者が6か月後も1日4時間以上CPAPを使用し、5年後に1日4時間以上CPAPを使用したOSA患者は17%であった。(Bartlett et al.,Sleep 2013)(Weaver et al.,Oral Maxillofac Surg Clin North Am 2009)
・20年以上の臨床結果から、6か月間以下の期間に1日4.5時間CPAPを使用したOSA患者のCPAP使用中止率は35.5%で、6ヶ月以上の期間に1日4.6時間CPAPを使用したSA患者のCPAP使用中止率は34.2%であった。CPAP使用中止率の高さは、CPAPをOSA患者の主たる治療方法であるとの考えを再考する必要があるかもしれない。(Rotenberg et al.,J Otolaryngology 2016)
・It si not sufficient simply to prescribe a PAP machine and consider the patient to be treated (Cistulli et al.,Sleep Medicine 2019)
(Hilbert et al.,Sleep Medicine 2018)
・The overall effectiveness of MAS is comparable to that of CPAP
・Adherence is important for long term effectiveness and high adherence leads to improvement in health outcomes
・Adherence is higher when both treatments are available relative to having CPAP only. The majority of patients alternated between the two therapies when they had the choice
- OSAS(obstructive sleep apnea syndrome) (Jorge Faber, APOC 2018) www.apospublications.com
- 発現率: 男性は4人に1人、女性は10人に1人。
- 原因: 肥満、骨格の不調和、鼻閉塞、軟組織の不調和。
- 治療方法: 口腔内装置、外科手術、CPAP(continuous positive airway pressure)
- 口腔内装置治療の一時的な副作用
- 唾液分泌過多、不快、下顎の位置の変化、咀嚼筋や顎関節の痛み(咀嚼筋や顎関節の痛みに対しては、3−7日ほど装置の使用を止める、1日に2回アイス治療、NSAID投与(etodolac 300g, 2-3 times a day)、下顎の前方偏位の量を減らす、下顎の前方偏位の量を少しずつ大きくする)
- 口腔内装置治療の永久的な副作用
- 歯の移動、
- 結論:
- ・睡眠ポリグラフイー
・Class II 患者ではサジェリーファーストの適用もありうる
Occlusion (咬合)
- What is the range for IOD
- Mean IOD = 3mm. Reported range from 1 to 9.5mm
(DR井上の意見:IODとは、interocclusal distance ?) - Does the RVD change during life?
- Very little evidence
Aging causes a decrease in muscle tone that might affect RVD
(Dr井上の意見:RVDとは、resting vertical dimension ?) - Will restorative alteration in OVD cause harm?
- Clinical evidence that restoring OVD is successful
Depends on muscular adaptation
(Dr井上の意見:OVDとは、occlusal vertical dimension ?)
Occlusal Vertical Dimension(Goldstein G. et al, J Prosthod 2021)
Open bite (開咬)
Troubleshooting for Treating the Open Bite Using TADs: Learning from the Failure and Sharing 20 Clinical Tips (Dr.Tae-Woo Kim, AAO 2023)
Factors related with the increase of failure rate (Dr井上の解説:埋入したTADが脱離しやすい要因)
・Small diameter - Failure rate: 1.0mm>1.5mm or 2.3mm
・Inflamation of peri-implant tissue
・A high mandibular plane angle
- because
"thin cortical bone"
Closer to the alveolar crest and roots of adjacent teeth
How to decrease the failure rate in open bite cases?
1. Use the 1.6mm diameter screw
2. Place the screw in the middle of interseptal
3. The higher the position, the better the stability
4. I recommend the midpalatal screw than the buccal interradicular screws
How to retain the result after debonding?
1.Monitor the causes: TMJ pains, tongue thrust & mouth breathing.
2.Use fixed retainers (4-4).
3.When a relapse tendency is found, apply labial buttons (22/33) with u/d elastics 3/16" 6 oz.
4.Instruct patients to chew many times during eating meals ( to increase muscle tonicity).
5.Train to swallow without thrusting tongue.
Three-dimensional Management in Open Bite Treatment 開咬 (Doan Quoc Huy,APOC 2022)
1. Muscle dysfuntion
- The loss of muscle mass in Muscular dystrophy lets the lower jaw open a lot and increases the lower face height → The posterior teeth' overeruption and facial muscle pressed in can create a narrow maxillary arch and open bite.
2. Hormone disorders
3. Respiratory diseases
- Mouth breathing
The lower jaw opens a lot
The posterior teeth over-erupt
Facial muscle pressed in
Tongue sets low
The head tips backward
Maxillary stenosis
Wide mandibular
Open bite
Widening the gap between two jaws
Facial growth change
4. Thumb sucking
Thumb sucking sets the jaw downward and backward, negatively impacting tooth eruption: posterior teeth over-erupt, and the thumb pushes lower incisors lingually and upper incisors labially.
The tongue sets low and away from maxillary posterior teeth which alters the equilibrium that controls the width dimension → V-shaped upper arch
5. Tongue thrusting
It is difficult with open bite and protursion conditions to close their mouths, When swallowing food, it is easy to leak out.
Tongue thrusting - Pushing the tongue forward
→ is the best way to close the mouth and make swallowing easier
→ is a physiological adaptation of the child with an open bite
In addition long-term: tongue thrusting also causes open bite in the anterior teeth.
6. Large tongue
A large tongue constantly presses on the chewing surface of the upper and lower teeth causing an open bite condition.
7. Tongue-tie (ankyloglossia)
Tongue-tie (ankyloglossia) sets the tongue low and forward, which easily develops an anterior open bite and widens the lower arch but narrows the upper arch.
8. Third molars
The pressure of a third molar eruption can cause posterior teeth crowding and extrusion → open bite in the anterior teeth.
Removing third molars would enable the intrusion of other molars to take place easier or at least can reducde the extrusion of molars.
Clear Aligners to Close Skeletal Open Bites & its Stability 1-5 Years Post-treatment (Dr. Bella Shen Garnett, AAO 2022)
前歯部開咬の治療メカニックス (Greenlee et al.AJODO 2011)
Previous Studies
・Lee et al.: 1年後の後戻り率は18%
・Marzouk et al.: 4年後の後戻り率は11%、10年後の後戻り率は30%
・Deguchi et al.: 2年後の後戻り率は30%
What About Clear Alingers?
・Posterior coverage
・Thickness of plastic
・Incorporating intursive forces
・Can use in retention to help maintain stability
・(Boyd RL,2007,2008) Cited observed that posterior open bites developed at the end of Invisalign treatment. Can Invisalign close open bites with posterior intusion?
Clear aligners could successfully control the vertical and close opn bite without the needs of extraction or TADs.
・Cleat alginers can successfully intrude upper molars to close open bites, even open bites greater than 4 mm
・Upper molars tend to intrude more than lower molars
・Clear alginers treatement of open bites can decrease the mandibular plane angle counterclockwise rotation is observed
・IPR is used to retract upper and lower incisors and relative extrusion of the incisors is observed
・Optimized Invisalgin attachments can also extrude upper and lower incisors to assist in open bite closure
Myofunctional Therapy
・Lots of open bite patients tend to have Tongue thrusts
・Open bites tend to open laterally
・We tend to measure anterior overbite for stability
・Need to train swallowing to help minimize relapse
・Refer to myofunctional therapist early on in treatment
・All cases were placed in fixed U2-2 and L3-3 Retention with Essix retainers or Invisalign retainers
・Full posterior coverage to the last molar
・Retention of open bites is successful with upper and lower fixed retainers along with Invisalign or clear retainers worn every night
・Longer term retention 5-10 years out needs to be evaluated
Game Changers in Open Bite Treatment (Flavia Artese, AAO 2022)
・Myofunctional: speech therapy, cribs, spurs, trainers, glossectomy
・Dental: vertical elastics, vertical chincup, MEAW, biteblocks, skeletal anchorage, aligners, occlusal grinding, extractions
・Myofunctional: speech therapy 4% (Smithpeter et al.AJODO 2010), crib & spurs 17% (Huang et al.Angle Orthod 1990)
・Dental: incisor extrusion 38% (Janson et al.AJODO 2003), molar intrusion 27% (Gonzalez et al.Prog Orthod 2020), Etraction 25% (Janson et al.AJODO 2006)
・Skeletal: >25% (Greenlee et al.AJODO 2011)
歯に作用する異常な力: 指しゃぶり、口呼吸、舌の位置
アメリカにおける前歯部開咬の成人患者の治療方法は、@aligners, Afixed appliances, BTADs, Corthognathic surgery (Huang GJ et al. AJODO 2019)
4 types of Anterior Open Bite (Chris Chang, AOSC 2021)
- 1. Dental AOB
2. Functional AOB
a. Pacifier sucking
b. Thumb sucking
・Tie a wood board
・Spicy oil
・Tongue crib
*Seldom will there be one single etiologic factor
*Face Former
- Seal the mouth
- Nasal breathing
- Lift tongue posture
- Lip m.
c. Tongue thrust
d. Mouth breathing
e. Impaired nasal breathing
3. Skeletal AOB
4. Pathologic AOB (TMJ)
・Open condylar space
・By intruding post.
・Rotate Md forward
・Tongue space
・Change to nasal breathing
Possible symptoms & signs for AOB (Chris Chang, AOSC 2021)
1. Mouth breathing
2. Narrow post. airway
3. Tongue thrust w low tongue posture
4. Molar contact even at rest
5. Incompetent lip closure
6. Hyper masseter m. and hypo lip m.
deepbiteの学生さんのほうがdeepbiteの学生さんよりも噛む力が多きかった(Abu Alhalja ES et al., Eur J Orthod.2010)
Mx/Md | bite force (N) | |
deep bite | ≦22 | 679.60±117.46 |
normal | <27±5 | 593.08±99.69 |
open bite | ≧32 | 453.57±98.30 |
- ・American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) と協力
- ・会員は歯科医、歯科衛生士、Speech and Language Patholgists に限る
- ・4日間コース
- ・筆記試験:Certified Orofacial Myologist
- ・Mandatory CE hours to maintain certification
- ・IOAMの認定医として名簿にのる
前歯部開咬と口腔筋機能療法 (David Covell, 2020 Winter AAO)
- IAOM (International Association of Orofacial Myology)
- Homem MA et al. Dental Press J Orthod 2014
- dyskinesiaのある患者群では、矯正治療とOMT (Oral Myofunctional therapy)の併用治療のほうがOMTだけの治療よりも効果的だった。
- Koletis D. et al. Orthod Craniofac Res 2018
- ・muscle training programsによって、60%の子供でより正常な舌位置になった。
・Tongue thrust swallowingにおいて、Appliance-based orofacial muscle training therapy のほうがconventional myofunctional protocolsよりも効果があった。
・OMT (Oral Myofunctional Therapy) は、矯正治療前に行うよりも矯正治療と同時に行ったほうがbetterである。
・If speech problem, do not wait until orthodontics is completed
・If airway obstructedなら、矯正治療もOMTもすすめられない。
・If tonsil and adenoidsが除去されたのであれば、正常な嚥下に適応するまで待つ
- 結論
- OMTは前歯部開咬の矯正治療の助け”になる。
- ・Synergistic approach: Orthodontist - structure; OMT - function
・Potentially increased efficacy of treatment if OMT provided during orthodontics
・Improved retension
- OMTが適している患者とは:
- ・Thorough diagnosis: airway, soft tissue posture and function
・Patient's motivation, cooperation
・Interest of orthodontist in providing coach and reinforcement
・OMT more strongly indicated: speech abnormalities in combination with anterior open bite
- ・治療内容:
- ・No overcorrection
- ・No uprighting of the posterior teeth
- ・No active retention
- ・No tongue spurs
- ・Speech or myofunctional therapy not evaluated
開咬症例における非抜歯治療と抜歯治療の差 (Guilerm Janson, 2020 Winter AAO)
- clinical stabilityは、非抜歯治療では61.9%(Janson G., Valarelli, F. et al., 2003, AJODO)、抜歯治療では74,2%(de Freitas mr.,Beltrao RT, Jonson G. et al. 2004, AJODO)であった。
- ・Clinical stability: percentage of patients with a positive overbite in the long term
- 下顎骨の回転
- molars(?) が1mm垂直的に移動すると下顎骨の回転によってgnathionは3mm移動する。Robert J. Kuhn et al. Angle Orthodontist. 1968;38(4):340-9
- Wedge effect (Eustaquio Araujo, AAO2016)
- ・上顎大臼歯の遠心移動または近心移動しても、垂直的な影響はなかった。
・ 通常の矯正治療による大臼歯の前後的な移動によって、"wedge effect" による顔面の垂直的なディメンジョンまたは下顎の回転は見つけられなかった。
・この研究で観察された顔面高の増加は、untreated subjects で示されているものとcomparable であった。
*Final answerは、"Possiblly NO" (wedge effect はないだろう)(Jones A. et.al, Saint Louis University, Dec.2015)
- Differential Mechanics Plan (Ravi Nanda, AOSC2017)
治療方法 | 利点 | 欠点 |
習癖治療 | ・単純なメカニックス | ・少しだけバイトが閉鎖する ・治療期間が長い |
アーチワイヤーで前歯の挺出 | ・笑うと上顎切歯が見えてくる ・ネガティブなスマイル・アークが改善される | ・Differential moments/side-effects on U6's |
臼歯の圧下 | より安定しているだろう | ・下あごの反時計回りの回転 ・笑ったときに上顎切歯が見えにくく審美性に欠ける ・TPA if TAD-based |
小臼歯4本抜歯 | Improves ST convexity | ・切歯の後方傾斜 ・Non-conservative |
Palatal expansion MARPE(上顎側方拡大)
・Anterior displacement <1.0mm
・All 5 regions except for philtrum p<0.05
・Alar width +1.59mm p>0.05
・Relapse, p>0.05
・Effects are stable
・Effects 0.3-0.71mm
・Alar width +1.51mm p>0.05
・Inter-premolar width
・Immediate effect: +4.58mm, p<0.01
・Overall effect: +4.64mm, P<0.01
・Hard 6 soft tissue
・Midfacial soft tissue effects of MARPE are minimal
・Patient perception may vary depending on initial shape of nose
・Wide nose: negative perception
・Narrow nose: positive perception
→ Overall, MARPE is safe for the soft tissues
→ Mindful patient selection
→ Adequate patient information
Tooth Bone Borne MSE: Could This be the Total Solution? (Dr.Seong-Hun Kim,AAO 2023)
Lee JA,et al. AJODO 2021
・Preferred MIS Position: 7-8mm from CEJ
・Interradicular Space: 5-6 > 6-7 > 3-4 > 4-5
3D Guided Maxillary Skeletal Expansion (MARPE/SARPE) in Adults and Young Adult Patients (Dr.Juan Carlos Perez Varela, AAO 2023)
(Dr.井上の意見:演者は、下顎歯にだけブラケットを接着して下顎歯列のレベリングが終わってから、MARPE/SARPE をして、その後に上顎歯にブラケットを接着して治療していた。理由@骨性の側方拡大量と歯性の側方拡大量の比率を考えると、MARPE/SARPE 後に上顎歯列のレベリングをしたほうが、上顎歯列のレベリング後に MARPE/SARPE するよりも骨の拡大量の比率が高いのでしょうね。レベリングをすると歯根の周りの歯槽骨の吸収添加が始まっており歯が移動しやすい。理由A下顎歯列のレベリングが終わっていると必要な上顎の側方拡大量を計算しやすい。これは私の推測ですから、間違ってたら正解を教えてください)
(Dr.井上の意見:演者は、成人患者において、上顎頬側臼歯部と下顎唇側前歯部にスクリューを埋入し、これらのスクリュー間にClass III エラステックスを使っていた。この方法は、成人と子供で効果に差があるのでしょうか?)
Maxillary Expansion with Microimplant Assisted RPE Appliances (Dr.Peter Ngan,AAO 2023)
Five Dimensions in Treatment of Skeletal Malocclusions
・Transverse dimension
・Anteroposterior dimension
・Vertical dimension
・Treatment timing (types of dentitions)
・Individuality in treatment planning
Advantages of early Treatment
・Patient compliance
・Improvement in the quality of life
・Psychological benefits
・Redirection of unfavorable growth
Why do we start Maxillary Orthopedic treatment in the Mixed Dentition?
・85% of maxillary growth is achieved by "displacement" from cranial base growth at age 5
・Sutural growth and palatal vault depth increase at age 7
・Minimal growth changes in the maxilla after age 11
・Increase in midpalatal suture interdigitation 11-13 (girls) & 14-16 (boys)
Orthodontic Correction of Transverse problem with MARPE appliance (Carlson C. et al. AJODO 2016)
・19-year-old with transverse maxillary deficiency
・10mm expansion with MARPE
・4-6mm skeletal expansion (50%), including zygoma, nasal bone, widening of the circummaxillary sutures
Use of RPE at West Virginia University
・Severity of transverse discrepancy
・Differential max/mand index (5mm)
・Periodontal biotype
・Age and skeletal maturity
RPE: Age 5-13, CVM 1-3
MARPE: Age 14-20
SARPE: Age 20+
3D Treatment of Transversal & sagittal Maxillary Hypoplalsia in Adults & Young Adult Patients: Is There Only One way? (Juan Carlos Perez Varela,AAO 2022)
ADULTS (marpe): it cannot be predicted correctly, because pterygopalatine suture main site of resistance. So minimally invasive surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion. 成人ではMARPEの効果を正確に予測できないので、外科的に骨に切れ目を入れてMARPEをする。(Dr.井上の意見:切れ目を入れる部位がよくわからない。SARPE プラス MARPE?)
Early Treatment of Maxillary transverse Deficiency with TADs (Peter Ngan,AAO 2022) TMDのある上顎狭窄症例の早期治療
・integrity of alveolar bone は維持された
(Carlson C.et al.,AJODO 2016)
West Virginia 大学でのRPEの適用: @transverse discrepancyの量、Adifferential max/mand index (5mm)、Bperiodontal biotype、C年齢と骨の成熟度を考慮する
・5-13歳、CVM1-3 → RPE
・14-20歳 → MARPE
・20歳以上 → SARPE
34症例において、Gp 1 - bone anchored RPE (13.8yrs)とGp 2 - bone and tooth anchored (14.9yrs)を比較すると、Gp 1 のほうが骨性拡大量が大きく、歯の頬側傾斜が少なく、頬側の骨のロスも少なかった。(Mohamad Sarraj et al.,APOS 2020)
MARPEによる側方拡大では、41%が骨性、12%がalveolar bone bending、48%が歯性であった。(Peter Ngan et al.,APOS)
MARPE (Celenk-Koca et al.,Angle Orthod 2018)
MARPE治療後の安定性(Chi et al.,Angle Orthod 2016)
・suture separationがあったのは、87%
・J-J pointで骨格性の変化は2.0o(43%)であった
・大臼歯間距離におけるpost-fixed appliance changeはほとんどなかった
・拡大後のmiddle alveolus widthの変化は年齢と関係していた
子供に対するMSE治療(He H et al.,Sem in Orthod 2019)
・transverse deficiency は4o以上
・骨格性の拡大は59% (3.2±1.6mm)
・歯性の拡大は41% (2.2±1.2mm)
・nasal floorよりもpalatal plane のほうが拡大量は大きかった
25名の成長期の患者群と成長後の患者群にMARPEを使用(Graig MacMullen et al.,AJODO 2021)
・skeletal to dental ratioは同じぐらいであった
MARPE治療の気道に対する影響(Peter Ngan et al.,APOS )
・MSE治療が行われた20症例(CVM 2-6)
・20症例のうち17症例でmid-palatal sutureが開いた
・nasal airway volumeが著しく増加した症例は12%
・nasal cavity base widthが著しく増加した症例は7.1%
TADsを使用しない拡大装置の気道に対する影響(Gordon C.Cheung et al.,Euro J Orthod 2020)
・randomized clinical trial
・Hyrax群、Hybrid-hyrax群、Keles keyless expander群について調べた
・total upper airwayは1218立方ミリメータ増加した
・Hyrax群とHybrid-hyrax群においてnasopharyngeal airwayはより多く増加した
・Keles expander群でoropharyngeal airwayはより多く増加した。
MARPE治療の上気道に対する影響(Fang UYi et al.,J Xray Sci Tehnol 2020)
・significant increase in nasopharyngeal volume 8.5%
・nasal lateral width は大きく変化した
・oro-, palato- or glossopharyngeal airway volumeは変化しなかった
外科手術による上下顎骨の前方移動(Ghaddy AlSaty et al.,AJODO )
・significant increase in total airway volume (36%), airway area (27%), and minimal cross-sectional area (46%) 10 months follow-up
MMA手術による気道容量の変化(Parsi GK et al.,Int Oral & Mxillofac Surgery 2019)
・4oの上顎骨の前方移動手術でropharyngeal volは41%増加した
・bimax advancement 5.1 and 6.4mm
・27% increase in nasopharyngeal volume
・66% increase in oropharyngeal volume
・52% increase in hypopharyngeal volume
・Every mm advncement increase oropharyngeal vol 2300mm
・Every mm downward movement increase nasopharyngeal vol
Don't Make the Same Mistake I Did: MARPE Complication (Audrey Yoon, AAO,2022)
・Photobiomodulation Therapy (PBMT) low-level laser therapyの効果については、次の機会に発表します。
・非対称な拡大は、pitch, Roll, Yawにおいて生じる。たとえば、オトガイが右に偏位することもある。
・その他: 歯髄失活、一時的な難聴、しびれ、顔面腫脹、歯髄炎、重度の咽頭反射、副鼻腔感染。
・顔面マッサージ、Physical Therapy, Myofunctional Therapy
・必要なら、Vit B complex, Vit D, Lipoic Acid, folateのようなサプリメントを飲用
*1症例において、zygomatic fractureがあり、30秒間の難聴 → 顔面腫脹と頬骨ぶに疼痛 → 10日間の耳鳴りがあった。
*痛みやクリッキングなどの訴えが患者からあっても、MARPE使用中はいろいろなことが起こるので患者には様子を見てくださいと言うことが多い。重度の症状がある症例でCBCT撮影すると、nasomaxillary fracture や zygomatic complex fractureがあった。実際のfracture症例の数は、我々が考えているより、ずっと多いのかもしれない。
・患者の精査: 既往歴や外傷歴を調べ、上顎骨と縫合している骨を調べ、骨の非対称があるかどうかを調べる。
・患者をモニタリングする: complicationを早期に発見する。
Is Success Predictable When Expanding with TADs? (Sercan Akyalcin, AAO, 2022)
従来の上顎側方拡大装置では、49% dental tipping, 13% alveolar bending, 38% skeletal expansion (Garrett et al. 2008)
Midpalatal Suture Maturation Stage (MPSM)
- ・Young adults(平均22.5±5.1歳, n=31, r=0,74) Titus et al.2020
・15−37歳(23±7.2歳、n=25, r=0.36) Shin et al.2019
・15-37歳(n=28, no correction) Oliveiro et al.2021
CBCTを使って測定したMidpalatal Suture Density Ratio (MPSD)は、拡大の安定性と統計学的に相関はなかった。(Titus et al.2020)
成功率は、15-19歳で83.3%、20-29歳で81.8%、30-17歳で20%であった。(Oliveira et al.2021)
complicationは年齢とともに多くなった。(Winsauer et al.2021)
Facts about Maxillary Expansion in Adults: Fracture or Remodeling? Dee-Joon Lee, AAO, 2022) 成人のMARPE:破折かリモデリングか?
MARPEの成功率は、男性61,05%、女性94.17%、全体で79.53%であった。(Ji Yoon Jeon et al., Clinical Oral Investigations 2022)
上下の前歯が傾斜移動した症例群(27例)と歯体移動した症例群(26例)における根尖の前後的な移動量、A点、B点、soft tissue A点、soft tissue B点の前後的な移動量を調べた。(Wonkyeong Baik et al., Korean J Orthod 2022)
- 傾斜移動した群では、上顎中切歯の根尖が0,33mm後方移動するとA点は0.06o、soft tissue A点は0.61o後方移動した。歯体移動した群では、それぞれ、5.02o、0.61o、1.10o後方移動した。
傾斜移動した群では、下顎中切歯の根尖が0.26o後方移動するとB点は0.05o、soft tissue B点は1.25o後方移動した。したい移動した群では、それぞれ、5.31o、1.98o、3.25o後方移動した。
sulcus angleは、傾斜移動した群では5.89°増加し、歯体移動した群では8.13°減少した。
- Dentoskeletal and Periodontal Changes after Miniscrew Assisted Rapid Platal Expansin (Marin CM, et al. AAO 2021)
- Conclusion
- ・Of the 19 cases treated with MARPE, 16 were successful in opening the palatine suture, representing 84.2% of total maxillary expansion success.
- ・There was a significant reduction in the buccal bone thickness of the first molars and, in general, an increase in the palatal bone thickness of all evaluted teeth.
- ・The transverse increase was statistically significant for all interdental distances, as well as nasal base and jugula widths.
- ・Buccal inclination was statistically significant of the first molars.
- ・The midpalatal suture was opened in a triangular shape, with the smallest increase observed in the nasal base (2.82mm) and the largest increase observed in the intermolar distance (6.37mm). The skeletal expansion, measured in the maxillary width represented 48% of the total transversal gain measured at the molar level.
- ・Expansion with this type of MARPE appliance showed to be an effective method for the correction of maxillary atresia in young adult patients combining skeletal and dental effects.
Cortoiopuncture of the midpalatal suture in cases of failure of miniscrew assisted rapidpalatal expansion in adults (Adriana Souza de Jesus et al, AA 2021)
- This clinical case showed:
- ・A case of failure in expansion with a device supported by 4 mini-implants on the plate
- ・A second successful approach in which the corticopuncture technique was applied using a mini-implant.
- ・The coticopuncture performed along the midpalatal suture can help to decrease sutural resistance in rapid maxillary expansion in adult patients, as the mechanical stimulus of perforation attracts a greater amount of inflammatin mediators that act in bone resorption and neoformation (proven in scientific research)
- Conclusion / Clinical Application
- ・MARPE's success was related to age and a greater bone thickness.
- ・In failure cases the subsequent performance of corticopuncture provided the success of the maxillary disjunction.
Results: MARPE success was related to age and a greater midpalatal bone thicknes (MBTh) at 12mm and 16mm !!!!!
MARPE (Mini screw Assisted Rapid Palaral Expansion)の作用 (Sumit Yadv, AAO, 2019)
- ・MARPEは、young adultsの上顎正中縫合を拡大させ、上顎骨狭窄症例に対して有効な治療といえる。
・MARPEによる上顎側方歯の頬側傾斜は頬側歯槽骨の厚みとcrest hight を減少させる。
- MSE の利点 (Won Moon, AAO, 2019)
- ・ハイ・アングル症例のバーティカル・コントロール
・FM(face mask)とMSEの組み合わせによるClass III症例の成長のmodification
・成人患者でもorthopedic Class III Correctionは可能か? もちろん可能です!! 限界は?
・MSE stability は確かです…!!
- 上顎側方拡大(Peter Ngan, AAO, 2019)
- プロトコール
- ◇骨格性不正咬合の重症度
- ・上顎と下顎の幅径の差 − 5mm以上 (Betts & Vanarshdall et al. 1995)
・Periodontal susceptibility or biotype (Olsson & Lindhe, 1993)
- ・8-12歳 → Banded or bonded RPE
・13-20歳 → MARPE (TADS assisted RPE)
・20歳以上 → SARPE or Segmental surgery
- 成人患者の上顎側方拡大(Krishnaswamy, AAO, 2019)
- ◇側方拡大が望ましい理論的根拠
- ・カリエス由来でない歯頚部の磨耗 − くさび状欠損
・functional shift-TMD
・Low masticatory ability index
・reduced food intake ability
- ο生物学的問題
- ・mid palatal suture
・circum maxillary suture
・pterigopalatine suture
・quality of bone
- ・posterior limit of hard palate
・curvature of the palatal vault
- ・faulty design
・improper construction
・improper placement of TADs
- ・MSEは従来のRMEに比べ骨の変化が大きい
・vertical alveolar bone loss due to buccal bone dehisceneces of the anchor teeth was seen more with hyrax expander device than MSE
Periodontitis (歯周病)
Orthodontics and periodontrogy: two disciplines, one goal. James Deschner. EOS 2024
・Very good oral hygiene is essential
・move slowly (allow for a longer period of time)
・use light forces to move the teeth
・appliances with segments, individual bends, maximization of anchorage and intramaxillary force vectors are advantageous
・avoid the use of bands
・intermaxillary elastics and intermaxillary appliances are risky
・removable appliances are critical due to tipping tooth movements
・use appliances that allow adequate oral hygiene
・mini screws are advantageous for anchoring
・orthodontic therapy after periodontal therapy and re-evaluation (no periodontal inflammarion, good oral hygiene)
・orthodontic therapy after 4 weeks to 6 months after regenerative therapy
・interruption or discontinuation of orthodontic therapy in the event of poor oral hygiene or periodontal relapse
・if periodontal therapy is required, interrupt active therapy and insert passive arch
・in the case of orthodontically indicated tooth extractions, take into account the periodontal value of the teeth (consider atypical extractions)
・informing patients about the risk of recession and treatment options
・monitoring of the mucogingival situation before, during and after orthodontic therapy
・patient instruction for oral hygiene
・co-treatment of orthodontic patients by the family dentist/periodontist
・do not move teeth out of the bone buccally/labially (consider extractions, interproximal enamel reduction to avoid recession)
・regenerative therapy後の4週から6か月後に矯正治療
・歯周病治療が必要なら、動的治療は中止しpassive archを入れておく
Long-term impact of orthodontic treatment on gingival recession in adults with compromized anterior teeth: a retropspective study. Ghazal Hasanzadah. EOS 2024
・Orthodontic treatment after periodontal treatment affected the occurrence and size of gingival recession in periodontally compromised adult patients.
・However, differences in the recession size between the ortho and non-ortho group were clinically negligible (6%: 0.3-0.6 mm)
・The long term functional and esthetic improvement by orthodontic treatment in periodontal patients outweights the minimal recession increase.
Timing of soft tissue augmentation in orthodontic patients, Before or after treatment? (Dimitris Kloukos, EOS 2024)
・Soft tissue augmentation is a safe procedure with minimal pain and discomfort
・It assisted in considerable reduction of the incidence of recession in the anterior lower teeth in the long-term
・However, as 83% of the patients in the non-thickening group did not develop recesson, a general use of pre-treatment soft tissue augmentation in thin phenotype patients would be over-treatment (?)
Development of gingival recession in orthodontically treated patients in comparison to untreated individuals. (MALMO UNIVERSITY EOS 2023) (092107511)
- Conclusions
- The adjusted incidence rate of recessions due to orthodontic treatment was 67% higher compared to the control at 1-year post treatment
- Orthodontic treatment promoted the development of gingival recession in the short-term (1 year post-debond)
- Percentage of recessions remained below 4% for the intervention group and below 3% for the control group
- Severity: Limited (most recessions up to 1mm)
- Causal factors and possible confounders that may contribute to recession development will further be analyed
- In 2023, the 5-year after treatment assessment has been initiated.
Gingival Recession Development in Orthodontic Patients (D.Kloukos et al.EOS 2023) 091737818
- Gingival recessions can be related to:
・ pathological factors and aging
・ anatomical factors
・ malocclusion
・ mechanical factors i.e.:
- toothbrushing
- piercings
- orthodontic tooth movement
- Gingival reccesions
・ Found in over 90% of adults aged >50 years (Loe et al.JCP 2014)
・ U.S. ample, 30 years or older: In the youngest cohort (30 to 39 years), prevalence at 38% (A 1999)
・ France sample: at least one recession present in 85% of adults between 30-65 years old (Sorfote et al.JOP 2010)
・Recent report on data from over 10,000 subjects in U.S.: buccal gingival recessions may affect almost the entire US population (Romondini et al. JCP 2020)
- Contributin Factors
・ Female gender, white ethnicity, tooth type (incisors) and mandibular teeth can be considered as risk factors for the presence of recessions.
・ Results: based on cross-sectional studies, confounding the evaluatin of the relationship between age and occurrence of recession.
- Periodontium and Orthodontics - in Health and Disease: Managing Periodontitis stage IV patuents with Pathological Tooth Migration, Integration of Periodontal and Orthodontic TherapiesNariano S. EOS 2023 IMG_20230614_083450980
1. Can we undertake OTM in stage IV periodontitis patients?
- We recommend OT based on the evidence of:
・A. NO significant changes in PPD and CAL
・B. NO significant changes BOP nor gingival recession
・C. NO increased roo resorption
2. In patients with stage IV periodontitis, when should we start Ot?
- No clear interval between periontal treatment and OT
? Recent studies suggest that long healing periods are not needed ?
- 3. ?In patients with severe periodontitis, how should we implement OT?
・ Periodontal maintenance 1-3 months
・ Personalized fixed appliances (TADs, seccionals)
・ Fixed retention
- 4. What is the prognosis of treated periodontitis patients and OT?
- Good results
Guidline for Ortho-Perio Integrated Approach 歯周病患者の矯正治療 (Chung Ju Hwang,APOC 2022)
- ・アメリカでは48%の人が歯周病(60歳の人は80%が歯周病)
Alveolar bone levels
1. When pre-and post-orthodontic alveolar bone levels were compared, larger changes were noticed in maxilla tha mandible.
2. Alveolar bone level change
Children, Non Ext.: 0.01-0.14mm
Children, Ext. : 0.17mm (Ogard)
Patients at high perio risk during Orthod Tx
1. Patients with adult periodontitis or rapidly progressive periodontitis who have poor oral hygiene
2. Patients with rapidly progressive periodontitis who have recurring deep pockets
3. Patients with adult periodontitis or rapidly progressive periodontitis who have furcation defects
4. Patients with localized juvenile perodontitis
Retention & Relapse (保定と再発)
Do we need to sandblast or just pumice the enamel surface before our lower retainers? A single-operator 2-arm 18-month 88-patient randomized controlled trial. (Estelle Phonchareun. EOS 2024)
- conclusion
・Sandblasting prior to acid etching resulted in a statistically and clinically significant reduction in bonding failure rate of mandibular fixed retainers after 18 months of follow-up.
・3-fold reduction in bonding failure rate of mandibular retainers with prior enamel sandblasting.
(Dr.井上の意見:sandblastingは何秒? etchingは何秒? それを知りたい。私は、bonded lingual retainerを接着するときのetching時間を、braketのbondingのときのetching時間より長くしています)
Pre-fabrecated bonded retainers: A randomized controlled trial (Sara Waldenstrom EOS 2023) (23155)
- Materials and methods
- Conventional retainer: PentaOne .0195 (PeO)
Prefabricated chain retainer: Ortho FlexTech (PFCR)
- Conclusion
・ No significant differences regarding stability, complication rate and patients' experience.
・ Significant differences with more calculus and gingivitis in the PFCR group.
Comparison of Effectiveness of Coaxial versus Linked Bonded Retainers: A Randomised controlled Trial E. Versluysen et al. EOS 2023 IMG_20230614_090627061_HDR
- Materials and methods
・ "0.0195 inch dead soft coaxial retainer" vs "0.0383x0.0158 inch linked retainer"
・ "Conventional isolation: Cotton rolls and Hygophomic suction" vs "Rubberdam isolation"
- Conclusion
- Failure
・ A total failure rate of 34% was present after 1 year with no differences between the groups
・ Most failures occured in the firtst 6 months and rubberdam isolation failed earlier than convetional
- Little Irregularity Index (LII)
・ No difference in LII between retainer groups
・ LII increased after 1 year and most changes in LII happende in the first 6 months
- Periodontal effects
・There was no difference in periodontal effects betwee the two retainer groups
・ Patient's oral health had more influence on periodontal tissue than retainer type
Dental effects
- ・ No caries and no unwanted tooth movements were reported after 1 year in retention
Orthodontic retention: where are we now? Marie Cornelis. EOS 2023
Factors for relapse
・Gingival & periodontal tissues
・Posttreatmet facial growth & development
Biological mechanisms of relapse
・PDL reorganization: 3-4 months
・Gingival colageneous fivers reorganization: 4-5 months
・Gingival elastic supracrestal fibers remodeling: >7-8 months
Retention protocols are stil largely contoversial!
・France: 84% orthodontists prefer fixed permanent retention (Renkema et al 2009)
・Swiss: 87% orthodontists prefer fixed permanent retention (Lai et al 2014)
・America: Removable retention preferred
・Australia: Maxilla: 7.6% fixed - 39% removable, Mandible: 39% fixed - 22% removable (Meade & Dreyer 2019)
Fixed vs removable? Maxilla
Stability of maxillary anterior teeth: removable retainer alone equally efficient as combination of removable & fixed retainer (Bjering et al 2015)
Fixed vs removable? Mandible
Fixed retainers: Improved preservation of mandibular alignment compared to removable retainers 4 years postteatment (Dalya et al 2018)
Dual retention = Fixed retainers in addition to removable retainers overnight
If the fixed retainer fails: teeth can be held in position by removable retainer until fixed retiner can be repaired (Johnston & Littlewood 2015)
Fixed retainers: how?
1.When, where, how do fixed retainers fail?
2.Canine-to-canine or canine-and-canine?
3.Which type of wire?
4.How to avoid side effects?
Bond failures:
Wide variation in risk of bond failure: 3.5% to 53% (Iliadi et al 2015)
Types of bond failures
・Most debondings: composite-enamel interface (Bovalietal 2014)
・Retainer wire-composite interface = detachments happening at a later stage: "secondary mechanism of failures" (Ardshna 2011)
Timing of failures:
Most failures:
・within first month (Bovali et al 2014)
・withi first 3 to 6 months (Dahl et al 1991, Lie Sam Goek 2008)
thus when tooth movility is highest
First year of retention: 5 times more failures compared to 2nd year - probably of failure significantly drops after a year (Cornelis et al 2022)
Repeated failures
・Rebonding to previously bonded enamel: unpredictable. due to difficulties in removing the adhesive remnants under the wire?
Regular retention visits; necessary mainly during the first year. BUT even after 1 year, failures continue to occur!
Advantage of canines only?
Failure rate after 2 years:
・canine-and-canine lingual retainers: 18%
・canine-to-canine 0.0215-in multistranded: 53%
Stormann & Ehmer 2002
Failure rate after 3 years:
・canine-and-canine lingual retainers: 9%
・canine-to-canine: 27%
Artun et al 1997
Advantage of canines only?
・Failure more easily detected by patient
・Cause less severe complications
・Hygiene is easier
Disadvantage of canines only?
- Frequent relapse of incisors not bonded to the retainer
Stormann & Ehmer 2002, Renkema et al 2008
Design for lower fixed retainers. Cleo Wouters et al 2019
・Bond retainers to all lower six anterior teeth in patients with a high risk of relapse
・Inform patients about the risk of changes in alignment with retainers only bonded to the lower 3s
Clinical advice: Q2: Canine-to-canine or canine-and-canine?
Canine-and-canine: More reliable (failures) but less efficient (relapse)...
Decision taken by clinician according to risk assessment
Which type of wire?
1.Round or rectangular wire?
2.Heat-treated or not?
3.Which wire dimension?
4.New CAD/CAM wires?
Round multistranded fixed retainer
- used to be the gold standard. Zachrisson 1977
Allows micro-movement of the teeth -> maintains properties of periodontium
Rectangular wires?
- Bond failures
20% Renkema et al 2008
31% Lie Sam Foek et al 2008
-> Similar to round wires
Heat-treated or not?
Heat treatment of retention wires is common procedure
Generally no control of temprerature and time
Comparable to "dead-soft" wires refers to the hardness of wire and has not been hardened at all
Dead-soft wires?
0.016x0.022-in dead-soft 8-braided flattened wire
Prevents torque control problems
When bonded on upper incisors, can be adapted with little occlusal interference
Easy to adapt
Excellent for splinting periodontally comprised teeth...
According to the producer Reliance!!!
Dead-soft wires? Development fo a clinical practice guidline for orthodontic retention. Cleo Wouters et al 2019
・The advantage of dead-soft wires is their ease to adjust and insert
・The disadvantage of dead-soft wires is their high risk of fracture and decreased retention capacity
Which wire dimension? Multistranded stainless steel wire
Most common dimensions: 0.0215-in, 0.0195-in, 0.0175-in. tendency of failure decrease with increasing wire diamete (Iliadi et al 2015). 12% failure rate with 0.0215-in multistranded bonded retainer (Tachen et al 2010)
Types: 3-strande, 5-stranded (with central core; 6-stranded). 3 to 4 times increased risk of bond failures with 3- vs 5- stranded (Dahl et al 1991)
CAD/CAM fixed retainers?
- 2-year follow-up: No difference in failure rate
Unexpected tooth movements
- Unexpected posttreatment movements of anterior teeth affect 2.7%-5% of patients with multistranded wire retainers. Consists mainly in:
- ・Torque differences of incisors
・increased buccal canine inclination
Katsaros et al 2007 - Renkema et al 2011
- Most frequent unexpected movements (J.Kuchara et al 2016)
・Twist effect on 3-3
・Torque differences between 2 adjacent incisors・Canines tipped buccally
- Why?
・Wire no passive: active component of the wire acquired in the fabrication process
・Deformed while bonding by operator: induced elastic deflection during bonding
・Deformed by function: hard foods, trauma, folossing, habits
- Indirect vs direct bonding of mandibular fixed retainers 2023 AJO-DO)
- Clinical advice - Q3: How to avoid side effects?
- Take home message
1. In the long term, in the mandible, fixed retainers provide better retention than removable retainers alone
2.Dual retention is rcommended in high risk
- 1. Most frequent risk of fixed retainers: Debondings
- Risk decreases considerably after 1 year
- Appear in the long run:
-> Inform general dentist & patient
-> Need to find alternatives to multistranded wires
The Future of Orthodontic Retention & How to Get Your Patients to Wear Retainers (Dr Simon J Littlewood,AOSC 2023)
If bonded retainers are going to fail, this happens early → Review bonded retainers, face to face within a month of debond
How to get your patients to wear retainers
Simon's Top 10 Tips
1.Provide a spare set
2.Early replacement: How? Where? Cost?
3.Help patients understand relapse
4.Creating a habit
5.Travel reminder
6.Patients listen to clinitians they like
7.Nights only wear - Pyjamas for teeth (Removal retainers onlty need to be worn at night,Litlewood et al.2016,Cochrane Review)
8.Spotting risk patients
9.Professional review
Do the videos work? (Parker,Bharmal et al.2020)
・278 patients in 9 locations
・Before watching 74% would wear retainers long-term
・After watching 96% would wear retainers long-term
Bonded Retainers - Everything You Wanted to Know But Were Too Afraid to Ask (Dr.Simon Littlewood, AOSC 2023)
・What's the best type of bonded retainer?
・Technical tips for placing bonded retaines
・What problems can occur with bonded retainers?
・CADCAM bonded retaines - are they superior?
・Bonded retaners or Removable retainers?
Essential use of bonded retainers
・Compromised periodontal support
・Spaced cases
・Severe rotations
・Cleft lip and palate cases
・Deliberately put teeth in unstable position
Bonded or Clear Plastic Retainers (Eur J Orthod 2018)
Oral Health
・No difference in caries
・More plaque with bonded retainers
・More calculus with bonded retaines
・More gigival inflammation with bonded retainers
・No evidence of periodontal attachment loss
Patient satisfaction
Overall patients preferred bonded retainers
・More comfortable
・Needed less compliance
・Less effect on speech
...but bonded harder to clean
・No difference in itercanine or intermolar width
・No difference in overjet or overbite
・No diffence in PAR score (quality)
・There was a difference in irregularity
・No difference in irregularity in Maxilla
・Greater irregularity with clear plastic retaner in mandible
・Little's Index - 1mm more irregularity in the mandible with VFR
・Looked at material & labour costs
・Bonded retainers more expensive overall
- ・In maxilla clear retainers are more cost-effective
・In the mandible it costs 15 SGD for every 1mm of relapse prevented
Al-Moghrabi et al.AJO-DO 2018 (4-year follow-up)
・Less relapse in lower with bonded
・67% no longer wear vacuum-formed retainers
What's does this high quality evidence tell us?
・Upper arch - both equally good
・Lower arch - bonded slightly better retention
・Bonded more potential for health issues
・Removable more cost-effective in upper
・Bonded more expensive in lower
・Compliance is a big issue for removable
・Most bonded fail early - so review after 1 month
Which type of bonded retainer should I use?
Common Types of Bonded Retainers
・Polyethylene ribbon retainer
・Dead-soft wire
・Ortho Flex-Tech
Polyethylene ribbon retainer
(Nagani et al.2020, Sobouti et al.2016, Torkan et al.2014, Salehi et al.2013, Bolla,2012, Rose et al.2002)
・Unpredictable survival
・Poorer perio
・Patients like aesthetics
Canine and canine retainer
(Ferreira et al.2019, Al-Nlmn et al.2009)
・Patients like them
・Patients know when they are debonded
・Easier to clean
・Maintain intercanine width well
・Incisors may relapse!
Dead-soft Co-axial Wire
(Gunay et al.2018)
・Easy to place
・Good for alignment
・May not be rigid enough maintain intercanine width
Ortho-Flex Tech
・Becoming very popular in the UK
・Easy to place, minimal shaping
・Very low profile
Clinical Tips
・Etch & primer first
・Place minimal composite as "undercoat"
・Lay chain onto this adhesive undercoat and take up slack in chain
・Place "overcoat" of composite
・Now light-cure
・Ensure composite covers almost entire wire across tooth width
Warning: when NOT to use Ortho-Flex Tech
To keep spaces closed
Nickel-Titanium CAD-CAM retainer - "Memotain" Retainer
・Made of nickel titanium - shape memory & flexible
・Precision made - excellent fit, easier to place
・Laser cut from sheet of Nitinol so no work hardening
Jowett et al.J Orthodontics 2022
- Trial terminated at 6 months
→ More fracture of MEMOTAIN wire
→ Space opening...but composite still bonded to enamel
・The version of Memotain cannot be recommended for use in the upper arch
・Nickel-Titanium as a retainer material?
More about CAD/CAM tomorrow in future developments in retension
・There is no perfect bonded retainer
・Understand advantages & disadvantages of each
・Recognize problems & how to minimise these
1.Bonded Retainer Failure (12-50%)(Kucera et al.BDJ 2021)
Avoiding bond failure
・Remove pellicle with debonded bur
・Moistuer control
・Keep totally dry
・Etch for at least 30 seconds
・Dry toroughly
・Place primer, ensureing totally dry (cure primer before placing compsite?)
Place under rubber dam?
Where is the failure? (Kucera et al.BDJ 2021)
・Enamelcomposite interface
・Wire fracture
・Between wire and composite
General top tips
1.Plan for the fixed retainer from the begining
・Ensure patient able & willing to look after and maintain retainer
・Motivate patient throughout treatment about it
・For upper,ensure there is space for it
・Ensure gingival health execellent in advance
3.Allow sufficient time
4.Prepare the enamel - normal etching may not be enough - Remove pellicle with debond bur
5.moisture control is key
・Keep totally dry with cotton wool, retractors, suction, dental mirror
・Etch for at least 30 seconds
・Dry throughly
・Place primer, ensuring totally dry (cure primer before placing composite?)
The Troublesome Tongue
・Keep lower fixed in place
・Place elastic across molars
・Ask patient to keep tongue behind elastic
・leave space for composite as well as wire
・check with articulating paper after bonding
・consider bonding only upper 2 to 2?
8.Cover wire with wear-resistant composite
1.Bonded Retainer Failure (12-50%)
2.Effect on periodontal health
・Patients with bonded retainers have increased levels of markers for periodontal disease and cariogenic bacteria
・Clinical studies of bonded retainers show no increase in caries or perodontal attachment loss provided good oral hygiene is maintained
・Markers indicae subclinical disease
Patients need to be willing, & able to look after bonded retainer for as long as it is in place
・V-looped Retainer - 0.018inch (0.45mm) Wilcoxon Australian Stainless Steel
・Brazilian Retainer - 0.6mm Stainless Steel
・MagneTainer - floss-able retainer made of magnets - Neodymium iron boron magnets (Armstrong et al.JWFO 2017)・・
1.Bonded Retainer Failure (12-50%)
2.Effect on periodontal health
3.Unwanted tooth movement
・If bonded retainer is active when placed,or becomes active, it either debonds or can move the tooth
・3500 bonded retaines (Josef Kubera et al. AJO-DO)
・1.1% showed unwanted tooth movement caused by bonded retainer
・What could cause this?
・Wire placed in active position
・Wire gets distorted in function
・Inherent tensio in archwire
・"Tunnelling" - failure of wire/composite bond
・Parfunctional habits?
・Choice of wire
・Place passively
・Provide back-up removable retainer
・Keep under regular review - for as long as it is in place
・Know what to look for at review
・Patients like bonded retainers
・All types have advantages & disadvantages
・They will fail ... eventually
・Failure (technique & materials)
・Perio problems - patients need to be willing & able to maintain good oral hygiene
・Unwanted tooth movement is a risk
・Bonded retainers must be kept under regular review
Anterior dental dental crowding relapse and denal arch dimensions changes in patients treated with extractions: 37 years follow-up study (Caroline M. et al. AAO 2021)
- Conclusions
- After 37 years ...
- The transversal and longitudinal dimensions of the dental arches decreased while the crowding increased;
- The mandibular dental alignment obtained with the treatment with extraction of 4 premolars was not stable in the long term.
T1: pretreatment
T2: posttreatment
T3: long term postretention
T1 | T2 | T3 | P | |
Little's Irregularity Index | 6.84±2.97 | 0.36±0.67 | 1.55±1.95 | 0.000 |
3-3 width | 34.20±2.50 | 34.85±1.87 | 33.85±2.75 | 0.183 |
5-5 width | 44.79±2.66 | 43.40±1.68 | 41.90±2.48 | 0.000 |
6-6 width | 49.19±2.59 | 48.18±1.42 | 47.53±2.48 | 0.057 |
Arch lengtn | 27.89±2.71 | 22.71±3.50 | 20.10±2.31 | 0.000 |
Arch perimeter | 70.66±5.98 | 61.91±3.06 | 58.86±3.72 | 0.000 |
Little's Irregularity Index | 3.31±2.10 | 0.58±0.97 | 3.66±2.11 | 0.000 |
3-3 width | 26.53±0.50 | 26.73±1.32 | 24.22±2.69 | 0.008 |
5-5 width | 39.07±2.64 | 35.40±1.92 | 34.48±2.47 | 0.000 |
6-6 width | 44.05±2.01 | 40.74±1.42 | 41.78±2.91 | 0.000 |
Arch lengtn | 23.11±1.87 | 17.86±1.93 | 15.57±1.75 | 0.000 |
Arch perimeter | 62.20±5.53 | 52.75±3.02 | 49.94±3.10 | 0.000 |
T1 | T2 | T3 | P | |
Little's Irregularity Index | 8.40±4.10 | 0.11±0.41 | 2.71±2.38 | 0.000 |
3-3 width | 34.57±2.25 | 35.25±1.64 | 34.23±2.14 | 0.032 |
5-5 width | 43.81±2.18 | 42.85±1.89 | 41.70±2.23 | 0.000 |
6-6 width | 49.33±1.96 | 47.89±2.49 | 47.54±2.80 | 0.000 |
Arch lengtn | 28.08±2.64 | 22.08±2.90 | 21.17±1.62 | 0.000 |
Arch perimeter | 72.16±5.29 | 62.96±2.67 | 60.46±3.49 | 0.000 |
Little's Irregularity Index | 9.94±2.65 | 0.48±0.81 | 4.60±3.05 | 0.000 |
3-3 width | 25.73±2.24 | 27.15±1.38 | 25.36±2.31 | 0.000 |
5-5 width | 37.17±2.20 | 35.46±1.74 | 34.05±2.08 | 0.000 |
6-6 width | 42.89±2.24 | 40.39±2.30 | 40.65±2.60 | 0.000 |
Arch lengtn | 22.72±2.52 | 18.23±2.33 | 16.93±1.98 | 0.000 |
Arch perimeter | 63.76±3.11 | 53.60±2.27 | 50.46±3.35 | 0.000 |
Longitudinal behavior of orthodontic extraction spaces (Marcelo Valerio et al. AAO 2021)
- Conclusions
- ・The percentage of patients with residual spaces at the end of treatment was 56.4%;
・space reopening and late closure take place mainly in the first year after treatment, but they still occur more discreetly in the longterm;
・From the quadrants which were closed at the end of treatment, 87% remained stable;
・There was significant reduction in orthodontic extraction space dimension in the short- and long- term stages, with significantly greater reduction in the mandibular arch
矯正装置撤去時 T1
矯正装置撤去後1年 T2
矯正装置撤去後5年 T3
T2で残存抜歯空隙が出現した割合は(perentages of quadrants)、6.3% from the total, 9.7% from the closed ones。
T3で残存抜歯空隙が出現した割合は(perentages of quadrants)、2.2% from the total, 3.3% from the closed ones。
T2で残存抜歯空隙が閉鎖した割合は(perentages of quadrants)、17.5% from the total, 50.2% from the open ones。
T3で残存抜歯空隙が閉鎖した割合は(perentages of quadrants)、7.5% from the total, 21.4% from the open ones。
T1, T2, T3で残存抜歯空隙がある割合は(perentages of quadrants)、9.9% from the total, 28.4% from the open ones。
T1, T2, T3で残存抜歯空隙がない割合は(perentages of quadrants)、56.6% from the total, 87% from the closed ones。
skeletal stability (Peter Buschang, AAO 2021)
Orthodontic Relapse vs Instability
- - A return toward the pretreatment condition (Reidel 1975, Enlow 1980, Vaden et al 1997, Thilander 2000)
- It has to be related to treatment
- Cannot be due to normal physiological changes that occur (Horowitz and Hixon 1969)
- - relates to posttreatment changes that are not due to relapse
More stable occlusion であった症例は、@Greater ACNC AGreater occlusal suport BHigher bite forces CMore and denser bone であった。
Take-home Mwssage #1
- ・For the average Class II patient,- postreatment molar relationships are remarkable stable
1. Class II division 2
2. Class II division 1 - fixed
3. Class II division 1 - functional
The functional studies that showd the greatest posttreatment changes had 1)no fized treatment 2)finished with teeth not in Class I, and 3)treated hyperdivergivent patients
Take-home Message #2
・Posttreatment overjet is less stable than posttreatment molar relations
Take-home Message #3
・Posttreatment overbite of Class II division 2 patient is not stable
31% return of overbite agter 5 years postretention an 40% after 15 years of follow-up
- Bonded retainer (Simon J Litttlewood,AAO,2019)
- ・プラークがつきやすい
・periodontal attachment lossがおこりやすいという論文はない
- ・上顎では差がなかった
・下顎ではbonded retainerで叢生の後戻りが少なかった
- Unexpected Complicated Bonded Retainer (UCBR) (Marek & Kucera,AAO,2019)
◇Bonded retainerの欠点
- 5%(Katsaros et al.,2007)、2.7%(Renkema et al.,2001)、1.1%(Kucera & Marek,2016)。50%が再治療を要した。
- Type 1: X-effect - change in torque on adjacent incisors
Type 2: Twist effect -
- ・twisting of the whole anterior segment
・contralateral canines in opposite direction
- ・spaces
・protrusion with open bite
- ・ヒューマン・ファクターinsufficient paasivity)
- -歯間距離を変えた(増加)
-MI or !-APに対する下顎切歯の過度な傾斜
- ・ワイヤーのタイプと位置、材料の経年疲労
・ワイヤーのstraightening or twisting
- ・形態:impact of narrow symphysisi, biotype of att. gingiva
・垂直的な力 − 不完全な咬合
- △保定プロトコール
- ・33-43と13-23(12-22)のbonded retainer
- - 最初の3か月はフルタイム
- 次の9か月はnight-time
- 2年目は週に2回
- 3年目は週に1回
- ・Artun et al.EJO,1997 - significant change (p<0,001> over three years
・Ardren et al.Swed Dent J,1998 - with 23% of cases, samll relapse over 6-8 years
・Storman a Ehmer,JOC,2002 - when smooth wire is attached to canines, there was relapse in 80% of cases over two years
・よって、犬歯ー犬歯だけでなく、すべての前歯にbonded retainerを接着したほうがよい。
◇dead soft wireは、破折しやすく、スペースができやすいので、演者は使うのを止めた。
- crowding fators
wire properties or/and trauma
occlusion, anatomical conditons
・Bad choice wire
・Narrow alveolar process
・Wire fatigue, trauma, position
・Occlusal force disbalance
・Fixed retainers remain one of the best options to maintain Tx results in majority of our pationts・Long-term retention is nt without a risk
・Risks of UCBR is hard to predict and is quite low < 5%
・UCBR - multifactorial origin
・Patients and dentists should be informed about these risks
・Regular check ups at least 2x a year should be performed
- ボンダブル・リンガル・リテーナー接着症例における予想外の歯の移動の発現率と発現時期
- 発現率:
Katsaros et al., AJODO 2007 5%
Renkema et al., AJODO 2011 2.7%
Kucera and Marek, AJODO 2016 1.1%
- 発現時期(ボンダブル・リンガル・リテーナー接着後の年数):
Katsatros et al., AJODO 2007 1-2年
Pazera et al., AJODO 2014 2-4年
Kucera and Marek, AJODO 2016 平均4年
- ボンダブル・リンガル・リテーナー接着症例における予想外の歯の移動が生じる原因 (Jpsef Kucera, AAO 2017)
- I. ボンダブル・リンガル・リテーナーがパッシブに接着されなかった。
- II. 重度の叢生に起因する力
- ・歯列弓の生理学的な変化
- ・歯列弓長の減少
・オーバ ーバイトの増加
- ・成長
- ・dentoalveolar compensation
- ・咬合力のanterior vector
- III. 機械的外傷 − ワイヤーの金属疲労、接着剤の脱離
- IV. ワイヤーの種類
- 下の犬歯と犬歯のだけにワイヤーで固定した症例では、5年後には40%の症例で歯の移動があった。
Renkema et al., AJODO 2008.
Renkema et al., AJODO 2011.
- デッド・ソフト・ワイヤーは切れやすく歯間にスペースが生じやすい。
- ワン・ストランデッド・ワイヤーがいいかもしれない。
- マルチ・ストランデッド・ワイヤーは不安定だ。Zachrisson, JCO 1995. Katsaros et al. AJODO 2007. Kucera et al. AJODO 2016.
- V. ワイヤーの位置
- force exerted on teeth (N)
- Oblique: o.34 - 2.85 N
Middle: 0.16 - 1.44 N
- Moment of force (N.mm)
- Gingival: 0.04 - 0.45 N.mm
Incisal: 0.01 - 0.27 N.mm
- VI. 局所的な解剖学的状態
- Nahm et al. (Dent. Rad. 2014) - dehiscences more frequent in lower jaw
Enhos et al. (Angle Orthod. 2012) - bone dehiscence in hyperdivergent patients
- VII. 結論
- 多因子の原因
- 3°crowding foctors, relapse → Wire properties or traum → Occlusion, anatomical conditions
- ・bad choice of wire
・wire fatigue / trauma
・wire position
- 対策:
- ・Fixed retainers remain one of the best options to maintain Tx results.
・Long-term retention is not without a risk
・Regular check ups at least once a year should be performed.
・Patient and dentist shold be informed about these risks.
- ボンダブル・リンガル・リテナーを接着した患者における予想外の歯の移動(Timothe G. Shaughnessy, AAO 2017)
- 考えられる原因
- 1.ワイヤーの変形(パッシブな状態で接着されなかった。堅い食物、打撲、フロッシングなどによってワイヤーが変形した
- 防止策
- 1.注意深い製造とワイヤーをパッシブに接着する。
- 前歯6本にボンダブル・リンガル・リテーナーを接着していても、200症例のうち6症例(2.7%)で予想外の歯の移動があった。(Renkema et al. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2011,139:614-621)
- 保定中の予想外の歯の移動を防ぐ方法(B. Christoph et al. IOS 2017)
- ・歯の近遠心のコンタクト・ポイントに近い切端側よりにボンダブル・リンガル・リテーナーを接着する。
- インフォームド・コンセント(Simon Littlewood, AOSC2017)
- ・症例のマジョリティはリラプスする。
] ・長期間の保定はリラプスを減少させる。
- Nett & Huang, 2005 (Simon Littlewood, AOSC2017)
- 100名の矯正患者のディボンディング時と10年後においてABO scoreを調べた。ABO Scoreが0だとPerfect resultで、20以下だとWell finished caseである。
ABO scoreが20以上のいまいちな症例では10年後のABO scoreは小さくなっており、ABO scoreが10以下のすばらしい症例では10年後のABO scoreは大きくなっていた。→ "Regression to the mean"
- Dr. Tore Aasen は1993年からリテーナーを使用していない。彼がしているのは: (Simon Littlewood, AOSC,Feb 2017)
- ・arch form & lower labia1 segmentを重要視する。
・0.021 X 0.025 ss ワイヤーを2-3 ヶ月間、装着しておきapexを正しく位置づける。
・Usually removes 1-2mm (maximum 5mm)
結果: 7年後、49症例中48症例でlower areはacceptableであった。
- 捻転歯のリラプスを防止する方法(Simon Littlewood, AOSC2017):
- ・治療早期に捻転をなおす
- リラプスを防止する方法(Simon Littlewood, AOSC2017):
- ・(必要がなければ)犬歯間距離を変化させない。
・(必要がなければ)下顎のlabial segmentを大きく動かさない。
・When reducing overjet, ensure upper incisors are under the control of lower lip。
・buccal segmentの良好なinterdigitaionはsagittaal correction を維持する。
Risk Management (リスク・マネジメント)
Risk Management in Orthodontics (Dr,Athanastios E.Athanasiou, EOS 2024)
1. ROOT RESORPTION, Exteral Apical Root Resorption (EARR)
・it is probably an inevitable consequence of tx
・Typically amounts to 1-2mm during tx
・Affects almost all teeth
・Has no cliicalconsequences
Severe Generalized Resorption
・We do not know why it occures, but it is rare
・It happens in the absence of orthodontic tx but also in treated patients
・Perhaps it is related to some type of auto-immune respose
・If it happens to our patients, almot surely it is not the fault of the orthodontist
Severe Localized Resorption
・Loss of more than 1/4 of the root length of some teeth, usually maxillary incisors
・Is observed in 2-3% of orthodotnic patients
・It is related to orthodontic tx
・One identifiable cause is movement of the root apices against the lingual cortical plate
・Hereditary factors (outcome of any orthodontic tx received by parents, siblings, other relatives)
・Systemic factors (diabetes, allergic reactions, other systemic diseases)
・Local factores (nail biting, other oral habits)
・Trauma (earlier trauma, type and follow-up)
*Tooth agenesis is a feature of many genetic syndromes. There is a high risk of EARR during othodontic tx in patients with multiple aplasia (4 or more teeth), in particular in teeth with an abnormal root form and lengthy tx.
During Treatment
・It has been suggested that once tx with fixed appliance has begun, an initial follow-up is recommended at 6-9 months and should include periapical radiographs of all maxillary teeth and mandibular incisors, since these are the teeth most susceptible to root resorption.
However, the amount and directoiin of tooth movement or presence of excessive tooth movility should be considered before requesting a new radograph.
A radiograph examination is mandatory, and the patient and referring dentist should be informed if EARR has occurred.
If it is mild or moderate, no further action is indicated.
If it is severe, there is risk of tooth mobility. In such a case,farther follow-up and instructions to the patient are necessary.
Studies on humans are inconclusive regarding EARR and medication administration.
Increase EARR was noted in patients with allergies. Good practice would suggest that it is important to identify patients with allergy and consider the possible implications.
Clinical and experimental studies have demonstrated that in the absence of plaque,orthodontic forces and tooth movements fail to induce gingivitis. In the presence of plaque, however, similar forces may cause marginal bone loss.
Tipping and intruding movements are capable of shifting a supragingival plaque into a subgingival position, consequetly, a gingival inflammation is converted into a lesion associatd with attachment loss and infrabony pockets.
Tooth Color Changes
The average tooth color becomes darker and shifts into more red and especially yellow color range after orthodontic tx.
Orthodontic debonding and cleaning procedures were found to have statistically significant effects on the CIE color prameters of treated teeth, during the first retention year.
The tooth color changes may be caused by
・Enamel structure alterations resulted from the irreversible penetration of resin tags
・Enamel surface modifications associated with bonding, debonding and cleaning procedures
・Extrinsic and intrinsic discoloration of the remaining adhesive material
Bleaching was associated with an increase of the L value (lightness) and decrease of b and a values (red/green & yellow/blue axes) in both treated and untreated teeth.
Parameters ΔE,L, and b exhibited statistically significant differences between the Bleaching-Untreated and Bleaching Retention subgroups.
Previous exposure to fixed orthodontic appliance infuluenced the efficacy of external tooth bleaching.
The effect of bleaching was higher after orthodontic treatment and with longr period in retention.
- Tooth Wear
After orthodontic tx, almost all examined teeth had decreased in volume. The mean decrease was 1.03 mm cubic per tooth (p<0.001). Tx duration over 30 months was an important factor in the development of occlusal eat (p<0.001). Further studies are needed.
- Debonding Damages
The bracket removing plier produces the most consistent separation at the bracket-adhesive interface.
The force applied must not exceed 13MPa to prevent enamelcracks.
Care must be exercised when debonding attachments from compromised teeth.
Relapse is defined as the return of features of the original malocclusion following orthodontic correction and its extend is highly variable and difficult to predict.
Retention is a method to retain the teeth in their correceted position. It is now accepted that without retention there is a significant risk the teeth will move.
Continuous changes of the dental arches occur until the adult period, with individual variations. This change is a biological migration of the dentition, resulting in anterior crowding especially in the mandible, even in subjects with congenitally missing 3rd molars.
This natural development has to be considered in orthodontic tx planning as well as in assessing post-tx stability.
The FSW canine-to-canine lingual retainer is very effctive in maintaining the alignment of the mandibular anterior region. However, regular checkups are necessary to determine bonding failures, post-treatment changes, and complications as early as possible.
In 3% of the patients, unexpected post-treatment complications (torque differences of the incisors, increased buccal canine inclination) were observed.
Although fixed orthodotnic retainers have been used for yaers in clinical practice, the selection of the best retention still remains a subjective issue.
Root resorption (歯根吸収)
Diagnosis and Treatment of Maxillary Central Incisors with Compromised Prognosis (Dr.F.A.Uribe,AAO 2023)
Compromised Maxillary Central Incisor
・Short roots
・Abnormal anatomy
・Periodontally compromised
・Avulsion / Severe internal RR
・Corono-radicular fracture
Short Root Anomaly
・Unclear etiology
・Female predilection
・Root/crown (R/C) ratio is <1.1, nrmal is 1.4-1.6
-Variable with race
-As high as 10% in Japanese, Mongolian, Mexican populations
Results; (23 SRA patients and 25 control patients) (A.Cutrera et al.WILE,2018)
・The mean values for root and tooth length of the maxillary incisors decreased by a range of 0.6 to 1.3mm after orthodontic tretment.
・No significant difference between the proups for the majority of measurements
・Age, gender and treatment duration were not associated with change in the proportional and non-proportional lengths for both groups.
Clinical Management of Orthodontic Root Resorption 歯根吸収 (Glenn Sameshima,APOC 2022)
retraction | resorption |
0-1,5mm | 1.04mm |
1.5-3.0mm | 1.46mm |
3.0-4.5mm | 1.57mm |
4.5mm+ | 1.67mm |
If you move a tooth with an immature apex → Orthodontic treatment had no significant negative impact on the continued root development of incomplete roots with two-thirds root formation. (Wan J.et al.AJODO in press)
Root-filled teeth → endodontically treated lateral inisors significantly less EARR than ccontralateral side (Yun Ju Lee,AJODO 2016)
What if i have a patient with higher risk?
・Informed concent
・More frequent progress radiographs, preferably periapical films
・If very short roots delay appliance placement
・"Lighter forces" torque carefully
・Oral hygine must be even better
What should I do if I see root resorption at progress?
・If amount is less than or equal to 2 mllimeters - determine how much more movement you need to do
・If amount is 3mm or more - stop for four months! No occlusal interferences. Recall patient at 6 week intervals to retie and check hygiene - Take new periapical radiographs - Preceed if no further resorption found.Recent studies show resumption of treatment is no increased risk.
Management of EARR post-treatment
1.Inform patient
2.Inform all dental professionals involved with this patient's care
3.Make sure affected teeth are not in hyperocclusion equilibrate if necessary (??)
4.If severe and mobile (+3),splint teeth with light multistranded wire - but most periodontists do not feel this is necessary
When does root resorption cease?
・ Cessation of active forces
・ Equilibrium restablished
・ No resorption seen once retainers are placed
・ Minor correction with finger springs or spring aligner - less likely
Long-tre, EARR outcome: Literature
・ Remington in 1989 recalled 100 patients with EARR 14 years later - no teeth had been compromised.
・ Lateral incisors with severe root resorption from erupting canines even with a 20% increase in crown root ratio were stable long term - Becker 2005
・ Case reports: a single case of severe EARR of all four maxillary incisors treated with fixed appliances was stable 25 years later - Kastrup AAO Meeting 2012.
・ However, a prospective study following patients with and without short roots long term has not been published yet.
Predisposing/diagnostic risk factors
1. Genetic - siblings, parents
2. Abnormal root shape?
3. Ethnicity - Hispanic
4. Medical - syndromes, endocrine problems
5. Eruption problems
Treatment risk factors
1. Apical displacement - intursion and horizontal
2. Extended treatment time
3. Excess overjet - co-factor with displacement and time
4. Extraction - co-factor with displacement and time
1. Complete intial records and informed consent - periapicals or LCBCT
2. Progress films - periapicals
3. stop 4-6 months if EARR
4. High risk - "light" forces - limited tooth movement - progress records
5. Long term prognosis is favorable
6. Clear aligners cause EARR too!
Does the sagittal discrepancy influence root resorption degree after orthodontic treatment (Guiherme Janson et al. AAO 2021)
- Evaluation of the degree of root resorption
- ・The scoring system proposed by Malmgren et al was used to quantify root resorption degree.
- ・Initial and final periapical radiographs were scanned using the Sprint Scan 35 Plus Scanner, with a resolution of 675 dpi at a scale of 1:1. The initial radiographs were used as a parameter of the resorption severity durin evaluation.
- ・The images were analyzed with Phtoshop software at 300% enlargement, without quality loss.
- ・Blind evaluation.
variable | Group 1 ・Class I malocclusion ・57 patients ・Mean age=13.89 years ・Treatment time=29.09 months | Group 2 ・Class II malocclusion ・53 patients ・Mean age=13.49 years ・Treatment time=30.81 months | |||||
mean | median | SD | mean | median | SD | P | |
Mx2R | |||||||
Mx1R | |||||||
Mx1L | |||||||
Mx2L | |||||||
Mean superior resorption | 2.03 | 2.00 | 0.68 | 2.27 | 2.00 | 0.83 | 0.193 |
Md2R | |||||||
Md1R | |||||||
Md1L | |||||||
Md2L | |||||||
Mean inferior resorption | 1.91 | 2.00 | 0.59 | 1.92 | 2.00 | 0.62 | 0.825 |
Class I and Class II malocclusions treated with 4-premolar extractions present similar degrees of root resorption, Therefore, correction of the sagittal discrepancy is not associated with a greater degree of resorption.
EARR (Glenn Sameshima. IOC,2020)
The root resorption occurs every time a toorh is moved orthodontically but is reversible unless it occurs at the root apex (Jimenez-Pellegrin C, Arana-Chavez VE. AJODO,2004)
Generally for a normal length, non-periodontally involved tooth:
- Less than 2mm = mild
2-4mm = moderate
>4mm = severe
EARRの発生率 | 2-4mm | >4mm |
上顎中切歯 | 22.0% | 4.2% |
上顎側切歯 | 25.3% | 6.1% |
上顎犬歯 | 24.1% | 5.4% |
Risk factor (Hartsfield J. AA 2010): Genetic 65%, Mechanical 15%, Unknown 20%
Diagnostic Risk factors (Sameshima & Sinclair 2001 AJODO)
1. Office - wide variation
2. Ethnicity - Hispanic
3. Adults?
4. Abnormal / Odd root shape
5. Long rooted teeth
6. Crowding
7. Overjet
Idiopathic root resorption: Familial expansible osteolysis, Multiple Idiopathic EARR
Treatment risk factors ?
・Extended treatment time
・Root apex displacement
・Overjet correction
Teeth with immature apices have less risk
Endodontic treatment may have a protective effect (but do not recommended to stop EARR)
1. Complete initial records and informed consent - periapicals or LCBCT
2. Progress films - periapicals
3. Stop 4 months if EARR
4. High risk - "light" forces - limited tooth movement - progress records
5. Long term prognosis is favorable
歯根吸収 (Anne Marie Kujipers Jagtman. IOC,2020)
・Change after treatment
・Non-ideal results
・Compromised facial esthetics
・Apical root resorption
・Pulpal damages
・Periodontal problems
・Treatment duration
Grade | Definition | |
0 | No evidence for resorption | |
1 | Irregular root contour | |
2 | Apical root resorption less than 2mm | |
3 | Apical root resorption > 2mm and < 1/3 of original root length | |
4 | Root resorption exceeding 1/3 of original root length |
Apical root resorption と Slanting surface resorption
Lund et al. 2012 が、152名の患者で275本の歯根をCBCTで調べたところ、上顎中切歯で15.1%、上顎側切歯で11.5%の Slanting surface resorptionがあった。
#2 What factors increase the risk of developing EARR during orthodontic treatment?
Treatment related factors | GRADE | Patient related factors | GRADE |
Duration of active treatment (not) | low | Gender & age (not) | Moderate |
Duration in rectangular wire (not)* | low | Previous trauma (not) | low |
Horizontal apical displacement (yes) | very low | Endodontic treatment (preventive) | very low |
Vertical apical desplacement (unclear) | very low | Root / tooth morphology (not)* | low |
Overjet reduction (unclear) | very low | Root length (not)* | very low |
Extraction vs non-extraction (yes) | low | Lip/tongue dysfunction/habits (unclear) | very low |
Elastics Class II (unclear) | very low | Agenesisi (not) | low |
Elastics anterior (not) | low | Previous treatment (preventive) | low |
Wire sequence (not) | low | Overjet & overbite | very low |
Distance to palatal bone (unclear) | very low | Angle Clasiffication (not) | very low |
#1 What types of radiographs enable the diagnosis/detection of orthodontically induced EARR?
- Consider taking an OPT at 12 months after starting fixed appliances in a patient with any extraction treatment. Compare this OPT to OPT taken at the start of orthodontic treatment, when available. Weak recommendation
- Consider taking additional periapical radiographs when the available radiographs do not provide adequate information about the shape and size of the roots, Weak recommendation.
- Inform the patient prior to orthodontic treatment about the risk EARR. Strong recommendation
- When an extraction treatment is planned, inform the patient of the possibility that it is associated with increased risk of severe EARR. Strong recommendation
#3 What treatment protocol should be followed when EARR has been detected during treatment?
- Revaluate treatment goals and plan when EARR is detected (≧2mm) during an ortho tx. Inform the patient and discuss the consequences, the patient's preferences and the treatment goals. Strong recommendation.
- Consider stopping tx when generalized severe EARR occurs. Weak recommendation
- Consider avoiding further loading on teeth that exhibit severe EARR
- When deciding to continue active ortho tx, consider discontinuing treatment for 3 months. Make sure that the appliance is passive during that time to avoid loading the affected teeth. Weak recommendation
- When deciding to continue ortho tx, attempt to avoid displacement of the affected teeth. Strong recommendation
- When deciding to continue active ortho tx after a treatment interruption of 3 months, consider taking a new radiograph at 6 months after the restart. Weak recommendation
#4 What is the follow-up protocol for patients with EARR?
- Follow the patient according your usual retention protocol. Strong recommendation
- Inform the patient about the root resorption and the long term expectation of the condition. Strong recommendation
- Take care of good communication with the dentist at the end of treatment. Inform the dentist about affected teeth and the need for long term follow-up because of the risk of tooth mobility and tooth loss when periodontal condtions deteriorate. Strong recommendation
The clinical message .......
- Root resorption is unavoidable, more than 90% of our patients show root resorption
- Root resorption shows a large individual variability
- Very low evidence for clinical risk factors (patient or treatment relationship)
- Follow rthe recommendation of the clinical practice guideline for your patient
- Good practice would suggested further research, to reach stronger recommendations for management decisions in individual cases
矯正治療による炎症性歯根吸収 Orthodontically induced inflammatory root resorption (OIIRR) (Belinda J. Weltman, AAO 2017)
- OIIRRの分類
- ・歯根吸収 Root resorption (RR): 組織学的な手法で顕微鏡で認識できる歯根表面のくぼみ
・歯根尖吸収 External apical root resorption (EAAR)
・歯根頸部吸収Cervical root resorption
- リスク・ファクターになりそうな要因
- ・歯根吸収の既往歴
・TNFRF11A 遺伝子
・IL-6 SNP rs 1800796 GC
- リスク関係が不明なもの
- ・Bisphosphonates
・不正咬合の重症度や種類-1β allele 1
- リスク・ファクターでないであろう要因
- ・Nabumetone (Likely Protective Paracetamol) Paracetamol (acetamonophen)
- 矯正治療による歯根吸収の疑問点(Glenn T. Sameshima, AAO 2017)
- 1.矯正治療による重度の歯根吸収の“重度”とは?
- @重度のEARR(External apical root resorption)についての共通の考えはない。
Aある調査によれば、GPは35%の歯根吸収があれば矯正治療は中止すべきと考えており、一方、矯正医はless conservativeである。Lee KS et al. Orthod Cranilfac Res. 2003.
- 2.リスク・ファクター?
- 原因 (Hartsfield J. AAO 2010)
- Genetic 65%
Mechanical 15%
Unknown 20%
- 診断によるリスクファクター (Sameshima et al. AJODO 2004)
- @個々のクリニックによって異なる
A人種 − ヒスパニック
- 全身疾患
- ・はっきりとしたエビデンスはないが、可能性のある病気
- ・甲状腺異常またはその他の内分泌疾患
・Familial expansile osteolysis (家族性拡大性骨融解)
- 治療のリスクファクター
- ・長い治療期間
- 関係のないもの
- ・不正咬合の種類
・SSワイヤー 対 NiTiワイヤー
- 3.本当に短い歯根の歯を動かせるか?
- ・Yes - 歯根吸収のリスクがあるというエビデンスはない
- 歯根未完成の歯を動かすと
- 1.影響なく、正常な長さの歯根になる
3.small percentage でslight EARRがおこる
- 生活歯と失活歯
- no greater EARR (Walker SL et al. Eur J Orthod 2013 Dec)
no significant difference (Castro I et al. Angle Orthod 2014 NOv)
- 4.リスクを減らす方法はあるか?
- ・歯根未完成の歯はless riskである
・歯内療法はprotective effectがあるかもしれない
- 5.新しいテクニックで歯根吸収を少なくできるか?
- TADs
- 1.一般的に、歯根尖の大きな移動は注意深くモニターする
2.弱い矯正力を使用したとしても、absolute intrusion による歯根吸収を予想する
3.TADs によって歯を大きく動かせるが、歯根尖の移動量と強い矯正力に注意する
- クリア・アライナー
- 1.クリア・アライナー群にはalmost no EARR
2.However, when cases were matched for root displacement, there was no significent difference in EARR between the two groups.
3.アライナー症例では歯根尖の動きはvery little であった
- クリア・アライナーの100症例において20%以上の歯根吸収があったのは6%の切歯であった (Krieger E et al. Head Face Med 2013 Aug)
- Accelerated tooth movement
- エビデンスがない
- 6.リスクのある患者はどのように治療するのか?
- ・インフォームド・コンセント
- 7.治療中または治療後期に歯根吸収を見つけたらどうするのか?
- ・2mm以下の歯根吸収であれば、今後どのくらいの歯の移動量は必要なのかを決める
- @患者に説明する。
B必要なら、歯根吸収をおこしている歯がhyperocclusion equilibrate でないことを確認する。
C重度の歯根吸収があり歯が動揺しているのであれば、multistranded wireで歯を固定する。しかし、ほとんどの歯周病医はその必要性を考えてないようだ。
- 歯根吸収はいつ終わるのか?
- ・矯正力をやめた時
・Minor correction with finger spring or spring aligner - less likely
- 8.歯根吸収をおこした歯の長期の予後はどうだろうか?
- 要約
- ・一般的に歯は安定している
- 要約
- ・重度の歯根吸収はまれである。歯根吸収がおこっても常に修復されており、おどろくべきは歯の永久的なダメージはもたらされない。
・どの患者に歯根吸収がおこりやすいかを同定することは不可能で、<多くの患者はpredisposing factors (危険因子)を持っていない。
- リスク・ファクターの素因
- 1.遺伝的要因 − 兄弟姉妹、両親
3.人種 − ヒスパニック
5.全身疾患 − 症候群、内分泌疾患
- 治療のリスク・ファクター
- 1.歯根尖の移動 ー 圧下と水平方向の移動
- マネージメント
- 1.治療前の検査とインフォームド・コンセント − 歯根尖のレントゲン撮影またはLCBCT
4.リスクの高い患者では − 弱い矯正力 − 限定的な歯の移動 − 定期的な検査
- 外傷と矯正治療と歯根吸収(Brin I et al. Eur J Orthod 1991: 13:327-77)
- Trauma: 6.7%
Orthodontic Treatment: 2-4%
Trauma + Orthodontic Treatment: 27.8%
- 発現率 (Ahmed El-angbawl, EOS2016)
No OIRR | 44% |
Mild OIRR | 36% |
Moderate OIRR | 17% |
Severe OIRR | 3% |
- Etiology は、Genotype 80% と Other risk factors 20% (?, APOC2016)
- Clinical recommend. (to minimize EARR) (?, APOC2016)
Artun 2005 | 1 - Take periapical Rx(s) 6 months after initial brkt placement |
Levander 1994 | 2 - Alternate archwire activations |
Justus 2015 | 3 - Use tx strategies that minimize dental movements (root sparing strategies) |
"Evaluation of r.r. in relation to 2 orthodontic tx regimes. A clinical experimental study" (Levander, Malmgren & Eliasson, EJO, May-June 1994) (?, APOC2016)
METHOD: 40 patients with initial EARR (at 6 months) in 62 mx incisors
・20 patients continued tx according to original plan
・20 patients had an interruption of active tx (2 to 3 month pause)
RESULT: The magnitude of EARR was significantly less in patients treated with a pause.
下顎前歯の歯肉退縮 (Jovana Juloski, EOS2016)
治療前 | ディボンディング時 | 治療5年後 | |
Fixed lingual retainers 有 | 10% | 19% | 38% |
Fixed lingual retaines なし | 6% | 10% | 33% |
治療しなかったグループ | 10% | 21% |
Iatrogenic sequela from bonded permanent retainer (?, EOS2016) :
Pazera P, Fudalej P, Katsaros C., Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2012; 142:406-9
Shaughnessy et al. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2016;149:277-86
- flexible wire retainesを接着した患者の3-5% において、治療後に予想外の歯の動きがあった。(Katsaros et al. 2007, Renkema et al. 2001) (?, MOIP2016)(Dr. 井上の解説: 右上2が下顎前歯と接触していないにもかかわらず、著しく唇側傾斜しているスライドがあった)
Smile (スマイル)
2022 Jacob A.Salzman Award Lecture; Weird Tales About Teeth or Orthodontics in Daily Practice (Steven J.Bouman, AAO 2022)
Appropriately applied extraction treatment does not produce a routine adverse effect on profile (fullness) or smiles (corriors), tmd, or airways. (Dr,井上の意見:抜歯治療は、側貌をフラットにし、バッカルコリダーを大きくし、顎関節に悪影響があり、気道を狭くするという意見もあるが、これらは事実でないという発表です)
Mini-screw anchorage should finally eliminate concerns for adverse facial changes form extraction as spaces can ba closed predictability while maintaining or enchancing specific incisor position.
Striving for Ideal White & Pink Esthetics (Liwia E Minch,AAO 2022) 白色(歯)とピンク色(歯肉)の審美の達成
Smile Ethetic index (Rotundo R.et al.,Eur J Oral Implantol 2015)
・1. smile line
・2. facial midline
・3. tooth alignment
・4. tooth deformity
・5. tooth dyschromia
・6. gingival dyschromia
・7. gingival recession
・8. gingival excess
・9. gingival scars
・10.diastema / missing papillae
- 10 commandments of smile esthetics (Andre Wilson Machado. DOI)
- 1. Upper centrals vertical Positioning (smile arc)
2. Upper centrals proportion and symmetry
3. Proportion among upper anterior teeth
4. Spacing in the esthetic zone
5. Gingival design
6. Gingival display
7. Buccal corridors
8. Dental midline
9, Detailin (color and shape)
10. Lip fullness
- Six Horizontal Smile Lines
- ・Upper Lip Line
・Cervical Line
・Papillary Line
・Contact Point Line
・Incisal Line
・Lower LipLine
Surgery first (サージェリー・ファースト)
- 外科手術のタイミング(Hernandez-Alfaro F et al. IOS 2017)
S.First | S.Early | S.Late | S,Last | S.Only | S.Never | |
Esthetic Motivation | +++ | +++ | ++ | +++ | +++ | - |
Occlusal Motivation | + | ++ | +++ | - | - | +++ |
Respiratory Motivation(OSA) | +++ | +++ | - | +++ | +++ | - |
3D Virtual Orthodontic Setup | +++ | +++ | + | - | - | + |
Patient Decides Timing | +++ | ++ | + | +++ | +++ | NA |
Preop Orthodontics | - | + | ++ | +++ | - | NA |
Use of TADs | +++ | +++ | - | +++ | +++ | - |
Corticotomie | +++ | +++ | - | - | - | + |
Orthodontic Complexity | +++ | +++ | + | NA | NA | +++ |
Surgical Comlexity | ++ | ++ | + | +++ | +++ | NA |
- S.First: 歯列矯正前に外科手術
S.Early: 術前矯正のdecompensationの途中で顔貌に大きな問題が生じたために、初期の治療計画を変更して、外科手術
S.Late: 従来の外科矯正(術前矯正 → 外科手術 → 術後矯正)
S.Last: 歯列矯正が終了した時点で外科手術(歯列矯正治療後に口元が後退しすぎているので、初期の治療計画を変更して、外科手術によって上下顎を前方に移動した)
S.Only: 外科手術だけ
S.Never: 外科手術をしない }
- 術者によるワイヤーの使い方の違い (Flavio Uribe, WIOC2016)
Sendai (Japan) | Passive wire bonded to the teeth or contoured/ 1-2 monthes of PreSx ortho |
Taipei (Taiwan) | No wire, only brackets |
Seoul (Korea) | Passive wire bonded to the teeth or contoured/ 1-2 months of PreSx ortho |
Barcelona ( Spain) | No wire Or "Soft wire" day before Interdental Miniscrews (4-8) |
UConn-USA | Niti wires, Preferable 16x22 on Maxilla. 16x22 NiTi in mandible or Coaxal 16x16 |
Sendai (Japan) | Splint worn 4 weeks post surgery |
Taipei (Taiwan) | splint worn post surgery 1-4weeks |
Seoul (Korea) | Splint worn post surgery 4 weeks |
Barcelona (Spain) | No splint after surgery unless maxillary segmentation (2 weeks) |
UConn-USA | Niti wires, No splint after Sx. Only if Sx expnasion |
- サージェリー・ファーストとアライナー装置 − 外科矯正が必要な方がブレースを希望しない場合に適用(Junji Sugawara, JAO2016)
- 1. ブラケットを接着しないで手術をおこなう。
2. 手術後にミニ・プレートを併用してブラケット治療を短期間おこなう。
3. 微調整のためにアライナー治療をおこなう。
- 手術による下顎の後退量が10mmぐらいまでであれば、気道の狭窄による問題は生じない(?, JAO2016)
- 新しい治療方法は魅力的だが、科学的な裏づけが得られないこともしばしばある。たとえば、Surgery without orthodontics, Resorbable fixation, Distraction osteogenesis, TMJ Arthroscopy, Rotation of the MMC などが紹介された当初は注目を集めたが、しだいに振り返られなくなった。Surgery first は、どのような運命をたどるのだろうか。(Johan Reyneke, MOIP2016)
Surgical orthodontics (外科矯正)
Surgery and Orthodontics: In Adequate Planning Leading to Cpmplications (Kathrine P.Klein,AAO 2022)
外科矯正チーム: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, Orthodontists, Psyhologists, Speech and Language Specialists, Plastic Surgeons, Dieticians, Nurses, Dentists
・年齢が高くなるほど入院期間が長くなる ^- 上下顎手術で2-3日の入院
・通常の生活に戻るのに2-4週間、若い患者は1-2週間かかる - 40歳以上の外科矯正患者ではもっとかかる
Surgery and Orthdontics: In Adequate Planning Leading to Complications (Katherine P.Klein, AAO 2022) 外科手術と矯正治療:治療計画と合併症
外科手術をしたadult patients では:
・hardware removalは、年齢と相関関係があった
・心理社会的要因: 動機づけ。カウンセリングで説明を受けていても回復の大変さを受け入れるのが容易でない。カウンセリングで説明を受けていても患者が感覚異常に対処するのが困難である。
MGH Surgical Orthodontic Patient Pre-Treatment Checklist
・Identify chief complaint
・Contact information of team (OMFS/Dentist)
・Analyze pre-treatment records
・Manage dental pathology and the third molars
・Finalize dental and skeletal diagnosis and global treatment plan with team
・Review timeline with patient (discuss life events)
・Finalize orthodontic appliance selection - plan for pre-surgery setup
・Has the patient signed the informed consent?
"Top 5" Ways to Identify a Chief Compaint
・1) Open ended question 質問の答えの選択肢を選んでもらうのではなく、数値や文章で回答してもらう
・2) Make it "OK" to talk about esthetic concerns 審美的な心配も答えてもらう
・3) Have you thouht about getting vraces before? 今までに矯正治療を考えたことがありますか>
・4) Has anyone in your family had jaw surgery before? 家族のだれかが外科矯正手術を受けたことがありますか?
・5) Do you have pictures to show me what you are looking for? こうなりたいというタレントさんの写真はありますか?
- Assessment of Soft Tissue Changes Versus Hard Tissue Following a Functional Genioplasty as an Isolated Procedure (Sylvain Chamberland,AAO 2022) オトガイ形成術による軟組織と硬組織の評価 (Dr.井上の意見:オトガイ形成術によって審美的な効果だけでなく、機能的な効果もあるという発表です)
Genioplasty: Esthetic or functional?
・Changes in form produce attendant change in function
・Provide beneficial changes in lip function
☆By altering the position and the form of the chin + its associated myocutaneous structures
・Improve labiomental muscular balance
・Improve lip competence in repose
・For non-growing patients, the horizontal hard tissue change is stable, and the soft tissue chnage is 92% of the hard tissue chanes ± 0.08 mm (R squared of 87%)
・Vertically, the formula to predict soft tissue reduction at T3 is -0.121 + 0.546 X (hard tissue vertical reduction at T2), which is associated to a R squared of 48%
・Soft tissue changes at B point is less than the change at pogonion helping to create a labiomental fold
・Males have greater baseline symphysis height than females. Hence, males require greater hard tissue vertical reduction at Me than females.
・The soft tissue thickness at Me, regardless age or gender, shows significant increase of 0.54 mm at T3-T1.
☆This can be explain by less muscular strain to achieve lip occlusion
・Growing patients show greater bone apposition above the distal fragment than older patients.
外科矯正 (Cnung How Kau. IOC,2020)
- Estimated 12,425 orthognathic procedures done in the US hospitals each year (including an estimated 2000 "surgicenter" procedures)
- Mean hospital bill - $47,348
- Female - 56.2% and Est age 26.7 years
- Whites - 71.9%, Blacks - 4.9%, Hispanics - 12.6%, Asians - 5.6% and others
- Private Insureance - 77.3%, Goverment Insurance - 13.4% and 3.5% paid privately
- Lefort I - 15.8%, 45.8% Lefort I with segmentations and 31.7% - mandibular ramus
- Jaw procedures 53.3% (single), 36.8% (bimax) and 9.2% (bothe with chin)
Reasons for Asymmetry
- Craniofacial microsomia
- Unilateral CLP
- Intra-uterine pressure
- Condylar hyper/hypoplasia
- Excessive condylar growth
- Pathology, e.g. osteochondroma, infectin
- Habits
- Trauma, e.g. condylar ± ankylosis
・Functionoal mandibular deviations e.g. premature contacts
・Local Factors e.g. retained/missing teeth
非対称のINCIDENCE (Severt R and Proffit WR et al.1997)
・1460 cases in a dentofacial clinic
・495 (34%) were found to have clinically apparent facial asymmetry
・When present, asymmetry affected the upper face in only 5% (n=23), the midface (primarily the nose) in 36% (n=178), and the chin in 74% (n=365)
・The occlusal plane was canted, indicating vertical asymmetry, in 41% (n=201)
CLINICAL EVALUATION - EVALUATION OF FACIAL AND DENTAL APPEARANCE: A systemic examination of facial and dental appearance should be done:
1. The face in all three planes of space (macro-esthetics)
2. The smile framework (mini-esthetics)
3. The teeth (micro-esthetics)
Dr.David Sarver,DMD.MS
1. Macroesthetics
Vertical proportions
Lip fullness
Chin projections
Nasal Big ears, etc.
2. Mniesthetics
Incisor display
Transverse smile
Smile symmetry
Smile arc
Vermillion display
3. Microesthetics
Gingival shape and contuour
Trianglar holes
Emergence profiles
Tooth shade
・Teeth, Teeth, Teeth ..........
・Alignment and Leveling
・Overvite management
・Smile Management
・Occlusal Management
審美的外科矯正(Fravio Uribe. IOC,2020)
the common esthetic surgical strategies and adjuncts
・ During surgery- CW and CCW rotation of the maxillomandibular complex
Additive Procedures
・ Microfat grafting
・ Malar implants
・ Mandibular angle implants
・ Chin implants to enhance previous genioplasty
Subtractive Proccedures
Submental Lipectomy
Subtractive/Additive (Contouring)
Rhinoplasty- typically not with the orthognathic surgical procedure
Esthetics Adjuncts in Orthognathic Surgery First
・ Microfat grafting, liposunction, and alloplastic implants further enhance facial esthetics in orthognathic surgery
・ Surgery first with adjunctive esthetic procdures are very fitting surgical option for the new social needs of fast results
術後の安定性(?, APOC2016)
more stable ↑ | ||
Maxilla up Mandibule forward* Chin, any directin | VERY STABLE (*w/short or normal face height, & not more than 10 mm advancement) | |
Maxilla forward Maxilla, asymmetry | STABLE | |
Mx up + Mn forward Mx forward + Mn back Mandible, asymmetry | STABLE (w/rigid fixation) | |
Mandibular set-back Maxilla down Maxilla wider | PROBLEMATIC! | |
less stable ↓ |
TADs (スクリュー、矯正インプラント)
The efficacy of maxillary protraction using skeletal anchorage - a systematic review and meta-analysisi Dr.Sarah Joda Kathem (EOS 2024)
・The majority of the included articles had moderate level of evidence
・HH-BAMP yielded the greatest increase in SNA angle and Wits
・HH-BAMP and BAMP resulted in proclination of lower incisors compared to BAFM → natural decompensation of lower incisors
・Age, treatment duration, duration of daily protraction and amount of applied force of intermaxillary elastics played a role in the amount of maxillary advancement
Troubleshooting for Treating the Open Bite Using TADs: Learning from the Failure and Sharing 20 Clinical Tips (Dr.Tae-Woo Kim, AAO 2023)
Factors related with the increase of failure rate (Dr井上の解説:埋入したTADが脱離しやすい要因)
・Small diameter - Failure rate: 1.0mm>1.5mm or 2.3mm
・Inflamation of peri-implant tissue
・A high mandibular plane angle
- because
"thin cortical bone"
Closer to the alveolar crest and roots of adjacent teeth
How to decrease the failure rate in open bite cases?
1. Use the 1.6mm diameter screw
2. Place the screw in the middle of interseptal
3. The higher the position, the better the stability
4. I recommend the midpalatal screw than the buccal interradicular screws
How to retain the result after debonding?
1.Monitor the causes: TMJ pains, tongue thrust & mouth breathing.
2.Use fixed retainers (4-4).
3.When a relapse tendency is found, apply labial buttons (22/33) with u/d elastics 3/16" 6 oz.
4.Instruct patients to chew many times during eating meals ( to increase muscle tonicity).
5.Train to swallow without thrusting tongue.
Molar Distalization using TADs: Postential, Limitation, and Precautions (Dr. Sung-Hoon Lim, AAO 2023)
Take home message 1
Evaluate the third molar
・Fully-erupted third molar to be extracted is a good condition for distalization.
- Erupting third molar root brings the bone.
・Impacted third molar may not provide sufficient bone.
・No third molar → Atrophied ridge in many cases.
Take home message 2
Observe the distal tipping and gingival recession of second molars
・Preexisting distal tipping requires more root distal movement than the crown. ・Extraction treatment can be better.
Take home message 3
Intrusive and lingual distalizaiton can reduce the collisio with anatomic obstacle. → Applicable to open bite cases and Class III surgery cases.
・Distalization is unpredictable and risky when the alveolar ridge lacks sufficient width and height. ・Prepare an alternative plan from the start and monitor the second molar respose.
Clinical Applications of TADs in Challenging Deep Overbite Cases (Dr.Jae Hyun Park,AAO 2023)
スマイル時に見える歯茎の適切な量は 2.5 (1.5-4) mm (Simone Parrini et al.AJODO 2016)
Force Vectors for the Intrusion of Six Segments:
- Upper: TADs between U3 and U4, and
hooks on the archwire between U2 and U3 (Choe et al.Korean J Orthod,2016)
Lower: TADs between L3 and L4, and hooks on the archwire between L1 and L2 (Park et al.Korean J Orthod,2011)
Midline Bony Cleft (Huang WJ et al.Pediatr Dent 1995)
・The central incisors erupt with a diastema
・The rim bone surrounding CIs may not extend to the median suture and no bone deposited inferior to the frenum
・A V-shaped bony cleft between two central incisors → abnormal frenum attchment
・Transseptal fibers fail to proliferate across the midline cleft → space may never close
・Bray found a high correlation between the pretreatment existence of "notching" and the relapse of orthodontically treated maxillary diastemas
・Clefts associated with diastemas are not a primary etiology due to their infrequency
Mandibular symphaseal distraction osteogenesis → None of our patients experienced TMJ dysfunction symptoms during the entire follow-up period.(Alkan et al.IJPMS 2007)
Mandibular distraction osteogeneis: a systematic review of stability and the effects on hard and soft tissues (Rossini et al. IJOMS 2016)
・Vertical and sagittal skeletal dimensions increased significantly, by a mean of 5-10 mm (P<0.05) and 5-8 mm (10% mandible length) (P<0.05), respectively.
・Regarding the sagittal positioning of the lips and surrounding structures, a 90% correspondence between skeletal and soft tissue cephalometric points was observed.
・Skeletal relapse was reported with high gonial angle and high mandibular plane angle, however it did not worsen the results of treatment significantly.
Three-dimensional evaluation of mandibular midline distraction: A systematic review (Arilla et al, J Craniomaxillofac Surg 2018)
・When evaluating the soft tissue edffects for MMD, Bianchi et al. observed major postoperative changes in the lower lip and chin. MMD did not cause any vertical or horisontal asymmetry
・The axial sections through the pogonion showed a forward displacement of the chin, with enlarement after MMD>
・Traditional continuous archwire therapy and clear aligner treatment can be used to effectively level the Curve of Spee.
・According to the systematic review, the ideal gingival display during posed smile is 2.5 mm.
・The optimal intrusion force for maxillary incisors with TADs is about 80g per side.
・For those patients with more than 5 mm of gingival desplay, Botox can reduce the gingival display.
・The combined use of TADs and continuous archwires with accentuated and reverse curve could be relaible and effective treatment modality for torque control and intrusion of retroclined incisors and leveling of the curve of Spee.
・In the treatment of adult Class II Division 2 patients, absolute intrusion of the maxillary inciors and maintaining the original mandibular plane angle acen be beneficcial for long-term stability.
・MSDO presents a useful treatment option for mandibular widening, one which should be considered for patients who have a narorw mancibular arch.
Management of Complex Orthodontic Problems with TADs (Ravindra Nanda AOSC 2023)
Incisors Extrusion
Pts with normal skeletal patern and deficiet incisors display at rest and smile
Extrusion Arches
・A one-couple force system
・The tip forward moment is undesirable:
・A buccal segment or a TADs is added
・Low magnitude of the extrusive force
・Applied force to CRes
Radiographic Evaluation of Installation Site for Mini-implant アンカー・スクリューの脱落 (il-Hyung Yang,APOC 2022)
Primary Stability & Secondary Stability
Success rate of OMI reported
・Various range reported
・over 90% of success rate
・around 60% of success rate
No difference (Spyridon N. et al.AJODO 2012 ?)
1.Patient sex
2.Patient age
3.Patients skeletal morphology
4.OMI thread diameter and thread length
5.Side of the placement
6.Site of the placement (interradicular vs palatal)
7.Self-drilling vs non self-deilling
8.Immediate vs delayed (later than 2 weeks)
Statistical difference in (Spyridon N. et al.AJODO 2012 ?)
1.Maxilla vs mandible (more failure in mandible)
2.Root contact during insertion
No Difference (Fahad A. et al.Euro J Orthod 2018 ?)
- 1.The length of 8mm :a cut-off point ;the longer the less failure (12.2% vs 12.7%)
2.Self-drilling vs non self-drilling :14.9% vs 14.2%
Statistical difference in (Fahad A. et al.Euro J Orthod 2018 ?)
1.Smoking :non vs mild vs heav ;9,5%, 11.0%, 57.8%
2.Keratinized gingiva vs mucosa :0% vs 19%
3.Small diameter than 1.3mm :less failure rate
4.Maxilla vs Mandible :11.0% vs 16.5%
Long-term Evalusatin of Class III Orthopedics Using Skeletal Anchorage (Tung Nguyen,AAO 2022) (Dr.井上の意見:Bone-Anchored Maxillary Protraction (BAMP): 頬骨につけたプレートと下顎前歯頬側骨につけたプレートの間にエラスティックスをつけて骨格性反対咬合を治療)
Retention Protocol
・Wear elastics (250 grams) to anchors at nighttime until completion of growth
・See patients every 6 months ・If OJ is decreasing, increase elastic wear
・If OJ is increasing, lower force level to 150 grams or have wear elastics every other night
・Anchors can be removed at the same time as 3rd molar extractions (Dr.井上の意見:このアンカーはプレート)
After 16 years experiance with BAMP, what have we learned?
・Most effective for maxillary deficient Class III
・More effective with mild to moderate Class III
・More effective when initiated at a younger age when Zygomatico-maxillary sutures are immature
・Primarly restrain/redirects mandibular growth after 15 years of age
・More effective with mild to moderate Class III
・Expected some surgical failure of maxillary bone plate (UNC -15%)
・Need to retain until completion of growth
- Mandibular prognathic and asynmetric Class III have the worse long-term success rate
Orthodontic Microimplant: The Last Two Decades of Evolusion in How & What Happened (Hee-Moon Kyung,AAO 2022)
上顎歯列のEn Mass retraction
・歯列全体の後方移動時には、016X022 or 017X025インチのSSワイヤを使用
Class II Correction with Maxillary Distalization & TADs (Jae Hyun Park,AAO 2022) Class II 患者のTADによる上顎歯列の遠心移動
Fudalej P et al.,AJODO 2011
・上顎大臼歯の遠心移動は、3.3-6.4 mm
・大臼歯は0.8-12.2 degrees遠心傾斜した
大臼歯の遠心移動(Oh et al.,AJODO 2011)
・上顎大臼歯の遠心移動では、1.4-2.0 mm遠心移動、3.5 degrees遠心傾斜、1.0 mm圧下
・下顎大臼歯の遠心移動では、1.6-2.5 mm遠心移動、6.6-8.3 degrees遠心傾斜、1.0 mm圧下
上顎第一大臼歯の平均の遠心移動量は、歯冠レベルで3.78 mm、歯根レベルで3.20 mm (Sugawara et al.,AJODO 2006)
IZC(頬骨下稜)スクリューの利点欠点 (Santos et al.,J Orthod 2017), (Jia et al.AJODO 2018) (Baumgaertel et al.,Clin Oral Impl Res 2009) (Liou et al.AJODO 2007)
・keratinized tissueに埋入するので脱落率が低い
・推奨されている55-70 degreesの角度で埋入しないと、歯の移動時に歯根がスクリューに接触する
口蓋側では、T-Zone (rugaeの後方部分とその後方の口蓋正中部分)にスクリューを埋入する (Wilmes et al.,JCO 2016)
MCPP(口蓋にスクリュー)では、第一大臼歯が4.2o遠心移動、1.6o圧下、2.0degrees遠心傾斜、上顎中切歯が0.8o 挺出。頬側歯肉にスクリュー埋入では、第一大臼歯が2.0o遠心移動、0,1o圧下、7.2degrees遠心傾斜、上顎中切歯が0.3o 挺出。(Le et al.,Angle Orthod 2018)
adolescents では、上顎大臼歯の遠心移動の前に第三大臼歯を抜歯する必要はないようだ。(Jou Hee Park et al.,AJODO 2021)
大臼歯の遠心移動と第二第三大臼歯の萌出ステージの関係 - systematic review (Flores-Nir et al.,Angle Ortho 2013)
- Factors deciding the prognoses and stability of the screws are:
- 1) Optimal hygiene and brushing around the screws
- 2) Soft tissue quality and quantity
- 3) Bone quality and quantiry
- 4) Biomechanics
- Risks of thin Biotype:
- 1) Bone resorption: fenestration and dehiscence
- 2) Gingival recession
- 3) Root resorption
- 4) Abscence of treatment effect
- 5) Unsatisfied patients and legal problems
- The data to support of refute the association between toothbrushing and gingival recession are inconclusive. ( )
- Skeletal anchored distalizers are good options when:
- 1) Class II malocclusion with already Proclined lower incisors
- Weak biotype with risk for recession
- 3) Limited remaining growth with acceptable profiles
- Special cases where Distalizers are of great Benefit
Distalize and Class II Treatments with Skeletal Anchorage: When and How? (AEEDC 2022)
- Anatomy
- ・The evalustion of the buccolingual dimension showed that the mandibular canal was located either in contact with or close to the lingual cortical plate (less than 2mm) in the molar region of the majority of the cades and at 15-17 mm to the alveolar crest. As it proceeds anteriorly it moves toward the buccal aspect of the mandible, where it finally emerges through the mental foramen. Three emerging patterns of mandibular canal were observed: sharp turn (53.2%) soft curved exit (28.8%), and straight path (17.4%) (Eclzrcio et al. 2020)
- ・Anatomic limites for orthodontic tooth movement can be divided into 2 types according to level: corown and root level. At crown level, the only anatomic structure that can be encountered during orthodontic tooth movement is the mandibular ramus. When a crown of a tooth is forced against the cortical bone, enamel makes direct contact with the bone, leading to pressure necrosis. (Sung-lin et al. 2014)
- ・the root level, the cortical layer of the alveolar bone limits tooth movement. When the root makes contact with the inner cortex, tooth movement slows, and the risk of root resorption is dramaricalluy increase. If the tooth moves farther to the outer cortes, it can cause alveolar bone loss, gingival recession and root esxposure, compromising periontal support. (Tae-Hyun et al. 2014)
- ・The mean distances between the root and the inner and outer lingual cortexes at a level of 10 mm from the cementoenamel junction is 2.87 and 6.73 mm, respectively.
- ・In most patients skeletal, the posterior anatomic limit for molar distalization is the lingual cortex of the mandibular body. Lateral cephalograms provide limited but valuable information for predictin the posterior available space and the presence of root contact with the inner lingual cortexs. (Sung-Jin et al. 2014)
- ・CT evalustion is recommened in patients requiring significant molar distalization, when the lateral cephalograms show posterior available space less the 3.9 mm. A reasonabe amount of molar distlization is approximately 3mm. Extraction of 38 and 48 required. (Young-Lin 2011)
- Insertion protocol
- ・No pilot drill is needed, screw heads, at the insertion point, are at least 5mm above the soft tissue. On average, there is 5mm of bone engagement. The optimal position for the TAD is lateral to the contact of the lower first and second molars. Approximately 5-7mm below the alveolar crest. And inserted at an orentation of about 30 degrees to the bone surface. (Chang et al. 2014)
- Failure Rate
- ・The overall failure rae of buccal shelf screw placement is 7.2%. (Chang et al. 2014)
Buccal Shelf TADs (AEEDC 2022)
Distalize and Class II Treatments with Skeletal Anchorage: When and How?
- Factors deciding the prognoses and stability of the screws are:
- 1) Optimal hygiene and brushing around the screws
- 2) Soft tissue quality and quantity
- 3) Bone quality and quantiry
- 4) Biomechanics
- Risks of thin Biotype:
- 1) Bone resorption: fenestration and dehiscence
- 2) Gingival recession
- 3) Root resorption
- 4) Abscence of treatment effect
- 5) Unsatisfied patients and legal problems
- The data to support of refute the association between toothbrushing and gingival recession are inconclusive. ( )
- Skeletal anchored distalizers are good options when:
- 1) Class II malocclusion with already Proclined lower incisors
- Weak biotype with risk for recession
- 3) Limited remaining growth with acceptable profiles
- Special cases where Distalizers are of great Benefit
An Overview on Mini-screws in Orthodontic Practice Part I (Olivier Quinty, AEEDC 2022) (DR.井上の意見:画像が鮮明でないために引用論文の先生の名前がうまく読み取れません)
- Are TADs 100% Stable ?
- ・Orthodontic miniscrews can remain clinically stable but not absolutely stationary under orthodontic loading. Unlike an endosseous dental implant that osseointegrates, orthodontic miniscrews achieve stability primarily through mechnical retention. (Liou et al. 2004)
- Are We supposed to load them immediately ?
- - Loading protocols for screw involve immediate loading or a waiting period of 2 weeks to apply orthodontic forces. (Ohasfu et al. 2006)
- Flap or flapless placement ?
- - no significant association between the placement technique and the success rates of the miniscrews. (Ayawaki et al. 2003)
- What are the risks and complication ?
- 1) Root trauma and root proximity
No pulpal involvement and if the affected area is not more than 4 mm square the outer root and periodontium may demonstrate complete repair in three to four months, (Asdkekricks et al. 2005) (Feaiinafly et al. 2008) - 2) Staionary anchorage failure
TADs may become loose, tip and extrude under orthodontic load. Miniscrews that become mobile will not regain stablility and may need to be removed and reinserted. (Liou et al. 2004) - 3) Soft-tissue irritation and miniscrew slippage
TADs placed in loose alveolar mucosa may result in sot-tissue irritation, tissue overgrowth and minor aphthous ulceration. (Myowoki et al. 2003) - 4) Nerve infury
The greater palatine nerve (Finks at al. 2007)
The inferior alveolar nerve (Auks et al. 2007) - 5) Nasal and mazillary sinus perforation
Small (less than 2mm) perforations of the maxillary sinus heal by themselves without complicaions. (Brangenre et al. 1984) (Atdekian et al. 2006) - 6) Relapse
Extrusion of intruded molars may occur. The average relapse rate for first and second molar intrusion is approximately 30%. (Sugawara et al. 2002) - 7) Miniscrew bending, fracture, and torsional stress (Kuroda et al. 2014)
- What are the risk factors for stability ?
- - Material length diameter: Differences in the findings, not to be assciated with the miniscrew implant failure rates. (Papagcorgio et al. 2017)
- - Good oral hygiene around the implant site is very important because it parevents soft tussue infammation, which is associated with higher TAD failiure rates. (Dalssandra et al. )
- - Age, sex, side of insertion: no association of miniscrew implant failure rates. Papogcorplow et al. 2012)
- - Cortical bone thickness, quality and quantity of the alveolar bone considered as important influential factors affecting the success rate of orthodontic mini-implants as it related to the primary sability, (Marquran et al. 2014)
- - Maxilla or Mandible: There was a significantly higher success rate for miniscrews placed in the maxilla compared with those in the mandible. (Hyun Park et al. 2021)
- Where are the safe zone ?
- Upper molar distalization
- - The first molar distalization is 2.75 mm when buccal interradicular TADs were used, but 4.07 and 4.17 mm with palatal and infrazygomatic TADs. Palatal bone-anchored pendulum-like appliance are associated with a large amount of distal tiping of the first molars (11.17 degrees). While the infrazygomatic and buccal interradicular TADs showed 3.99 and 1.70 degrees, respectively. The three subgroups of TADs-supported distalization produce in a small amount of first molar intrusion (0.06-0.69 mm). (Mohamed et al. 2021)
- - Analysis of the data showed significant distalization of the maxillry first molars produced by the FCA (mean: 4.00 mm) when compared with the untreated group (mean: 0.95 mm). The rate of molar movement was 1.00 mm per monthe, which, however, was associated with distal tipping of the first molars (8.56 degrees). (Monhas et al. 2010)
- Maxillary expansion
- - The TBB RPE induced significantly higher nasal airway flow annd lower nasal resistance values than TB RMA. It might be wiser to use TBB RME in cases with constricted maxilla and upper airway obstruction. (Farhan et al. 2021)
- - MARPE enable more predictable and greater expansion, as well as less buccal tippingand alveolar height loss on anchorage teeth. Thus MARPE is a better alternative for patients with skeletal maxillary deficiency during the post-pubertal growth spurt stage. ( 2021)
- - Both TB RPE and BBRPE improved on a short-term bases dimensions of the airway through the differece was not significant. MARPE did not lead to a significant change in the airway volume in young children and adolescents between 10- and 17-year-old; There was short-term significant change in the function, in the muscle strength, nasal resistance and airflow favoring MARPE over conventional RPE. (Sarah et al. 2021)
- Upper molars intrusion
- - The mean molar intrusion was 2-3 mm. The mean decrease in anterior face hihgt was 1.6 mm. (Scheffer et al. 2014)
- - The maxillary molars were intruded by approximately 2.0 mm, and 1.0 mm of intrusion was also achieved in the mandibular molars, resulting in about a 3.0 degrees counterclockwise rotation of the mandible. (Deguchi et al. 2011)
- - Maxillary molars after 1 year of followup, showing a rate of relapse around 12%, with a tendency to increase in the second year post treatment, with values ranging between 13 and 21 %. After 3 years, post treatment values were 18% for relapse, with 80% of these changes occurring during the first year post treatment. Overall, these relapse values give a success rate of 77%. (Amanda et al. 2020)
- Lower teeth mesialisation
- Palatal mini impllant
- - Palatal mini-implant have gained popularity in the last decade. The palatal implant are usually placed either median (in the suture area) or para-median. Success of median palatal mini-implants has been shown to be approximatly 90%. Palatal mini-implant are usualy preferred because they do not interfere with the desired orthodontic tooth movement, the placement site is easily accessible, and no major blood vessels and nerves are present (Karagkiolidou e al. 2013)
An Overview on Mini-screws in Orthodontic Practice Part II (Olivier Quinty, AEEDC 2022) (DR.井上の意見:画像が鮮明でないために引用論文の先生の名前がうまく読み取れません)
- What are the risks and complication ?
- 1) Root trauma and root proximity
- 2) Stationary achorage failure
- 3) Soft-tissue irritaion and Miniscrew slippage
- 4) Nasal and maxillary sinus perforation
- 5) Nerve injury
- 6) Miniscrew bending, fracture, adn torsional stress
- 7) Relapse
- Anatomy
- ・Anatomically, the IZC, or infrazygomatic crest, is a reinforced bone area, with greater thickening of the cortical layer, which extendes along the maxilla from the zygoma towards the molars.
- ・Clinically, it is a palpable bony ridge running along the curvature between the alveolar and zygomatic processes of the maxilla.
- ・The TAD is placed buccal to the second molar because there is a thicker buccal plate bone and less divergence of the mollar roots. (Lin et al. 2014)
- ・In younger subjects, it is between the maxillary second premolar and the first molar, Whearas it is between the maxillary first molar and second molar in adults. (Marqueran et al., 2014)
- ・Maxillary and mandibular cortical bones at commomly used miniscrew implant placemant sites are thicker in adults than n adolescents. (Farrsworth, et al. 2011)
- ・Cortical bone tends to be thicker in hypodivergent than in hyperdivergent subjects. (Posner et al 2012)
- ・There is a positive association between Mini-implants primary stability and Cortical Thickness of the receptor site. The average cortical thickness of the infrazygomatic creast is 1.44 to 1.58 mm. Corticlal bone thickness of more than 1 mm is required for good stability and a high success rate with orthodontic mini-implants. (Marqueson et al. 2014)
- ・Bone thickness of the IZ crest above the maxillary first molar is 5 to 9 mm, when it is measured at 40" to 75" to the maxillary occlusal plane and 13 to 17 mm above the maxillary occlusal plane. The clinical implication for miniscrew insertion in the IZ crest of adults is 14 to 16 mm above the maxillary occlusal plane and the maxillary first molar, and at an angle of 55" to 70" to the maxillary occlusal plane (Liou et al 2007)
- ・Soft tissue is penetrated by the screw tip and oriented perpendicular to the buccal plate, and the screwdriver is turned clokwise to penetrate the approximately 1.44-1.58 mm to thick cortical plate, As the screw penetrates the corticl plate, the screwdriver is gradually rotated inferiorly about 60-70 degrees to achieve a final insertion position buccal to the roots of the molars. (Chris et al 2019)
- ・The final position of the screw head is about 5 mm superioer to the soft tissue, which is at about the level of the gingival crest or hooks of the buccla tubes.
- Failure rate
- ・Both SS and TIA are clinically acceptable materials for IAC BSs because whe overall success rate was 93.7%. Compared with TIA, SS IZC BSs have an insignificanty higher failure rare of (Chang 2019)
- ・Higher failure rates when miniscrews inserted in the mandible than the maxilla. (Fapangoargioe et al. 2012)
- Indication
- IZC mini-screws are recommeded in ccase of:
・En masse anterior teeth retraction,
・Anchorage for retraction of an anterior dental block in cases of superior extraction,
・En masse retraction of the dentoalveolar arch of the maxilla,
・Intrusin of the posterior teeth. - ・Mx arch distalization &Molar intrusion → 2x12 SS TAD
・Molar mesialization & Impaction or transpositon → 2x14 H SS TAD - Upper molar distalization
- ・Upper molar distalization is approximately 4 mm with infrazygomatic TADs, Tipping 4 degrees, Intrusion 0.6-0.7 mm, Need of extraction 18, 28 when erupted or on the way to eruption. (Mchamed et al. 2021)
- ・The rate of molar movement was 1.00 mm per month, which, however, was associated with distal tipping of the first molars (8.56 degrees) (Moschos 2010)
- Anatomy
- ・The evalustion of the buccolingual dimension showed that the mandibular canal was located either in contact with or close to the lingual cortical plate (less than 2mm) in the molar region of the majority of the cades and at 15-17 mm to the alveolar crest. As it proceeds anteriorly it moves toward the buccal aspect of the mandible, where it finally emerges through the mental foramen. Three emerging patterns of mandibular canal were observed: sharp turn (53.2%) soft curved exit (28.8%), and straight path (17.4%) (Eclzrcio et al. 2020)
- ・Anatomic limites for orthodontic tooth movement can be divided into 2 types according to level: corown and root level. At crown level, the only anatomic structure that can be encountered during orthodontic tooth movement is the mandibular ramus. When a crown of a tooth is forced against the cortical bone, enamel makes direct contact with the bone, leading to pressure necrosis. (Sung-lin et al. 2014)
- ・the root level, the cortical layer of the alveolar bone limits tooth movement. When the root makes contact with the inner cortex, tooth movement slows, and the risk of root resorption is dramaricalluy increase. If the tooth moves farther to the outer cortes, it can cause alveolar bone loss, gingival recession and root esxposure, compromising periontal support. (Tae-Hyun et al. 2014)
- ・The mean distances between the root and the inner and outer lingual cortexes at a level of 10 mm from the cementoenamel junction is 2.87 and 6.73 mm, respectively.
- ・In most patients skeletal, the posterior anatomic limit for molar distalization is the lingual cortex of the mandibular body. Lateral cephalograms provide limited but valuable information for predictin the posterior available space and the presence of root contact with the inner lingual cortexs. (Sung-Jin et al. 2014)
- ・CT evalustion is recommened in patients requiring significant molar distalization, when the lateral cephalograms show posterior available space less the 3.9 mm. A reasonabe amount of molar distlization is approximately 3mm. Extraction of 38 and 48 required. (Young-Lin 2011)
- Insertion protocol
- ・No pilot drill is needed, screw heads, at the insertion point, are at least 5mm above the soft tissue. On average, there is 5mm of bone engagement. The optimal position for the TAD is lateral to the contact of the lower first and second molars. Approximately 5-7mm below the alveolar crest. And inserted at an orentation of about 30 degrees to the bone surface. (Chang et al. 2014)
- Failure Rate
- ・The overall failure rae of buccal shelf screw placement is 7.2%. (Chang et al. 2014)
Infrazygomatic Crest TADs
Buccal Shelf TADs
mid-palatal screwsの埋入方法(Motsuru Motoyoshi. IOC,2020)
・大きなトルクのほうがスクリューの安定性はよいが、contra-angle driverの破折の危険性を考慮して、最大トルクは30 Ncm以下にすべきだ。
- 矯正用スクリューを使用しない理由(Meeran et al. 2012)(Dr.井上の意見: 2012年のデータなので古すぎるような)
- 1.トレーニングを受けていない (67%)
2.歯根接触や感染などのリスク・ファクターがこわい (54%)
3.患者が好まない (29%)
4.スクリューが必要な症例に出会わない (14%)
5.従来の治療方法が好きだ (5%)
6.コスト (1%)
- アンカー・スクリュー (Sarandeep S, AAO 2017)
- スクリューの移動
- ・CBCTを使った研究では、1mm以上の移動、3-4mmの移動をすることもある (Matheus A Jr et al. 2011)
・スクリューの移動は予想できず、移動させることもできない。大きな咬合力でもスクリューは移動しなかった (Amr Ragab El-Beialy et al. AJODO 2009)
- スクリューの埋入場所(John Lin, 2017AOSC)
Extra-radicular | Inter-radicular | |
Maximal Anchorage | same | same |
Major Types | IZC, Bucal shelf | between the roots |
Size | 2.0 mm | 1.2 mm - 1.5 mm |
Fracture | almost none | easier |
Root Damage | almost zero | higher chance |
Whole Arch Distalization | easy | not as easy |
Liou's IZC 6 VS Lin's IZC 7
Lin's IZC 7: 長さ8mmのスクリューを使用。IZC 6 よりもIZC 7 のほうがスクリューが歯根に接触しにくい。
- スクリューが歯根に接触してもOK。(John Lin, AOSC2017)
- ・スクリューを撤去するとcellular cementum の添加により修復が始まり、患者の不快感もない。(BG Maino, et al. J Clin Orthod 2007;41(12):762-6)
・スクリューが接触していた歯根表面は急速に修復され、スクリューの除去後または矯正力を加えないようにした後a few weeks以内にほぼ完全にhealingする。(O KIadioglu et al. Am J Orthod Dentofacila Orthp 2008;134:353-60)
Rapid palatal expander (上顎急速側方拡大装置)(Choo (2016). Angle Orthod,Epub aboad o... Go"kmen Kurta(2010). Angle orthod,... Gurgel et al. (2014). J.Oral Maxillofac. S... )(Young Chel Park, WIOC2016)(Dr.井上より:一部読み取り不能でした)
MARPE(T0-T1) | SARPE(T0-T1) | RPE(T0-T1) | |
Maxillary width (mm) | 2.11 | 2.45 | 2.22 |
Inter molar width (mm) | 8.32 | 7.81 | 7.38 |
MARPE(T2-T3) | SARPE(T2-T3) | RPE(T2-T3) | |
Maxillary width (mm) | -0.07 | -1.35 | -1.19 |
Inter molar width (mm) | -0.42 | -2.23 | -2.79 |
TMD (顎関節症)
Managing the Templomandibular Joint: Pathology, Treatment and Future Innovation (Dr.Kau Chung How,AOSC 2023)
TMJ Diagnostic Categories
・TMJ Disorder: Joint Pain, Arthralgia, Arthritis
・Joint Disorder: Disc-Condyle Complex Disorders, Other Hypomobility Disorders, Hypermobility Disorders
・Joint Disorders: Degenerative Joint Disease, Idiopathic Condylar Resorption, Osteonecrosis, Neoplasms
・Congential / Developmental Disorders
・Muscle Disorders
・Other Associated Structures
Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA)
・JIA is one of the most common chronic joint conditions in childhood
・Persistant symptoms for more than 6 weeks and no identifiable causes
・150 in 100,000 children
・Pathophysiology - autoimmune disease, genetic factors and environment
・Signs and Symptoms
・Inflamed synovial membrane
・Execss synovial fluid
・Thinning cartilage
・Bone overgrowth
Idiopathic Condylar Resorption (ICR)
・ICR is a progressive degenerative disease of the TMJ
・Most commonly seen in females (female:male ratio is 9:1)
・10-40 years old (predominant in teenagers during pubertal growth phase). (Wollord et al.2001)
Etiology (David M Sarver et al.2013)
・Local factors: Osteoarthritis, Traumatic injuries and infection
・Systemic factors: Rheumatoid arthritis, Systemic lupus erythromatosus, Connective tissue disease, Sjogren's syndrome
・Past operaticve factors: 3rd molar extraction, Previous orthodontic treatment, Orthognathic surgery
Wolford and Cardenas in 1999 and 2001
Hormone mediates biological changes in TMJ
Hyperplasia of synovial tissue causes break down of ligamentous structure
Anterior displacement of articular disc
Condylar resorption
Clinical Features:
・Skeletal and occlusal instability (mostly Class II malocclusion)
・Dentofacial deformities: Anterior open bite, High mandibular plane angle, Shortening of ramus, Midline discrepancy, Cross bite and posterior occlusal prematurity
・Unilateral or bilateral condylar resorption
・TMJ dysfunction and pain (Wolford et al. 1999: no TNJ pain in 25% of patients)
Mamagement Strategies
・Splint therapy
・Orthodontics and Orthognathic Surgery (after remission for 6-12 months)
・Mitek Anchor (Posterior head of the condyle and posterior band of the articular disc)
・Condylar replacement
Occlusion & Temporomandibular Disorders: A Paradigm Shift (Ambra Michelotti, AAO 2022)
下顎の位置異常でTMDを説明できない。下顎のリポジショニングは、TMD患者の治療方法として適切ではない。(Greene,2015; Rankasamy,2018)
今あるエビデンスでは、咬合とTMDの関係性は低い (Turp & Schindler,2021)
顎関節のクリッキングは、思春期において臼歯部反対咬合や異常なオーバージェット/オーバーバイトとは関係なかった。矯正治療の受診歴と顎関節のクリッキングは関係なかった。(Olliver et al.,Research Reports 2020)
TMDの原因がcondylar function, occlusal disharmonies, occlusal interferencesでないなら、occulsal perception, neuroplasticity, occlusal hypervigilance を考える必要がある
Higher anxiety is axxociated with pain, discomfort and frequency of tooth clenching. (Chow et al.,2022)
TMD患者は、TMDの原因は歯の噛み合わせであると考え、歯の噛み合わせを過度に気にするようになり、facilitate stimulus detection with tactile exploration.
・No evidence that (mal)occlusion is associated with TMD (Temporo Mandibular Dysorder)
・No evidence that Orthodontic treatment prevent, cure or provoke TMD
・No evidence rhat an ideal condylar position can prevent or cure TMD
・CNS (Central Nervous System) is continuously adapting: neuroplasticity
・CNS modulates perception with a top-down mechanism: vigilance
・Occulsal hypervigilance and occlusal perception are mediated by CNS
Occusaion & Temporomandibular Disorders: A Paradigm Shift (Ambra Michelotti,AAO 2022)
TMDに関する3つの論点: @Condylar function、AOcclusal disharmonies、BOcclusal interferences。
思春期の患者において、TMJクリッキングと臼歯部反対咬合や異常なオーバージェット/オーバーバイトの関係はなかった。過去の矯正治療の有無も関係なかった。(S.J.Olliver et al.,Research Reports; Clinical,2020)
・CNSの知覚はトップダウンである: vigilance
・Occlusal hypervigilance and occlusal perception are mediated by CNS
Progressive/Idiopathic Condyler Resorption (Sylvia in Chamberland, AAO, 2019)
- ・女性
・ホルモン・バランス(↓estrogen, ↓17β-estradiol)
・栄養状態(↓vitamin D, ↓omega-3)
- ・外科矯正
・Rigid fixation used in mandibular osteotomy
・不適切な設計のocclusal appliance
- ・顎関節頭の縮小
- 下あごの時計回りの回転
- 症状
- ・急性期
- 前歯部開咬とTMJ痛
- 機能的な負荷を分散させる
- 成長期のPCR/ICR
- ・下顎突起の短小化
・antegonial notchの増加
- 臨床症状
- ・時計回りの顔面成長と前歯部開咬
・Reduced bone thickness facial to the roots of incisors
- 3つの主な原因
- @外傷 または 異常な力
- 変形性関節症の対処方法
- ・侵襲性のない
- ・薬物療法: NSAID, 筋弛緩薬
・理学療法: 顎運動、徒手的理学療法
・スプリント: 筋収縮を軽減し、顎関節にかかる力を軽減し痛みを減らす
- ・矯正治療 プラス TADs
- ・侵襲性の少ないオプション
- ・Arthroscopic surgery
・Arthrocentesis → エビデンスがない
- ・侵襲性の大きなオプション
- ・Arthroplasty
・Autogenous hemiarthroplasty
・Bimaxillary osteotomy and disc repositiong
CBCT像からみた顎関節頭の位置の分類(Robert L. Kaspers, AAO 2017)
- I. Seated Condylar Position
- 関節頭が関節かの中央にある。この位置がバランスがとれている。
- 関節頭が関節結節の近くに位置している。この患者はClass IIであり、下顎を前方に位置づけ、この位置で上下の歯の咬合接触点が最も多い。
- 下顎を後退させたときに上下の歯の咬合接触点が最も多い位置。側方歯のかん合の状態、または上顎前歯のトルクの欠如によるものかもしれない。
- 下顎を後方歯(通常、大臼歯)の早期接触がある位置に回転させ、そして上下の歯の咬合接触点を最大にするために、関節頭を後下方に位置づける。この関節頭の位置は、患者が側頭翼突筋を活性化させ(下顎を前方に動かす)、それから上下の歯の咬合接触を最大にするために咬筋と内側翼突筋を活性化させる。
- 患者は早期接触する位置に下顎を回転させ、そして上下の歯の咬合接触が最大になるように下顎を前方に動かす。
- DUAL BITEとは(Robert L. Kaspers, AAO 2017)?
- ・ほとんどの患者は2つのバイトをもっている。2つのバイトのうちポピュラーなのは上下の歯の咬合接触が最大になる位置; しかしながら、通常、この位置に患者は下顎を無理やり動かさないといけない。
・2つ目のバイトは、下顎がリラックスした位置(pseudo centric relation)、しかし、残念なことに上下の歯の咬合接触はあまりない。
The American Academy of Orofacial Pain(アメリカ口腔顔面痛学会)が2013年に発行した"Orofacial Pain" の164ページには、次のように書かれています。
Management of TMDs
1. Patient education and self-management
2. Biobehavioral therapy
3. Pharmacologic management
4. Physical therapy
5. Orthopedic appliance therapy
6. Occlusal therapy
The topic occlusion continues to remain an enigma to those interested in studying the pathophysiology of TMDs and therapeutic concepts related to occlusal discrepancies......
a. Occlusal adjustment
Occlusal adjustment was at one time considered beneficial for TMDs, and occlusal interferences were implicated in the etilolgy of TMDs......
b. Restrrative therapy
Restrative dental care should never be a primary treatment option for TMDs (ref. 474)......
c. Orthodontic-orthognathic therapy
Orthodontic treatment is often the treatment of choice when major occlusal alterations are considered to be dentally advantageous. Fixed, removable, functional, and extraoral orthodontic appliances are all capable of improving occlusal and mandibular stability (ref.493). Orthodontics has been suggested to anterior positioning appliance therapy to correct a TMJ disc displacement. This has not proven to be as successful on a longitudinal basis as anterior positioning applinace therapy alone (ref. 494, 495). Orthodontic therapy does present some risk of destabilizing the masticatory system during treatment (ref. 496). Therefore, the orthodontic diagnosis and treatment plan must consider possible influences of resulting occlusal instability on preexisting TMDs during treatment (ref. 497, 498).
Many retrospective clinical studies has examined the relationship between orthodontic treatment and TMDs and have found no significanat correlation on a population basis (ref. 499-512). Additonally, several recent prospective longterm studies also confirm no correlation between orthodontic treatment in childhood and increased risk of developing TMDs later in life (ref. 436, 513-516). Orthodontic treatment with premolar extraction has been specifically implicated in the developmennt of TMDs through incisor retraction and subsequent destalization of the mandible (ref. 517). However, studies compareing orthodontic treatments with and without premolar extraction have found no difference in postreatment condylar position (ref. 518-521)., overbite (ref. 520), discrepancy between intercuspal position and retruded contact position (ref. 522), or symptoms of TMDs (ref. 510, 523, 524).
A prospective study of posttreatment changes in the TMJ found no statistically singnificant correlation between chages in the condyle-fossa relationship based on age, sex, skeletal or denatl variables, signs or symptoms of TMDs, headgear use, type of elastics, or nonextraction versus extraction treatment (ref. 525). Additionally, there are some longitudinal studies that suggest that a history of orthodntics tends to be associated with a lower prevalence of TMD signs and symptoms than no history of orthodntic treatment (ref. 436, 502, 526). A recent review of the literature concluded that, based on the available evidence, orthodontic treatment "neither causes nor cures" TMDs (ref. 527).
Althogh there is little evidence that orthodontically treated patients as a group have a greater prevalence of TMD symtoms, the individual patient response to the dental instabilities associated with orthodontic treatment may be quite different (ref. 528). Thus, the orthodontist must be alert for and prepared to deal with the onset or exacerbration of signs and symptoms that may occur during orthodontic tooth movement. The potential for problems clearly mandates a pretreatment TMD screening examination for all orthodontic patients (ref. 528, 529).
Orthognathic surgery may be consideered in conjunction with orthodntic or restorative treatment for correction of skeletal malocclusions. However, when orthognathic surgery is considered in TMD patients, it should always follow careful evaluation to confirm reasonable symptom resolutin and stability of the maxillomandibular relationship. Surgical treatment for skeletal asymmetries and growth anomalies with the specific intent of alleviating pain associated with TMDs is rarely indicated and should only follow careful evaluation and management of any other contributing factors. However, in those TMD patients with severe skkeletal malocclusion who desire greater occlusal stability or improved esthetics, orthognathic treatment is often the method of choice (ref. 506,530-532). Two retrospective studies showed no increase in TMD signs and symptoms in patients with anterior open bites (ref. 534) who underwent orthognathic surgery. One other study showed that in patients who underwent orthognathic surgery with rigid fixation, symptoms of clicking and muscle pain improved, whereas these symptoms increased in patients with nonrigid fixation (ref. 535). A systemic review pointed out that the studies to date generally have small groups, no controls, and other methodologic flaws (ref. 536). While prospective studies and systematic reviews are lacking, the available literature indicates that orthognathic surgery in patients with TMDs does not generally exacebrate or improve the condition and, hence, is feasible option for those who desire it.
7. Surgery
Tooth movement (歯の移動)
Orthodontic Movement of Upper Central Incisor Across the Midline (Rocio Compuzano et al. AAO 2021)
This case reports presented successfully the orthodontic space closure and substituition of maxillary teeth in a growing patient with a Class I malocclusion, moving a central incisor across the midline, avoiding the use of dental implants or prosthetic treatments such as bridges. Moving a central incisor across the midline causes, equalluy the movement of the midpatalal suture according the the tooth moved.
歯の移動速度に関係する要因 (Stavros Kiliaridis. IOC,2020)
歯の移動速度の速い個体と遅い個体があった。(Catherine Giannopoulou et al. EJO 2016)
・上顎歯の移動速度の速い個体では下顎歯でも移動速度が速かった。上顎歯の移動速度の遅い個体では下顎歯でも移動速度が遅かった。R=0.948, =0.887, P<0.001
対合歯と接触している歯よりも、対合歯と接触していない歯のほうが歯の移動量が大きかった。(Alexander Dudic et al. AJODO,2013)
・If an interarch obstacle is present, the amount of tooth movement is less (Dudic et al.2013)
・Thus, with smaller forces, and less resulting masticatory loading, it is easier to shift the occlusion
・Mandibular alveolar bone is less dense in individuals with weaker masticatory force (Jonasson and Kiliaridis,2004)
・Faster orthodontic tooth movement has been shown to take place in individuals with less dense bone (Bridges et al. 1988, Hoshimoto et al.,2013)
・In the animal experimental model used, the botox injection enhanced the amount of tooth movement (Arizono et al.2020). However, it may have created changes in bone density, which ha to be tested.
Transeverse discrepancy (側方の不調和)
The Transverse Dimension: Why it Matters, and How to Diagnose Discrepancies (Dr.Leslie Will, AAO 2023)
The nasal cavity is only a portion of the airway
・Complicated relatioship with OSA
・Other portions of airway may be obstructed
・Expansion won't help these
・Tonsils, adenoids are common problems unrelated to the maxillary size or width
Complex association between OSA and Maxillary dental and skeletal (Markkanen et al.EJO 2019, Smith et al.J Clin Sleep Med 2016, Fernandez-Barriales et al.Sleep Med Rev 2022, Pirelli P et al.Sleep Medicine 2015)
・Young children (2.5 years) with positive sleep study had narrower maxillary intercanine width than non-snoring age matched controls
・Children 2-12 years old diagnosed with OSA (mean age 4.7) had narrower dental widths in first and secon primary molars, first permanent molars as compared to age-matched controls
increasing maxillary width through expansion did not always improve apneal
A subgroup of children with maxillary constriction and without enlarged tonsils/sdenoids showed normal PSGs a mean of 12 years after expansion
Althogh many factors affect airway, a consricted masxilla is related to a narrow nasal airway which may also contribute to OSA
R.Matthews Miner et al.AJODO 2012
・Normal was withn 1 SD of mean
・Non-crossbite group actually consists of three groups
・Normal (control) (n=79)
・Superior convergent (n=61)
・Inferior convergent (n=47)
・Good intra- and inter-examiner reliability for linear and angular measurements
Control vs. bilateral crossbite
・All linear measurement significantly different
・Molar inclination NOT different
Bilateral crossbites had molars that were inclinded normally, but a narrow maxilla AND a wide mandible resulted in crossbite
Control vs. unilateral crossbite
・Normal maxillry molar inclination on the crossbie side
・More upright mandibular molar inclination on crossbite side
・More buccal maxillary molar inclination on non-crossbite side (compensation)
・Narrower maxilla AND wider mandible
Unilateral vs. bilateral crossbite
・No significant difference in linear measures
・Only significant difference in angular measurement is axial angle of maxillary molar on non-crossbite (compensation) side
A crossbite is unilateral because one molar compensates for the maxillaru constriction and the other doesn't. Bilateral crossbites have no compensation. Both have a wide mandible and narrow maxilla
Control vs. superior convergent
・Neither has a crossbite
・However, the SC group has a significantly narrower maxilla
・In this group, the teeth must compensate for the narrow maxilla by tipping: the maxillary molars tip out, and the mandibular molars tip in
Control vs. inferior convergent
・Once again, neither has a crossbite
・The IC group has a wider maxilla, so that the maxillary molars are tipped in to compensate
・One lower molar is also compensated
・Transverse jaw discrepancies were due to both a wider manadible and a narrower maxilla in our sample
・No differences in molar inclination between control and bilateral XB groups
・Some maxillary and mandibular molar inclinations compensated for the skeletal discrepancy in the unilateral XB group
In summary
・The transverse relationship between the maxilla and mandible and the dental arches is important for optimal occlusion, function, and health
・Dental compensations often mask a skeletal discrepancy, but compensations are often accompanied by problems in occlusion, stability, and health
・CBCT analysis should be used to detemine whether a skeletal discrepancy exists if crossbite or compensations are apparent
Trauma (外傷)
Dental Trauma: Revisiting Protocols & Long-tem Follow-ups (Eustaquio A.Araujo,AAO 2022) 外傷による歯の損傷:治療方法と長期のフォローアップ
Andreasen et al.,2007
David R.Steiner et al.Seminars in Orthodontics,1997
・歯の脱臼や歯槽骨の破折は, with or without partial avulsion, 注意が必要だ
1. 事故原因を調べる how? where? when?
2. 検査
3. 麻酔
4. 歯をつかんで元の位置に戻す
5. .016X.022 NiTi or .17X.025 TMAを装着
6. speed bumps or similarを使って外傷歯の早期接触をなくす
7. 柔らかくて熱くない食べ物を食べる for a few days
8. 2週間後にリコール
骨性癒着歯は、space maintenersや esthetic preserversとして役に立つが、いつもそうなるとは限らない。成長期に骨性癒着歯があると、ridge defectがおこることもある。今のところ、歯槽骨の保全のために歯冠除去が推奨される。ridge defectは思春期の急激な成長期におこる。
再植後に骨性癒着をおこした前歯を除去する最適な時期はの見極めは困難である。最適な時期は、bone defectの量と治療プランによる。
- 発現率
・外傷による前歯の喪失率(General Population): 0.012%(Chachwick BL et al. Britisch Dental Journal 2006;200:379-384)
・前歯の外傷の発生率(General population): 15-25%(Burden DJ. et al. 1995;17:513-517、Hunter ML et al. Dental Traumatology 1990;6:260-264)
・矯正患者の前歯の外傷の既往歴: 10.3% (Bauss o. eet al. Dental traumatology 2004;20:61-66)
・12歳までに切歯が受傷する確率: overjetが9mm 以上だと45%、overjetが9mm 以下だと23% (Todd JE. et al. Office of Population Censuses and surveys, 1985)
Unexpected Complication in Retention (保定中の予想外の歯の移動)
- Bonded retainer (Simon J Litttlewood,AAO,2019)
- ・プラークがつきやすい
・periodontal attachment lossがおこりやすいという論文はない
- ・上顎では差がなかった
・下顎ではbonded retainerで叢生の後戻りが少なかった
- Unexpected Complicated Bonded Retainer (UCBR) (Marek & Kucera,AAO,2019)
◇Bonded retainerの欠点
- 5%(Katsaros et al.,2007)、2.7%(Renkema et al.,2001)、1.1%(Kucera & Marek,2016)。50%が再治療を要した。
- Type 1: X-effect - change in torque on adjacent incisors
Type 2: Twist effect -
- ・twisting of the whole anterior segment
・contralateral canines in opposite direction
- ・spaces
・protrusion with open bite
- ・ヒューマン・ファクターinsufficient paasivity)
- -歯間距離を変えた(増加)
-MI or !-APに対する下顎切歯の過度な傾斜
- ・ワイヤーのタイプと位置、材料の経年疲労
・ワイヤーのstraightening or twisting
- ・形態:impact of narrow symphysisi, biotype of att. gingiva
・垂直的な力 − 不完全な咬合
- △保定プロトコール
- ・33-43と13-23(12-22)のbonded retainer
- - 最初の3か月はフルタイム
- 次の9か月はnight-time
- 2年目は週に2回
- 3年目は週に1回
- ・Artun et al.EJO,1997 - significant change (p<0,001> over three years
・Ardren et al.Swed Dent J,1998 - with 23% of cases, samll relapse over 6-8 years
・Storman a Ehmer,JOC,2002 - when smooth wire is attached to canines, there was relapse in 80% of cases over two years
・よって、犬歯ー犬歯だけでなく、すべての前歯にbonded retainerを接着したほうがよい。
◇dead soft wireは、破折しやすく、スペースができやすいので、演者は使うのを止めた。
- crowding fators
wire properties or/and trauma
occlusion, anatomical conditons
・Bad choice wire
・Narrow alveolar process
・Wire fatigue, trauma, position
・Occlusal force disbalance
・Fixed retainers remain one of the best options to maintain Tx results in majority of our pationts・Long-term retention is nt without a risk
・Risks of UCBR is hard to predict and is quite low < 5%
・UCBR - multifactorial origin
・Patients and dentists should be informed about these risks
・Regular check ups at least 2x a year should be performed
- ボンダブル・リンガル・リテーナー接着症例における予想外の歯の移動の発現率と発現時期
- 発現率:
Katsaros et al., AJODO 2007 5%
Renkema et al., AJODO 2011 2.7%
Kucera and Marek, AJODO 2016 1.1%
- 発現時期(ボンダブル・リンガル・リテーナー接着後の年数):
Katsatros et al., AJODO 2007 1-2年
Pazera et al., AJODO 2014 2-4年
Kucera and Marek, AJODO 2016 平均4年
- ボンダブル・リンガル・リテーナー接着症例における予想外の歯の移動が生じる原因 (Jpsef Kucera, AAO 2017)
- I. ボンダブル・リンガル・リテーナーがパッシブに接着されなかった。
- II. 重度の叢生に起因する力
- ・歯列弓の生理学的な変化
- ・歯列弓長の減少
・オーバ ーバイトの増加
- ・成長
- ・dentoalveolar compensation
- ・咬合力のanterior vector
- III. 機械的外傷 − ワイヤーの金属疲労、接着剤の脱離
- IV. ワイヤーの種類
- 下の犬歯と犬歯のだけにワイヤーで固定した症例では、5年後には40%の症例で歯の移動があった。
Renkema et al., AJODO 2008.
Renkema et al., AJODO 2011.
- デッド・ソフト・ワイヤーは切れやすく歯間にスペースが生じやすい。
- ワン・ストランデッド・ワイヤーがいいかもしれない。
- マルチ・ストランデッド・ワイヤーは不安定だ。Zachrisson, JCO 1995. Katsaros et al. AJODO 2007. Kucera et al. AJODO 2016.
- V. ワイヤーの位置
- force exerted on teeth (N)
- Oblique: o.34 - 2.85 N
Middle: 0.16 - 1.44 N
- Moment of force (N.mm)
- Gingival: 0.04 - 0.45 N.mm
Incisal: 0.01 - 0.27 N.mm
- VI. 局所的な解剖学的状態
- Nahm et al. (Dent. Rad. 2014) - dehiscences more frequent in lower jaw
Enhos et al. (Angle Orthod. 2012) - bone dehiscence in hyperdivergent patients
- VII. 結論
- 多因子の原因
- 3°crowding foctors, relapse → Wire properties or traum → Occlusion, anatomical conditions
- ・bad choice of wire
・wire fatigue / trauma
・wire position
- 対策:
- ・Fixed retainers remain one of the best options to maintain Tx results.
・Long-term retention is not without a risk
・Regular check ups at least once a year should be performed.
・Patient and dentist shold be informed about these risks.
- ボンダブル・リンガル・リテナーを接着した患者における予想外の歯の移動(Timothe G. Shaughnessy, AAO 2017)
- 考えられる原因
- 1.ワイヤーの変形(パッシブな状態で接着されなかった。堅い食物、打撲、フロッシングなどによってワイヤーが変形した
- 防止策
- 1.注意深い製造とワイヤーをパッシブに接着する。
- 前歯6本にボンダブル・リンガル・リテーナーを接着していても、200症例のうち6症例(2.7%)で予想外の歯の移動があった。(Renkema et al. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2011,139:614-621)
- 保定中の予想外の歯の移動を防ぐ方法(B. Christoph et al. IOS 2017)
- ・歯の近遠心のコンタクト・ポイントに近い切端側よりにボンダブル・リンガル・リテーナーを接着する。
Trauma (外傷)
- ・107症例のうち、上顎側切歯に歯根吸収があったのは38例で、上顎中切歯に歯根吸収があったのは9例だった (Ericson et al.,2000)
- ・210症例のうち、上顎側切歯に歯根吸収があったのは27例で、上顎中切歯に歯根吸収があったのは23例だった (Liu et al.,2008)
Management of bone loss, ankylosed teeth and facial asymmetries due to trauma (Dr.Ali Darendeliler,AOSC 2023)
- 12歳以下の子供において、オーバージェット9o以上だと45%、9o以下だと23%の確率で上の前歯の外傷がおこっていた (Todd JE et al.,Office of Population Censuses and Surveys 1985)
歯の欠損部位に、いつインプラントを埋入するのか? 歯槽骨は何歳まで上下的に成長するのか?
- in some casesにおいて18歳から23歳になる間に3oの上下的な歯槽骨の成長があった。Vertical Position of Maxillary Incisors in Girls from 9 to 25 Studied by Implant Method (Bjork's Material) → In some cases 3mm of vertical alveolar bone growth was detected between 18 and 23 years old. (Iseri H et al.,EUR J Orthod 1996)
Alveolar Ridge Width Loss following Extraction Maxilla Anterior
- ・23% reduction in the first 6 months
・11% additional reduction during the following 5 years
Total 34%
(Belin I et al.,Eur J Orthod 1991)
Black triangle / Papilla
- Distance between: Contact point of Centrals to Crest of Bone
Distance | Presence |
5 mm | 98% |
6 mm | 56% |
7 mm | 27% |
・Improvong tne shape / size of the Papila
・Mesial movement
・Mesial Root Tip
Ortho procedures / points to consider:
・ space openng (1 mm gap mesial / distal)
・ Low friction mechanics (self ligation brackets)
・ 19X25 Ni-Ti wire (?) 4-5 days following surgery (Dr井上の意見:corticotomy?)
・ Monitor every 5-7 days
・ Over-extrude if necessary to allow bony edge / gingival margin alignment / future growth
・ Stabilize with fixed retainer ?
・When Teeth / Bone Missing follwoing trauma:
・Orthodontic Tooth Movement
・When Teeth are Ankylosed:
・Alveolar Distraction
Trauma to Condyles
If you see mandibular asymmetry or late development of openbite:
・Ask for any history of trauma
・Rheumatoid arthritis ?
・If mild and still growing try orthopaedic approach ?
・If severe and adult plan orthognathic surgery ?
・Can also be condylar Dissolution
White spot (ホワイトスポット)
Treatment of white spt lesions with MI paste plus, with and without microabration: a splitmouth, randamized clinical trial (Steven LeRoy,AAO 2022)
・1か以上のホワイトスポットがある患者は23% (Julien et al.2013)
・40% of adolescents have at least mild flourosis (NHANES,1999-2004)
・Fluorotic enamel
・Diffuse margins
・Incisal 1/3
・矯正治療開始4週間でホワイトスポットができる: ほとんどが矯正治療開始6ヶ月以内にホワイトスポットができる (Dr.井上の意見:矯正患者の年齢を知りたい)
・上顎の歯にホワイトスポットができることが多い: 上顎側切歯と上顎犬歯にできやすい。歯頚側1/3ぐらいのところにできやすい。
・restrative treatment
・erosion infiltration: etch, add resin, cure
・fluoride ・CPP-ACP remineralization
・microabrasion & MI paste plus
Takeaway messages:
#1 After braces removal, allow3-6 months for narural remineralizaion
・Encourage OTC fluoride toothpaste & improved hygiene
・AVOID high concentration fluoride
・Allows for more conservative approach
・Resin infiltraion, etc, are always a backup
Deproteinization of Tooth enamel Surface to Prevent White Spot Lesions & Bracket Bond Failure: A revolusion in Orthodontic Bonding Roberto Justus,AAO 2022)
・Gorelick et al.,AIO 1982: n=192, 50%
・Boersma et al.,Caries Res 2005: n=62, 97%
・Tufeka et al.,Angle Orthod 2011: n=37, 46%
・Richter et al.,AJO 2011: n=350, 72.9%
1. Improve oral hygine
2. Lingual orthodontics
3. Enamel sealants
4. RMGICs to bond brackes
エナメル質の表面にaquired pellicle(厚さは約3ミクロン)があり、その上にbiofilmがある。
acquired pellicleは:
・Covered the enamel surface
・Membrane, usually free from bacterial clonization
・Components: proteins, glycopoteins (mucin) & enzymes
・These organic elememts impede proper enamel surface etching
3 enamel etch-pattern Types: Type 1;Prism head, Tpe 2;Interprismatic substance Type 3;Superficial (poor micro-mechanical ret.)
Clinical example ブラケット接着の前処理
1. Deproteinize w/NaClo, 60 seconds
2. Etch w/H3PO4 15-30 seconds
3. Moisten w/H2O 4. Bond w/an RMGIC
clincal recommendation:
・Rub NaClO 1 min
・Acid etch 15-30 seconds (w/37% H3PO4)
・Tinse, dry, moisten (w/water)
・Use a light-cured ionomer
・Cement bracketes in 2's
・1st arch: .010" SS or NiTi
・Avoid full brackets engagement in severly mal-aligned teeth (24hrs)
・Opposing cusps must not contact brackets
natural remineralization process. ホワイトスポットは徐々に消失することもあるので1年ほど様子を見る
- ・Abration: wearing by mechanical process
- ・Abfraction: wedge shaped defect at the CEJ
- ・Attrition: wearing by tooth to tooth contact
- ・Contact betwee opposing teeth with well defined wear facets
・Parafunctional habits, porcelain restraurations against natural teeth, Class III with incisal relationship and lack of posterior support
・Stress related, sleep disorders, increased screen time (blue light) - ・Erosion: chemical etching without bacgterial involvement
- ・Extrinsic: dietary carbonated drinks, acidic diet
・Intrinsic: gastric reflux, vomiting due to anorexia and bulemia
Specific localization → perimolysis
New carious tooth destruction (Hanif A, et al. J Res Dent 015)
White Spot Lesion (WSL) (W. Eugene Roberts, AAO 2021)
The problem of the WSLs
WSLs: 〜30% incidece with fixed appliance treatment
Frustrating for Orthdontists: Diagnosis and restration of cavitated caries is far removed from incipient caries in enamel.
・Invisible Subsurface Demineralizations: active or inactive caries
・Appearas WSLs: at a depth of ≧400μm
・Treatment: remineralization is effective for lesions (<100μm), but WSLs are difficult to correct!
Orthodontics Malpractice Claims (Data from a leading insurer)
・Miscellaneous: 31% pathology, open bites, excessive enamel removal (IPR and debonding), poor outcome, inapproate communication etc.
・Periodontal issues 21%
・Generalized root resorption 17%
・Ectopic, impacted and un-erupted teeth 12%
・TMD 12%
Decalcifications: White Spots, caries (especially for aligners) 7%・
- Amazingly, there are no documente report for decalcifications with aligners (Boyd RL, Compend Contin Educ Dent, 2009)
・Orthodontic websites & blogs warn about it
・Online pubs: 〜3% decalcification incidence
・Currently a growing liability issue
・Clinicians: If you observe decalcifiction with aligners, take photographs, investigate the clinical course
・Well documented case reports are needed
- Demineralization: An Important Health Problem?
・Debilitation: a majority of the population worldwide: Osteoporosis (>10%) and Dental Caries (〜100%)
・Dental Caries: may lead to fatal, facial space infection, e.g. floor of the mouth: high death rate in underdeveloped society, but 〜3% still even with modern antibiotic treatment
- Review of Biomedical Literature (Roberts, Mangum and Schneider, Current Osteoporosis, 2021)
・Purpose: Compare pathophysiology for infectious and noninfectious demineralization disease relative to mineral maintenace, physiologic fluoride levels, and mechanical degradation.
・Findings: Environmental acidity, biomechanics, and intercrystalline percolation of endemic fluoride regulate resistance to demineralization relative to osteopenia, noncarious cervical lelsions, and dental caries.
Wisdom teeth (親知らず、第三大臼歯)
Third Molars in Orthodontics: To retain, or not retain, that is the question. 矯正治療において第三大臼歯はどうする(Kyung-Ho Kim,APOC 2022)
(Engstrom et al. Angle Orthod 1983)
(Sisman et al Angle Orthod 2007)
(Jung and Cho, Imaging Sci Dent. 2014)
Meta-analysis of 49 studies (Carter et al.J Dent Res 2016)
1. 親知らず埋伏の発現率:24.40% (19-31%)
2. 上顎より下顎の親知らずが埋伏しやすい
3. 男女差はなかった
4. Medioangular > vertical > distoangular > horizontal
1. Lack of space in the third molar region
2. Third molar angulation
3. Ectopic position
4. Obstruction of the eruption pathway
5. Late third molar mineralization/early physical maturity
6. Other factors (racial and socioeconomic differences, and genetic factors)
1. Caries/Resorption on the distal surface of the second molar
2. Marginal bone loss at the distal surface of the second molar
3. Increased width of the follicular space around the crown
4. Perforation of the lingual cortex adjacent to the third molar
410 impacted mandibular third molars (Matzen et al.2017)
1. Resorption on the distal surface of the second molar (41%, severe 14%)
2. Marginal bone loss at the distal surface of the second molar (49%, severe 19%)
3. Increased width of the follicuar space around the crown of the fhirs molar (25%)
親知らず埋伏による障害 Review of 1001 cases (Van der Linden et al.1995)
1. Significant more impactions in the mandible than in the maxilla
2. In the maxilla: vertical > mesio-angular > disto-angular impaction
In the mandible: mesio-angular > vertical > disto-angular, horisontal impaction
3. Dental caries was most frequently seen condition: in only 7.1% of impacted third molars but in 42.7% of adjacent teeth
1. Unrestorable caries
2. Non-treatable pulpal and/or periapical pathology
3. Cellulitis, abscess and osteomyelitis
4. Internal/external resorption of the tooth or adjacent teeth
5. Fracture of tooth
6. Disease of follicle cyst/tumor
7. Tooth/teeth impeding surgery or reconstructive jaw surgery, and when a tooth is involved in or within the field of tumor resection treatment
4本の小臼歯抜歯して矯正治療すると親知らず埋伏の発生率が低くなる (Kim et al. AJODO 2003)
・Premolar extraction therapy reduces the frequency of third molar impaction because of increased eruptin space concomitant with mesial movement of the molars during space closure.
・Impaction: 45% in the nonextraction group, 19% in the extraction group
young adults の抜歯矯正治療によって親知らず埋の発生率が低くなる (Turkoz et al.Angle Orthod.2013)
・ Impaction: 81.8% in the nonextraction group, 63.3% in the extraction group
・ Increased retromolar space in the extraction group: 1.3 ± 1.25 mm
・ Inclination of the third molar (L8): Less than 60°between the third molar and lower madibular border the tooth
1. Prevention of excessive flattening of the profile
2. Disimpaction of third molars, thus avoiding their surgical removal
3. Effecient reduction of deep overbite
4. Faster and less problematic distalization of first molars
5. Reduction in the amount and the duration of appliance therapy
6. Use of only as much space as needed to relieve crowding
7. Increased stability
8. Less mandibular incisor crowding after treatment
9. Less reopening of extraction sites
1. A postentially unacceptable position of the third molars, thus requring a second phase of treatment
2. Increased distance of extracted teeth from location of crowding
3. Insufficient number, size, and form of third molars
4. More loss of tooth sustance
5. Potential overeruption of unopposed molars while waiting for the third molars to emerge
・ No impaction of third molars (Cavanaugh,1985 Angle Orthod)
・ 100% of the third molars erupted and 96% had mesial contact points and acceptable axial inclinations in 94 second molar exrraction cases (Staggers, 1990 AJODO)
・ 99% of maxillary third molars erupted into a good or acceptable position (Orton-Gibbs et al.2001 AJODO)
・96.2% of the maxillary third molars erupted in good position (De-la-Rosa-Gay et al.2006 AJODO)
・ 59% erupted into a good position without any orthodontic treatment (Asai et al.2007 Orthod.Waves)
下顎第二大臼歯を抜歯すると下顎第三大臼歯は自然萌出するか? (Yoonjeong Noh, Master's thesis,2017)
・ Age at the time of extraction of mandibular second molars: 13.7±1.62 years, at the time of full eruption: 18.3±1.87 years
・ The success rate of third molar eruption after extraction of mandibular second molars was 100%, and 58.7% showed favorable occlusion
・ The intial angle, vertical and horizontal position of the mandibular third molar had no significant effects on the final occlusion
・ Age and enough space for the mandibular third molars were tuberosity space were factors that affected final occlusion of the third molars
Miscellaneous (その他)
- Three-Dimensional Analysis of Tooth Movement in Class I Bimaxillary Protrusion Treatment En-Masse or Two-Step Space Closure: A Randomized Clinical TrialSergio Caetano et al EOS 2023IMG_20230613_144923709
No significant differences between the amount of anchorage loss and incisor retraction between EM nad TSR
- Heo Wet et al. Angle Orthod 2007, Xu TM et al. AJODO 2010, Schneider PP et al. Angle Orthod 2019
- conclusions
- En masse and two step space closure techniques are similar in relation to anterior tooth movement and anchorage loss of posterior teeth. Anchorage loss is greater in the upper arech and may demand reinforcement
Prove it to me and I still won't believe it: separating truth from bias and wishful thinking in orthodontics Spyros Papageorgiou. EOS 2023
Topic #1: Prefabricated myofunctional appliances → No
Topic #2: Class II correction after maxillary expansion → No
Topic #3: Aligners instead fixed braces → No
Topic #4: Definite (long-term) effects from early Class II correction → Yes
Topic #5: Effect of Orthodontics on Airway & Breathing → No
Topic #1: Orthodontic management of Adults with Obstructive Sleep Apnes →
Topic #2: Orthodontic contribution in treating Adults with severe (stage IV) periodontitis →
Topic #3: Orthodontic contribution for Adults in need of Prosthetic Rehabiltation →
Direct Printed Orthodntic Appliances: Where are We Now? (Dr.Simon Graf)
The MDD applies to a great variety of more than 400,000 different medical devices. Therefore, a classification system is necessary. This classification into four classes is based on the intended application of the products and the risk potential associated with each individual product.Essentially, all devices fall into four basic catetories: (http://dx.doi.org/10.5272/jimab.2015211.705)
・Class I - Provided non-sterile or do not have a measuring function (low risk)
・Class I - Provided sterile and/or have a measuring function (low/medium risk)
Examples in dentistry include noninvasive products, such as adhesive bandages for small wounds, invasive products (for transient contact with the body, such as impression materials and materials for bite registration); reusable surgical instruments.
・Class IIa (meduim risk)
Examples in dentistry include surgically invasive products (for longer than transient contact with the body), such as pit and fissure sealants and filling materials and sryringes and needles for dental anesthetic cartridges; active therapeutic products without potential risk, such as dental hand pieces; active diagnostic products, such as appliances for detemining pulp vitality.
・Class IIb (medium/high risk)
Examples in dentistry include dental implants;
Contraceptives; condomes; active therapeutic appliances with potential risk, such as electrosurgical devices; ionizing radiation.
・Class II (high risk)
Examples include products for life-maintaing functions; products with druglike effect
Orthodontic learnig journey(J.Kuruger et al.J Pers Soc Peych 1999) (Dr.井上の意見:歯科矯正専門医の学習曲線です。まさに、このとおりです。私はlast stageですが、このlast stageに達するまでに数十年かかりました。今でも、毎年、国際学会に出席して勉強してますが、終わりが見えない)
1st stage: 最初の頃は、"私は、どんな症例でも治療できる。アドバイスはいらない"と思っている
2nd stage: しばらくすると、いろんな副作用に出会う
3rd stage: そして、"私には矯正治療の副作用や後戻りに対応するテクニックがない"と考えるようになる
4th stage: しばらくして、"矯正治療というのは、最初に考えていたよりも複雑だな"と考えるようになる
last stage: 最後には、"私の矯正治療のテクニックは上達しつつある。出来るかぎり勉強していこう"と考えるようになる
Facial, skeletal, and dental effects of botulinum toxin injection in human masseter (Jenny Jaehee Jeon, et al. AAO 2021)
- Effect of BTX in masseter
- ・were in the facial dimension
- ・skeletal & dental dimensions → unaffected
- Clinical applications
- ・Combine BTX injections with orthodontics
- ・Slim the lower facial profile
- ・↓ bruxism, myofacial pain & bite force w/out skeletal and dental changes
- Conclusions
Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) Analysis of Metallic and Aestheticbrackets before and after Debonding (Jacqueline A.R.C at al. AAO 2021) (Dr井上の意見:bracketのdebonding時の歯の表面の損傷についての発表です)
- Conclusions
- Althogh our results concur with clinically adequet values, we found enamel loss in 6.66%, whick should not have drastic clinical consequences in the formation of lesions or erosion, since it is clear that, during the removal of brackets, enamel loss is almost ineviatble, in addition to the fact that there is no association between SBS and the presence of enamel. (Dr井上の意見:SBSとは、Shear Bond Strength Test)
- In most of the samples we found less than 50% of adhesive remaining on the enamel.
Untreated root fracture: is the orthodontic treatment viable?
The result demonstrated that it is possible to move untreated root fractured teeth spontaneouly healed maintaining the pulp vitality, provided careful othodontic management is taken.
The Effect of Every Visit Repacement of Working Archwire on Premolar Extraction Space Closure Rami (Aami A et al. AAO 2021)
- Group 1
- the same 0.019X0.025-inch SS archwire on the allocated side was kept througout all the visits during space closure.
- Group 2
- the 0.019X0.025-inch SS archwire was replace with a new archwire each visit using joining hook.
- Patients were subdivided into 2 groups
- The 0,019X0.025-inch SS archwire in the upper arch was split 2 halves in the midline and each one half was connected to the other by a wide joining hook.
- Elastomeric power chain from first molar to first molar was used to close extraction spaces.
- All patients were reviwed within a 4-week interval.
The rate of upper premolar space closure was similar when the same 0.019X0.025-inch SS working archwire was used each visit or when it was replaced with a new wire monthly.
Quantitative and Qualitative Examination of Anterior Tooth Crack in the Korean Population: A Cross-sectional Study (Zheng YC et al. AAO 2021)
A total 764 teeth from 68 subjects were included in the present study, 247, 267, and 250 teeth for young (18≦age≦34, N=22), middle (35≦age≦50, N=23), and elderly (age≧51, N=23) groups, respectively. After all the tooth evaluation, a totally of 291 cracks were detected from 764 teeth.
No crack on the tooth
221 teeth in the young group (N=247)
208 teeth in ghe middle group (N=267)
145 teeth in th elderly group (N=250)
The prevalence of cracked teeth increased significantly with age in the young and middle age, and increased more rapidly with age after 50 years old. The length of crack tended to increase with age, but not statistically significant.
Orthodontic Movement of Upper Central Incisor Across the Midline (Rocio Compuzano et al. AAO 2021)
This case reports presented successfully the orthodontic space closure and substituition of maxillary teeth in a growing patient with a Class I malocclusion, moving a central incisor across the midline, avoiding the use of dental implants or prosthetic treatments such as bridges. Moving a central incisor across the midline causes, equalluy the movement of the midpatalal suture according the the tooth moved.
- 心理的な要素
- □ 1.歯ならびに満足していない
□ 2.歯ならびに劣等感がある
□ 3.歯ならびに対する異性の視線が気になる
□ 4.歯ならびを友達がからかう
□ 5.矯正治療をしたいと思う
□ 6.整った歯ならびを持つ友達を見ると羨ましくなる - 社会経済的な要素
- □ 7.歯ならびの問題を解決してくれる歯科医を知っている
□ 8.家庭の経済事情により矯正治療を受けれない - 矯正治療によって得られるもの
- □ 9.自分の歯ならびに自信が持てる
□ 10.歯ならびにに満足する
□ 11.スマイル時の歯ならびに満足する
□ 12.鏡を見た時に自分の歯ならびに満足する
□ 13.自分の歯ならびが他の人に魅力的に見える - 社会的な要素
- □ 14.歯ならびに劣等感があるので、他人と接したくない
□ 15.話す時に手で歯を隠す
□ 16.笑う時に手で歯を隠す - 機能的な要素
- □ 17.話す時に発音しにくい
□ 18.食べにくい
□ 19.食べにくいので、食べない食べ物がある
□ 20.顎関節がおかしい - Psychological impact
- 1.Not satisfied with teeth position
2.Inferiority feeling
3.Bothered about what members of opposite sex thinks about my teeth
4.Friends have made fun
5.Felt like getting brace treatment
6.Distressed when I see nice teeth others/dd> - Socio economic
- 7.Opportunity to meet a dentist would have reduced my problem
8.Family income affects my treatment options - Orthodontic self confidence
- 9.Proud of my theeth
10.Satisfied with teeth position
11.Satisfied with teeth position during smile
12.Satisfied with teeth position when I see in mirror
13.My teeth are attractive to others - Social impact
- 14.Kept away from public functions
15.Covers the teeth with hand while talking
16.Covers the teeth with hands while laughing - Functional impact
- 17.Difficulty in pronouncing words
18.Difficulty in chewing foods
19.Avoid eating some foods
20.Had problems with jaw joints
How to develop and validate a questionare of orthodontic research (Elbe Peteret al.)(DR井上の意見:矯正治療の臨床医として、患者さまが何を期待して矯正治療を開始しようと考えているのかを知ることも重要でしょう)
可撤式矯正装置のcomplianceについてのreview and meta-analysis (Dalya Al-Moghrabd et al. AJODO 2017)
- Headgear: 5.8 hrs less than requested/day (59% compliance)
Functional appliances: 5.7 hrs less (62% compliance)
Maxillary removable appliance: 3.5 hrs less (77% compliance)
Hawley retainers: 4.6 hrs less (65% compliance)
clear aligner のcompliance (James M.Crouse. J Clin Orthod 2018)
- Overall, 13% were judged as poor cooperators
27% of 14-15 year olds were poor cooperators
21% of 16-17 and 20-29 year olds were poor cooperators
顎間ゴムのcompliance (Helen J.Veeroo et al. AJODO 2014)
- Average use of elastics was 49.5% of ideal (range: 16-76%) (without the motivating intervention)
- エビデンスに基づいたテクノロジー(Sanjivan Kandasamy et al., AAO 2017)(Dr.井上の意見:いろいろな論文を引用して結論を導き出している)
- セルフ・ライゲーティング・ブラケットは @摩擦を少なくする A治療期間短縮 B痛みや不快感が少ない C抜歯を少なくできる Dヘッド・ギアは必要ない E上顎拡大装置は必要ない F骨を成長させる G舌位置をwake upする といわれているが、実際には、@蓋を開け閉めするだけなのでチェアー・タイムの減少 Aワイヤーがスロットにきっちりとキープされる B後方牽引のときに犬歯の捻転が少ないだけだ。
- Suresmileは、@マーケティングの勝利であり、A診療システムの確立、治療計画、治療のビジュアル化、治療期間と治療結果、新しい矯正治療テクニックに興味のある先生には理想的だ。
- バイブレーションは、@歯の移動速度を速くする A破骨細胞を増加する B繊維芽細胞と破骨細胞にRANKLが作用しやすくする Cセルフ・ライゲーション・ブラケットにおいて摩擦を減少させる と言われているが、エビデンスがなく、$1000 - Daily Use - 0.37mm at best - No real benefit
- 従来の固定式装置の治療期間は18−24ヶ月であるが、一方、CBCT + Self Ligation(治療期間25%減少) + SURESMILE(治療期間40%減少) + ACCELEDENT(治療期間50%減少) なら治療期間1-3ヶ月だな。
- 各国の不正咬合の発現率 (Soh.H et al. Occlusal Status in Asian Male Adults Angle Orthodontics: Vol 75 no5 pp814-820) (?, JAO2016)
Class I | Class II | Class III | |
USA | 54% | 40% | 3-5% |
Europe | 54% | 40% | 6% |
China | 50% | 25% | 25% |
Japan | 50% | 37% | 13% |
APAC | 58% | 29% | 13% |
抜歯率の変遷 (data from publications) (?, EOS2016)
1902 | Angle | 0.2% |
1913 | Case | 6.5% |
1931 | Friel | 8.0% |
1953 | Proffit | 30.0% |
1963 | Proffit | 70.0% |
1966 | Tweed | 80.0% |
1979 | Peck | 42.0% |
1993 | Proffit | 28.0% |
2000 | Damom | <5.0% |
2010 | Greenfield | <1.5% |
The "Decision Tree" for Full Orthodontic Tx (?, EOS2016)
Peck & Savusalo Practice, Boston 2015 | Typical "NonExtraction" Practice, 2015 | |
Tx recommended @ | >85% | 〜100% |
@のうちNonSurgical A | >90% | >99% |
AのうちNonEx | >75% | >98.5% |
Fixed retention | <5% | >95% |
Removable retention | >95% | <5% |